The final chapter! Sorry it took so long though. Very busy. Oh and I forgot to describe baby Yue. She looks just like Sokka but with lighter skin. Oh and can someone please tell me what script format is. Enjoy!

Chapter10 It's Time

It was October 24. Katara's was nine months pregnant. She was due in less than a week. Both her and Aang were very excited that their son will be arriving in just a couples of days. They were going to name him Gyasto. After Aang's master. Hakoda was still staying at Aang and Katara's place. He was going to leave back to the Southern Water Tribe on November 11.

But this morning Katara woke up with some contractions. She knew that her son was coming, but she didn't want her water to break when she was out somewhere in public. Katara decided to tell Aang about her contractions. She got dressed first then she went downstairs. But when she was halfway down, Katara felt a sharp pain.

"Hey, Aang, Gyasto may be coming today." Katara said trying to show she wasn't in pain.

"Did your water break?" Aang asked worridely.

"No. But these contractions are really strong." Katara answered.

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital." Aang said standing up.

Katara was about to answer but she felt something drip. When she looked down, her pants and the floor were wet. Katara's eyes widened.

"Katara! Are you okay?!" Aang asked worridly.

"Now my water broke." Katara said clutching onto her stomach.

Hakoda was just waking up when he the commotion. He got dressed and ran downstairs.

"Is it time?" Hakoda asked.

"Yeah." Aang answered.

He was carrying Katara. Hakoda just nodded and grabbed the bags. Aang rushed Katara to the hospital. But he didn't want to hurt her. Hakoda had a hard time catching up.


At the hospital:

Aang ran to the desk where there was a nurse sorting papers.

"Hey, ma'am, my wife here is about to have a baby. Her water broke not even an hour ago." Aang said.

"Okay. Put her in a wheelchair and I'll lead you to a room." The nurse said.

Aang did just that and the nurse lead them to a room. Hakoda followed them. Now Katara was getting into serious pain. When they got into the room Aang placed Katara on the bed.

"Okay, put this hospital gown on and a nurse will be right with you." The nurse said.

Katara and Aang just nodded. Aang helped Katara put the gown on. Once the gown was on, a female nurse came into the room.

"Hello Lady Katara and Avatar Aang. And who's this?" The female nurse asked.

"I'm Hakoda. Katara's father." Hakoda answered.

"Well hello. I'm Hua and I'll be the one who will be delivering your baby." Hua said.

"Well, I'll go let Sokka, Suki, and Toph know that you're having the baby. Okay?" Hakoda said.

"Be back soon." Katara said.

"I will." Hakoda said leaving the room.


About 9 hours later, Katara did not give birth yet. She was 7 centimeters. Sokka, Suki, and Toph were at the hospital waiting room. Hakoda and Aang were by Katara's side. Then Hua came back in.

"Well Lady Katara, the rate you are going at, you might have to have a water birth. It's less painful and it will speed this up." Hua said.

"Okay. But when?" Katara asked.

"Within an hour and a half." Hua answered.

"Okay." Aang said.

"I'll go tell the others." Hakoda said.

"Alright." Aang said.

Sokka saw Hakoda leave the room.

"So what's up dad?" Sokka asked.

"Katara will be having a water birth. The baby should be born in an hour or so." Hakoda answered.

"Okay. Let us know when the baby is born." Suki said holding a sleeping Yue.


When Hakoda walked back into the room, Katara was getting ready for the water birth.

"Already?" Asked a confused Hakoda.

"Yeah" Aang answered.

Katara had on the outfit for a water birth. She got into the tub. It felt relaxing. Hakoda and Aang grabbed her hands.

"Okay, you'll start pushing when I say so. Okay?" Hua said.

"Yeah." Katara said.

"Ready, push!" Hua said.

Katara pushed with a slight scream.

"C'mon, that was a good push. Keep it up." Hua said.

Katara pushed a couple of more times. Along with some slight screams.

"Okay, a couple of more pushes." Hua said.

Katara pushed. She felt the baby right there. So she gave a big push. Then baby Gyasto was born. A loud cry filled the room.

"Good job Katara." Hakoda and Aang said.

Aang kissed her on the forehead. Hua gave Gyasto to Aang. He was clean and wrapped up in a blue blanket. All three couldn't believe how adorable Gyasto was.

"I'll go tell the others." Hakoda said.


With Hakoda:

"Here's here!" Hakoda said happily.

"Finally!" Toph said.

"Let's go." Sokka said.

The four of them went back to Aang and Katara.


Aang and Katara:

"Oh he is so cute!" Suki said taking a look at Gyasto.

"So that's my nephew? He looks a lot like you Aang." Sokka said.

"I guess." Aang said.

Gyasto had light skin with gray eyes and everything else of Katara. Then at that moment Gyasto sneezed and flew out of Katara's arms.

"He's an airbender!" Aang said full of surprise.

"Oh my gosh Aang. You're right! He is an airbender!" Katara said.

"Wow. Now if you guys have more children, they'll probably be airbenders to!" Sokka said.

"That is awesomeness." Toph said.

Everyone laughed.

"How much does he weigh?" Suki asked.

"8 pounds and 7 ounces." Aang answered.

"Wow. That's one healthy baby." Toph said.


A week later at the house:

Waahhhhh! Gyasto was crying again. Katara got Gyasto and cradled him just like a loving mother would do.

"He's hungry." Katara said to Aang.

"So feed him then." Aang said.

Katara sat down and fed him. Aang couldn't believe Gyasto was finally here. They enjoyed every moment.

Finally! Gyasto was born on the 25th. That's tommorow! Haha. He's a Scorpio. Well thanks for reading and reviewing. One of Maiko will be coming in a couple weeks and a Sukka one in January. Please review. And thanks again for making this one of my most popular stories.
