Yay, post-war Kataang goodness! This is listed under Kataang but I'm going to include some Tokka, so anyone who doesn't like that ship, be warned.

The Laws Haven't Changed


It was another one of those boring days. I was sitting at my desk right, writing a letter to Bumi, asking him how Omashu was and such. Nothing of interest at all...

There was a sudden, loud cawing noise in the sky outside my window. I looked up to see a very familiar messenger hawk flying towards me.

"Hawky!" I shouted excitedly, crooking my elbow and holding my forearm out for the messenger bird to land on. He cawed at me again as I hastily pulled the rolled up scroll out of the tube on his back. I tore off the blue ribbon around it and pulled it open, grinning at Katara's neat handwriting as I began reading.

'Dear Aang,

I still miss you with all my heart, even to this very day. Do you know when you'll be able to come visit us again? Please come by as soon as you can, I'm dying to see you.

A family from our sister tribe arrived a few weeks ago with a little girl who wants to learn waterbending from me. After practice today she asked me if I really knew the Avatar. I've been asked that so many times lately. You're a huge hero to my people.

But I have some exciting news for you. My sixteenth birthday is in two weeks! So by the time you get this it will be in one week I assume? Anyway, I know Sokka's going to get back at me for the little prank I pulled on him on his sixteenth birthday last year.

Well, I had better get back to doing my chores. Say hi to Zuko for me!



Panic bubbled up in my throat and my jaw dropped. I ran to my door, pulling it open and tearing down the hall to Zuko's room, shouting his name at the top of my lungs.


"Zuko, Zuko, Zuko, Zuko!" I heard someone shout. I looked up as my door was flung open and Aang stood there, looking extremely flustered and pale. A small gust of wind followed him into my room.

"What is it? Did something happen?" I stood; fearing the worst.

"Look!" he said, thrusting a letter in my face.

It was from Katara. I took it from him and scanned it quickly, expecting her to mention that something horrible had happened any second, but there was nothing. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Aang, confused at his strange state. "Uhm…You can tell her I say hi too I guess. Is this all you had to show me?"

"No, look here!" he said, pointing at the third paragraph.

"She's turning sixteen? Tell her I say congra—"

"Do you not know what this means?" he said, cutting me off.

I shook my head and he smacked his forehead tatoo in exasperation, dragging it down his face slowly.

"Sorry if I'm not familiar with Water Tribe customs…" I said.

"When a girl turns sixteen in the Water Tribe, she's of marrying age!" Aang said.

"Oh," I said, slowly putting together what Aang was talking about. "So…are you going to propose to her or something?"

He gulped. "Well, of course. But how?! I can't just ask her through a letter! It has to be special! I have to make her a necklace and everything!"

"So make one. It shouldn't be too hard," I said and shrugged, handing him the letter back.

"I know, but how am I supposed to ask her? Should I fly down there?"

"Hm…" I said, mulling it over in my mind. Then a great idea hit me. "Why don't we just have a reunion? We can invite her and everyone else who helped us here for a little peace party. Then after that we'll go back to my old house on Ember Island for a vacation. You can propose to her then."

"Zuko, that's a great idea!" he said, giving me a quick hug. "You're a genius!"

"Well, I try," I said smugly.

A/N: How do you like chapter one of 'Youth Is Fleeting'? I was figured it was time for Aang to pop the biggest question in his young life on Katara. A little rushed I do admit, but the other chapters are a little slower in pace. I just wanted to get this first one up as fast as I could before other people put up their Aang-proposing-to-Katara fics.