Um, this is the first chapter of "You and me" hope you like it… if I get good reviews I will continue…

Chapter 1

Ginny's POV

I was lying in Harry's bed; my head snuggled against his chest. Last night I had snuck here because I couldn't sleep. Well, Harry and I hadn't slept so much last night anyway. If mom knew what we were doing she would totally freak and give me the "You could get pregnant Ginerva!" speech. I looked out the window and it was a beautiful summer day

I sat up in the bed and looked at Harry. He was still sleeping and his black hair was even messier than usual. I stroke his cheek with the back of my hand and his eyes fluttered.

"Good morning honey," I whispered and leaned down to kiss him. He smiled and pulled me back on top of him.

"Hi there…" he said. We began kissing again and I slid one hand into his hair. I glanced at the watch. Only 7.30. There was no hurry to get up; no one would bother us for at least one hour.

"Harry, breakfast's…AAAHH!" Ron had walked in the room. Harry's face got bright red and I quickly covered myself up with the sheet.

"What the hell are you two doing!?" Ron's ears had gotten really red. Then he saw the clothes on the floor. "Did you just have SEX!?"

"Shut up Ron!" I whispered angrily at him. "Mom will hear you!"

"No she won't, she and dad are on a shopping trip!"

"Ron calm down, I can explain…" Harry said but Ron interrupted him.

"Explain what? Why you two are IN BED WITH EACH OTHER WITHOUT ANY CLOTHES ON!"

"What's going on?" Hermione had entered the room and went to stand next to Ron.

"They slept together!" Ron yelled.

"You and Hermione have sex too, she told me!" I shouted at him. Hermione blushed.

"It's not the same thing…" Ron said but he blushed too.

"How is it different?" I asked him and he looked a bit taken back now.


"Just get out, I have to get dressed." Ron glared at me and muttered something to himself but he turned around and stormed out of the room. Hermione shot us an apologizing look and followed him, closing the door after her. I looked at Harry. He looked embarrassed and his face was still bright red.

"Ops!" I said and we both laughed.

"He'll get over it Harry," I reassured him.

"Yeah, I know."

"Now, maybe we should get up or Ron will wonder what we're doing." I got out of the bed and didn't even care I was naked. I could feel Harry's stare and smiled, and then I started to pick up my clothes and put them on.

"You're really beautiful, you know," Harry said. I smiled even bigger and went over to kiss him.

"You really should get dressed too, or Ron will come and check if we're at it again." He laughed but he still got up and put on a pair of jeans and yesterday's shirt. We walked down the stairs hand in hand.

Ron was sitting by the Burrow's big kitchen table, still looking pissed. When he heard us coming he shot an angry look at Harry and the returned to his massive portion of bacon.

"What's your problem Ron?" Harry said and now he sounded really mad.

"My problem is that you're doing it with my sister! She's only seventeen for Merlin's sake! And you aren't even married yet!"

"You and Hermione aren't married either!"

"How do you even know what we do in bed? It's not like we told you."

"The walls are thin, and you both suck at silencing charms…" Harry muttered and grabbed a sandwich from the pile on the table. Both Ron's and Hermione's faces turned into a deep shade of red. I held in a laughter. Hermione's room was right next to Harry's.

"How long are mom and dad going to be gone?" I asked as an attempt to change the subject. Hermione looked grateful.

"Probably all day, maybe ´til tomorrow," Ron said. He still looked mad, but he looked more embarrassed. Then he shot a warning look at me and Harry. "But don't get any ideas, if I find out about you two doing it again I WILL tell mom."

"Oh please Ronald!" Hermione said and hit him playfully in the arm. "It's their own business!" He ignored her and focused on his bacon instead.

"So what are we supposed to do today?" Harry asked with his mouth full of sandwich.

"We could play quidditch in the backyard!" I suggested. Harry and Ron nodded eagery.

"Yeah, that would be fun!" Ron said.

"But it's raining!" Hermione complained.

"Don't worry; you don't have to play, love!" Ron said and sighed. Harry and I laughed.

We quickly finished our breakfast and went outside to the quidditch field. Even though it was August it was very cold. We were outside playing for hours. When we got in we were of course really cold and wet, but Hermione had made a fire in the living room so we quickly dried up. Harry and I were sitting on the couch kissing when Ron walked in. He looked a little repelled but let it pass. I smiled against Harry's lips and tightened the embrace. He had no idea we weren't the only people in the room. I felt him getting more exited. He pushed me down on my back so that he was on top of me. Ron cleared his throat, and Harry quickly looked up. He blushed and climbed off me.

"Ron! Why did you have to ruin the moment?" I said to Ron teasingly. He just snorted.

"Hey Gin, you wanna come out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" Harry asked me.

"Shore! Where are we going?"

"Oh, I thought we'd go to the silver owl in London! We could apparate there!"

"That sounds great!" I said and kissed him.

We were lying on the couch all night, snuggling and kissing. Ron and Hermione went upstairs to their room pretty soon. Harry's hands were all over me, one thing led to another and we made love on the couch. Afterwards we were laying there naked.

"What would people think if they saw us now?" I asked and giggled. He chuckled and kissed me. Then we heard a big bam like when some one apparated.

"Oh crap! It has to be mom and dad! They must have got home early!" I whispered in panic. "If they found us here they would kill us both!" Harry quickly picked up his wand from the floor and whispered "Accio clothes!" The clothes flew towards us and we threw them on. At the same time as I pulled my shirt over my head mum walked in the room.

"Hello dears, did you have a nice day?" She asked and kissed me on the cheek.

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said and she kissed him on the cheek too.

"For the hundredth time Harry, call me Molly. You're practically family!"

"Mum, we're really tired. Could you clean up here so that we can go to sleep?"

"Of course Ginny! Good night!" She hugged me and Harry and I walked up the stairs.

"Harry, could you come sleep with me. Just sleep. It's so comforting having you there," I said and did my puppy face. He smiled and hugged me.

"How could I say no to you?" We got inside the room and I changed to my PJs. Harry crawled down in my tiny bed and pressed himself to the wall so that I had some room next to him. I got in and he put his arm around my waist. We fell asleep almost immediately.

I know it's fluffy but that's just me! Kind of short chapter. If I get nice reviews I will continue, if I don't get any I don't know if I will…