The eyes

Chapter 1-Sickness

Author's note: Lucy has a new feeling and it's overwhelming... especially when the new feeling is for Edmund.

Lucy has sixteen years, Edmund has eighteen, Susan has twenty years and Peter twenty-one.

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. They belong to C.S Lewis.


Lucy opened her eyes, startled. Thunders and lightning. She threw a peek on the window, only to see a terrifying image for her. She hated storms. And even though she had sixteen years old, she was still scared of them. Lucy found herself staring at the ceiling, from her room, inside Cair Paravel. The sheets made of silk surrounded her body like a soft touch. Another thunder and Lucy jumped from her bed. She couldn't stand there anymore. Not alone. With her bare feet on the cold floor, she opened the door slowly and checked the corridor. It was clear. No one in sight. Lucy couldn't go to Peter for comfort, because he had more important problems to resolve than her fear of storms and Edmund was out of the question. He would mock her and laugh at her. Susan. She was the solution.

Lucy started to walk on her tiptoes in the dark, empty hall looking for Susan's bedroom. Ugh. Even after all these years it was hard for her to find something in that place. And the darkness made her searching much more difficult than she expected. A light covered the walls, for a moment, scaring Lucy to death. That meant the thunder was next. Even though Lucy was called "The Valiant", she still feared thunders. That was her weakness. The force of the nature.

Lucy's feet were shaking like two leaves in the wind's blow, when she heard the sky's explosion. "Ok, Lucy. Calm down!" she screamed inside her mind. "Susan's room. Susan's room. It's right on the left… no, on the right. Yes. On the right, this door!"

Lucy smiled with a happy look on her face. She was standing right in front of the door that belonged to her sister's chamber. That wasn't very hard. "Now knock. Actually, don't. She might not hear you. Just enter like you used to do when you were younger. Susan will know it's you. She will just smile and pat on your back. Just enter".

She pushed the doorknob, closed the door without making a sound and turned around. She couldn't see very well, but noticed a dark silhouette under the covers that was sleeping noisily. "That's weird. Susan usually sleeps quietly." Lucy shrugged and approached to the bed, sliding under the covers, next to her sister, and trying to see her features, but she couldn't realize a thing. Then Lucy put a hand on Susan's cheek to wake her.

"Susan…" Lucy whispered. "Susan… I know it isn't the right moment… Susan are you listening to me? Susan? Wake up! Wake up, Susan!"

Lucy started shaking her sister. Only that… It was very strange. Susan's shoulders weren't so big. Lucy touched the hair. It was too short to be Susan's hair.

"Just five more minutes, mom…" A low voice muttered. "It's too low to be Susan's voice." Lucy realized, alarmed. The thunder hit the sky again, making Lucy to scream from all her lungs and to put her arms around the sleepy form in a bone crushing hug.

"What the...?!"

Edmund swore. Then a long sentence formed of "dirty" words came from his mouth. He suddenly stood up, pushing the creature who was trying to destroy him by crushing his bones, and fell from the bed with a hard thud, yelling in pain. He crept on the floor until he touched the wall and switched on the light, narrowing his eyes. Edmund saw Lucy in his bed, staring at him with her big, blue eyes.

"What are you doing in my bed, Lucy?!" he asked her, with a big frown on his face.

"I'm… I'm sorry, Ed." Lucy said embarrassed, avoiding his gaze. "I thought this is Susan's room."

"Well, now you know it isn't Susan's room! I can't believe this! A normal boy can't sleep peacefully, without being interrupted by someone who's trying to ambush him!" Edmund shrieked.

"I said I'm sorry!" Lucy snapped. "I was scared and I thought I could get some comfort from my sister. I'm not used with this place, yet."
Edmund sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. Then he lifted his eyes, with a big grin on his face. "There he goes again." Lucy thought, rolling her eyes.

"Why are you scared, Lu?" Edmund told her, laughing.

"Oh, shut up." She said irritated, but she forgot about her brother's annoying comment, when the storm made a big noise, again. Lucy looked at Ed with her eyes wide with fear, only to meet a mocking face.

"I better go to find Susan's room." Lucy announced, standing up and walking to the door. Edmund quickly blocked her way, watching his sister with a smug look on his face.

"Where do you think you're going? You won't find Susan's bedroom, I assure you."

"Well, if you imagine I will stay with you, you're wrong. I'm not going to tolerate your mean comments and your laughs all night. Just get out of my way."

Lucy tried to reach the doorknob, passing next to Edmund, but he caught her hand just in time. The girl jumped in surprise when she saw his dark, hypnotizing eyes, and gave up. He switched off the light and put his arm around her middle, dragging Lucy in bed. She was aware of what was happening, but she couldn't control it. Lucy lay on his bed, waiting for her brother to do the same, but Edmund just studied her. After a while, he touched Lucy in a strange way that scared her, caressing her hip, then her face and then… He stopped, retreating his hand and making Lucy to open her eyes, confused.

