Okay this is my first fic ever i know its going to be bad

well this fic is a itasaso and deisaso

so enjoy



Chapt # 1 Pain

Sasori closed his eyes and sighed he and Deidara had, had a ANOTHER fight.


'what the hell un?!'

'Deidara why don't you ju-'

'Why the hell would I need help? I can manage on my own its my life and I can do what I feel like it un!'

They were currently fighting about how Deidara was living, and Sasori wanted Deidara to move into his house (Sasori's house is a mansion OvO) but Deidara refused to move into his house

Deidara's house or 'shackle' had one room for the bedroom, Kitchen, Lounge and The bathroom was an outside toilet room so in total: 2 rooms

'I don't need a Fucking pity from you!'

'But Deidara-'

'shut it un!'

'But Deidara i….' this was it Sasori was going to confess his feelings he had for Deidara.


'I..I..LOVE YOU Deidara' Sasori closed his eyes waiting for his response which was….


Sasori opened his eyes feel a burning pain in his right cheek.


'The if you love me un you will GET LOST!'

Sure Deidara loved Sasori but his anger was pretty much had control over him right now so he couldn't think properly.

Deidara noticed what had just happened when Sasori was half way out the door.

'Sasori Wa-'


The door was slammed shut before Deidara could say any more Deidara fell to his knees wishing that they had never had that fight.


It had been at least a week since then Sasori had not gone to school or answered anything he was all alone in a huge house (lives by himself)

Sasori thought about those words that Deidara had said to him 'if you love me the you will get lost!' that made Sasori's stomach drop to his feet, making him feel sick.

If Deidara didn't want him here or near him Sasori would grant his wish. After all the School year was almost over any way at least 2 days (including today) and he could go to school tomorrow because he had no subjects with Deidara except homeroom. But It would be easy to avoid him.

Sasori sighed again and rolled onto his stomach his bed was messy he couldn't be bothered right now to clean it he felt to sick to any way.


No its not the end X3 its just the beginning well ho hum I know its really gay but I hoped you liked it ….