Blaise groaned inwardly when he heard the clear voice of a child. He pretended to be asleep and hoped little Valentin would start to pester his mother instead.
"Daddy? Daddy? Are you awake? Daddy?"
Blaise heard a low growl from Pansy's side of the bed.
"Daddy? Daddy?"
Pansy aimed a very sharp 'guess who will be sleeping in the guest-room if you don't make him shut up' kick to his leg. Blaise grimaced and lifted his face from the pillow he had buried it to.
"Yes, Tino?"
"Can I sleep between you and Mummy tonight?"
Blaise rubbed his eyes. "Sure. Now, next time you want to ask that, you could wake up Mummy instead."
Valentin shook his black curls. "No, I can't wake Mummy up."
"Because she is asleep and you are not, Daddy."
Pansy's body trembled a bit when she tried not to laugh and Blaise wanted to kick her in return.
"Fine. Now, go to sleep."
About twenty minutes later Blaise heard the bedroom door opening and someone sneaking in. He squeezed his eyes shut and hoped the girl would want to wake up Pansy, not him.
Oh no.
He could sense how Pansy opened her eyes and glared at him.
Maybe it was just better to give in.
"Yes, honey?"
Venus' eyes were even larger and darker here than in the broad daylight. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
Blaise lifted her between Valentin and himself. "There. Why didn't you wake Mummy up?"
Venus shrugged and curled against her twin. Valentin grimaced, but didn't push her away.
"Mummy is sleeping", she commented after a while and pointed at Pansy, who pretended to be asleep. What a deceitful woman.
"Fine. Now go to sleep. Both of you."
Ten minutes later Blaise was almost gliding to sleep's welcoming arms, but then –
Now what? Both of their children were already in the bed between them.
"Daddy?" Tino's voice, heavy with drowsiness.
"I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too, Daddy", informed Venus who sounded even more sleepy than her brother.
Blaise patted them on their heads. "I love you too. Now go to sleep."
"Blaise?" Pansy's eyes were still closed.
"If you and the children won't stop babbling right now, you will be sleeping in the guest-room."