Ok, I'm gonna try to make tis short cause my battery is low. First, I'm sorry I haven't updated any other of my TDI fics I'm not gonna be able to until next Monday at the earliest cause my two best friends are coming over. Second, I LOVE YOU PEOPLE WHO COMMENT! I hope you've stuck with me!! Third, this chapter is a litle more sad then the rest but it had to happen! So please review and all that stuff that make me want chocolate! I LOVE HERSHEY PARK!! I just went there. But, anyway, here!

Katie sat on her bunk looking at the pink pack she'd gotten last night. Why would DJ make this for her? It's not like she was anyone special.

"Katie, come on or you'll miss your turn to use the bathroom. And you know how long Heather takes!" Sadie said, sticking her head in the door.

"Ok, like chill, I'll be there in a minute." Katie said, turning her head back down to the pack. Sadie looked at it.

"Hey, like, what's that?" she asked. Katie panicked for a moment.

"Oh, it's just…….something I sewed." she said. Sadie put her hands on her hips.

"And you like….didn't make me a cool pack?" she asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! I….I ran out of yarn." She sighed. Sadie softened.

"Oh, well that's okay!" she smiled. "But, seriously, hurry up!" she said, rushing out the door. Katie sighed. She felt really guilty about telling lies to Sadie. She would have to talk to DJ about that later. But now she really needed to go. She ran out the door, leaving the pack on the floor to be grabbed later.


Katie stood with the pack on her back, listening to the rules. She wondered if she should wear the pack while playing. It seemed it had gotten heavier since this morning. Maybe someone had put something in it by accident. As Chris finished she sat down on the bleachers with DJ.

"Hey so does it fit alright?" DJ asked. Katie turned to him.

"Oh my gosh I totally love it!" said Katie. DJ smiled.

"Yeah, it looks good on your back……I mean on you….you look.." he blushed. Katie giggled. She took it off.

"I think something's in here.." she said, putting it on her lap. She put her hand in and felt something furry then wet. She screamed, but DJ covered her mouth so no one would notice, and luckily, no one did. The pack slipped out of her lap and fell a short distance to the floor, revealing a white puff ball. DJ and Katie stared at it for a moment.

"Bunny?!" they both said.

"Why is he in your pack?" asked DJ.

"Oh my gosh he must have like, snuck in my cabin last night!" she said, picking up her pack with Bunny inside. She held up a finger to her mouth. "Shh, Bunny, don't make any noise. If they find you we're gonna be in like, soo much trouble." Bunny opened his eyes wide and jumped back in the pack.

"Oh, Bunny what are we gonna do with you?" Katie said, shaking her head.

"Man, we gotta make sure nothing happens to him." said DJ. He turned to her. "Listen, one of us has to stay with Bunny while the other goes out." He said. Katie nodded.

"Hey, um, sorry to interrupt but we NEED YOU OUT ON THE COURT!" said Courtney. Katie looked back at DJ before going out to the court.


Katie watched as the balls flew across the court. One hit DJ right in the face. She cringed. She really wanted to help, but she had to stay with Bunny. DJ came to sit down.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, I can go on." He smiled weakly.

"You can? Because we really need both of you out there now." Courtney said, putting her hands on her hips. Without letting them respond, she pushed them out into the court.

"Wait!" said Katie, running back. She picked up her pack gently and handed it to Sadie.

"Sadie, I need you to hold this while I'm out there. Please don't let anything happen to it and DON'T open it." she said. She left before Sadie could ask anything. Sadie looked down at the pack and wondered why Katie didn't want her to open it.


Katie watched as some of her teammates were knocked down. She would've been more in the game if she didn't have to look over at Sadie every ten seconds. She thought what would happen if a ball hit Bunny. But she shook it off and turned back to the game. She watched as one nearly hit DJ.

Katie picked up a ball and tossed it to Tyler, their new game plan. He fired and missed, yet again, and hit Chef. Another ball was tossed to him he spun round and round, and then released it toward the bleachers full of their team. Katie gasped and squinted her eyes, hoping it would hit the wall. It whirled faster and faster, then smacked into Sadie's head, causing her to fall back. The pack slipped down and had a long fall to the ground. DJ and Katie ran over. Even though she cared about Bunny, she needed to check on her friend. Sadie sat up.

"Oh my gosh are you ok?" Katie said, running up to Sadie.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, rubbing her head. Katie smiled then ran over to where DJ was with Bunny. He held Bunny in his arms for a minute before Bunny slipped out and hopped into the court.

"Bunny!" DJ shouted. Bunny looked around, confused. Everyone stopped and stared except Owen, who threw one last ball. It bounced on the floor once before nailing Bunny.

"Oh my gosh!" said Katie, running out to get him.

"Freeze!" said Chris. Katie stopped running. "We have a dangerous wild animal situation!" Chris said. Chef ran out of a door then came back in an orange jumpsuit carrying a net. He edged towards Bunny. Bunny pricked up its ears and Chef cringed. Then, in one swift move he caught up Bunny in a net. Bunny looked back at them and frowned. Chef started to walk out the door. DJ and Katie ran after him, but just got slammed in the face by the door. Katie turned sadly to Chris.

"Wh-where are you taking him?" she sobbed.

"Well, Chef's probably taking him to his hut to do some random thing with it." Chris said. Katie cried.

"Why can't you just release him?" said DJ.

"Because, once they know where we are they'll wanna come back for some free grub." Chris said.

"No! You can't! You can't take Bunny away!" Katie cried.

"Yeah, man! Animals have rights!" said DJ. Chris shrugged and walked away, leaving a circle of campers around the crying duo. When everyone had cleared out, Sadie came up to the crying Katie, hands on her hips.

"Like, ok, Katie what is going on?" Sadie said.

"Sadie, I-I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about Bunny." said Katie, putting he hands on Sadie's shoulders. She turned and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, if you were my REAL friend you would have told me." Sadie said.

"I'm sorry, Sadie, I was gonna tell you I just wanted to be alone sometimes." said Katie.

"Then why does HE know about it!" Sadie said, looking at DJ.

"No-Sadie, he was just there one night and…" Sadie put her hand up.

"I don't want to hear it, girl!" she said. Katie became teary.

"But Sadie.."

"Don't but Sadie me! We are so not BFFFL's anymore!"


"No! Go cry to your boyfriend!" Sadie said as she stomped away angrily. Katie blushed for a moment then put her head in her hands. DJ kneeled beside her.

"Don't worry, we'll get Bunny back." said DJ, patting her on the back. Katie looked up.

"S-seriously?" she said.

"Yeah, Bunny has rights! And I hate to see you cry." He blushed. She hugged him.

"I'll do whatever it takes." she smiled.

Ok I'm sorry it hads to happen, right? But now I have two endings in mind one is REALLY deppresing at first but the ending is ULTIMATLY cute! The second is cute from start to finish! So, i need your help on writing my (MAYBE!!) last chapter! PLease!