"What's wrong, Edmund?" she asked with an innocent voice, but he just stood near the bed, without moving. "Edmund?" Lucy said, dumbfounded.

"Just go, Luce." He muttered angry.


"Because I said so."

"But I don't want to leave." Lucy responded. "Please, Edmund. Why don't you…?"

"Don't you what?" Lucy thought, realizing that Edmund was right. She should have gone from his room. But she didn't want to go. She desired his touch. She wanted Edmund's hands on her back and his lips on her lips. Lucy trembled at these thoughts, remaining like a lifeless doll on the bed, in front of him, gazing at the empty space. Then she felt his hand again and his body over hers. Edmund kissed her mouth with passion, without even thinking, and Lucy's fingers played with his black hair. The girl started to unbutton his shirt, but Edmund stopped her, with a weird smile.

"Don't do that, Lucy, I'm your brother."

The thunder awoke Lucy. She put a hand on her chest and noticed that her heart was beating very fast. She touched her forehead and felt her own sweat. Even her hair was soaked. "So it was just a dream." She thought, feeling very awkward. Lucy waited and tried to regain her normal breathing, exhaling. Then all her thoughts gathered around her brother. Lucy couldn't tell anyone about that dream. She remembered Edmund's face and felt how her cheeks were growing red. Why did her own brother make her feel like that? She knew it was wrong. Lucy didn't even get along with Edmund. She was closer with Peter or Susan than with him. Lucy checked her beautiful, blue night dress and observed that it was wet. Her sheets were wet from the sweat, too. She decided to go and drink a glass of water, but she remembered that she wasn't used with Cair Paravel's halls. The youngest Pevensie didn't realize when she fell asleep. It just happened, suddenly. Fortunately, Lucy didn't dream about Edmund, anymore. When she opened her eyelids, the sun was entering in her room, touching Lucy's pale face with its warm light. She heard a faint noise and noticed Susan, throwing her dresses from the big, wooden wardrobe with a desperate look on her face.

"Where is it?!" Susan hummed annoyed, studying her sister's clothes.

"Hi, Su" Lucy smiled warmly. "Can I help you?"

Susan leapt in surprise, glancing at Lucy.

"Oh, Luce" She muttered, sighing. "Did you see my red dress? I looked everywhere and I hoped I could find it in your room."

"No. But why do you need your red dress?" the blue eyed girl asked, confused.

"Oh my God!" Susan screeched. "Don't tell me you have forgotten!"


"Today it's the great ball, Lu. You know, when all the other nations are gathering here to celebrate the peace that we have managed to keep for such a long time, since our arrival in Narnia as kings and queens?"

Lucy slapped her own forehead, exasperated.

"Why do you make such a big deal, Susan? It's just a ball. That's boring."

"Boring?!" her older sister squealed. "It's boring when all men come and ask you to dance with them? Boring when you talk and laugh all night with kings and knights?"

Lucy didn't continue that pointless discussion and jumped from her bed, opening the door.

"Where are you going?" Susan asked, scandalized by Lucy's indifference.

"I'm going to say to Peter that I don't want to attend the ball. I desire to spend this day in the Western Woods."

Susan tried to keep her patience.

"You are really stubborn sometimes. This isn't a regular ball, Lucy. It's like… the greatest ball from the last few hundred years. Your presence is needed there. And you can't walk on the corridor dressed in your nightgown! The royal majesties from the other lands are starting to arrive. We cannot let them see you like that! Come here!"

Susan dragged an annoyed Lucy near the wardrobe and checked all the dresses.

"I think this is perfect for the occasion!" She smiled, showing a long, green robe, with a black flower, sewed on the right side. Lucy snatched the cloth from Susan's hands, staring frustrated at her, then she changed quickly, feeling how the dress was embracing the forms of her body.

"Happy now?" She asked, sarcastic.

"Oh, Lucy, you look lovely! But your hair is a mess."

"Oh, please!" growled the young girl, trying to escape from Susan's obsession about the hair. "I'm outta here!" She told her sister, slamming the door, before Susan could respond her.

Lucy decided that it was better if she would take a long walk in Cair Paravel's large garden, to clear her mind, but she couldn't get rid off the guests that have already arrived at the castle. All kind of creatures and a lot of humans followed her, questioning Lucy, complimenting her dress and even asking her hand in marriage. She couldn't stand anymore all the pressure and hid in a bush. When she was sure that no one was around there, Lucy ran with all her speed through the gardens, back in Cair Paravel's halls. She threw a look behind to see if someone was following her, only to bump into Edmund, making both of them to fall on the ground. Edmund stoop up frustrated, with his head still spinning from the shock, but his anger faltered when he saw Lucy's state. Actually, he began to laugh.

"You look like a forest freak!" he cracked, pointing a finger at her.

Lucy stood up as well, wrinkling her brow.

"Give me a break! They have all gone mad!"

"Who?" he grinned. "Your fans?"

Lucy didn't respond. She gawked at his face, looking like she was in a trance.

"Hello?" Edmund asked, lifting a hand in front of her eyes. "Savage girl! Earth to Lucy!"

Lucy shivered, trying to erase her memories from the strange dream that she had about Edmund. But she couldn't. All she saw was his face… and his eyes… and…

"Lucy!!" Edmund yelled in her ear.

"Geez, Ed!" She said, coming back to reality. "You almost provoked me a heart attack!"

"Well, I am really worried about you, Luce. For a moment there, I thought you lost your mind. What's wrong with your hair? I think some leaves are growing from it" He snickered.

"What?!" Lucy said surprised, touching her hair and discovering leaves and cracks in it.

"Here, let me help you." Edmund told her, but Lucy took a step back, alarmed.

"No!" She yelped. "Don't come any closer!"

"Why?!" Edmund asked, petrified.

"Just don't!"

"But why, Lucy?"

"Because you are scary!" Lucy lied, with a weird face.

Edmund stopped dead in his tracks, tangled.

"Have you taken some pills or have you hit your head in a wall?" He spoke, mocking his sister.

Lucy cringed. She didn't want to approach to Edmund because she was afraid. Afraid of her feelings for him. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"I am sick and I don't want to give you my illness."

"But yesterday you were perfectly fine!"

"I caught a cold and I woke up dizzy in the morning."

"Aww, you poor thing." Edmund grinned, ironic. "That's why you are saying words without sense like a crazy person. Don't worry. I'm not scared of your sickness."

He put a hand on her forehead and Lucy automatically lifted her face with a dreamy look, feeling very warm.

"You really have a fever!" Edmund frowned. "I thought you were kidding."

Lucy continued watching his face, smiling.

"And you act very strange… You don't usually smile like that. We better talk to Peter. I don't think you can stay at the ball like this."

Lucy squealed with delight inside her head, but she tried not to look too happy. Her brother took her hand and Lucy intertwined her fingers with his, giggling and receiving a scared look from Edmund.

"Peter!" Edmund yelled, knocking desperately.

The older brother opened the door, startled.


Edmund stepped aside, revealing Lucy.

"Lu!" Peter exclaimed, catching her arm and taking her on the bed, followed by a bewildered Edmund.

"What's wrong with her?" Peter asked his brother.

"She's sick. I don't think she can stand at the ball. What if she faints? I mean, look at her. I met Lu on the hall and she said a lot of senseless things."

"Things like what?"

"She said that I am scary."

"Well, that's a normal sentence. She just described you." Peter chuckled.

Edmund dashed with his fists tense.

"Ed." Lucy stopped him. "I don't think violence will resolve my problem."

Lucy started to believe that her brothers were right. She really felt sick. Her head hurt badly and she was sensing a tight knot in her stomach. Especially when Edmund was around her. That was abnormal. She couldn't avoid him in every moment of her life.

Edmund calmed himself, throwing a dangerous look in Peter's direction.

"Lucy." Peter said, ignoring Edmund, who was making funny faces behind his back. "Do you feel nauseous?"

"Um… Not really. I just felt dizzy. That's all. But now I am better." She smiled optimistic.

"Trust me, Peter." Edmund interfered. "She will scare a lot of people at the ball. They will all run from her and the ball will stop. You don't want the mighty Susan's anger upon us, do you?" He laughed with a mean face.

Lucy looked at him hurt.

"Why would they run from me?" She asked offended.

"Because you're crazy. Look at you. Lucy, the holy spirit of the woods!" He scoffed her.

"Shut up!" She yelled insulted. "Get out of this room!"

"Why, holy spirit of the woods?" Edmund smirked, pleased that he succeeded to annoy Lucy. "It's not even your room. It's Peter's."

"You are making me sick! My stomach hurts because of you!" Lucy cried, wincing.

Peter and Edmund watched her with dazed looks on their features. Then, Peter turned at Edmund, furious.

"What did you do to her, punk?!" The oldest Pevensie scolded him, but Edmund raised his hands in front of him, defending himself.

"Nothing, I swear! I told you she is crazy but you didn't listen to me!"

"I am not crazy!" Lucy leapt, provoked. "I told you the truth! My stomach really hurts when I see Edmund!"

Peter burst out laughing when he saw Edmund's outraged face.

"What's wrong with you?! Do I really cause you nausea? My face is disfigured or what?!" He yelled angry, but Lucy just stared at him in pain.

"I am sorry, Ed. Get out. I think I will throw up if you scream at me again." She said, looking down, guilty.

Edmund gazed at Lucy, with his dark eyes wide, taken aback, then made a disgusted face and slammed the door behind him.

"Did you really mean it, Lu?" Peter asked, disoriented.

His sister nodded quietly, with a sad face.

"Why does Ed make you feel like that?" Peter told her, worried.

"I…I am not sure. I can't tell you, Pete. But I know that I can't stay around Edmund. Not for a while, anyway."