A New Airbender

:I don't own ATLA. If I did, I would've put more seasons into the show. Plus I don't own NONE of these characters. Only Mike and Bryan own them with the show.

Chapter 1 The News

It was a normal day for Aang and Katara. It was five months after they have gotten married. They got engaged one month after Sokka and Suki got married. Everyone didn't expect that.

But in this past week Katara has been getting sick in the morning. And her eating habits weren't the same.

Plus she slept in later than Sokka. Which was impossible. Aang was wondering what was going on.

As Katara continued to throw up before sunrise was getting Aang worried. So Aang told Katara to see a doctor.

The doctor was examining Katara. She was getting nervous by the minute. Then the doctor spoke. "Congratulations Lady Katara. Your two weeks into pregnancy." "Seriously?!" Katara said in surprise. "Yes". The Doctor answered. "Wow" was all Katara said.

She placed a hand on her right now small stomach. Katara said her thanks and left. She couldn't wait to tell the others about it. Especially Aang. The problem was that Katara didn't know when to tell Aang. Suki was already pregnant with a girl. Katara knew it was a girl because she asked the doctor who was examining Suki the time she went with her.

But both Sokka and Suki wanted the baby's gender to be a surprise. But Katara was the only one who knew she was having a girl. That made Katara wonder how her and Aang will be with the baby like the way Sokka and Suki are. Before she knew it, Katara was at her and Aang's house. She still remembers the day her and Sokka found Aang frozen in an iceberg, the attack of the North Pole, Ba Sing Se, and the day the war ended.

Life went so fast for Katara. Now she couldn't wait to tell Aang the exciting news. "Aang!" Katara said once she walked in. But Aang wasn't there. "Where can he be?" Katara wondered. That got Katara upset because he had promised that he would be home when Katara got back. "Boo!" Someone yelled behind Katara. "Ahh!" Katara screamed.

But she saw who was behind her. "Aang, don't do that. You gave me a heart attack." Katara quoted. "That was the point." Aang joked. "Sokka told you to do that right?" Katara asked. "Maybe." Aang answered. "Yeah, okay." Katara said rolling her eyes. Okay, well what did the doctor say?" Aang asked. "Well, she said that the reason why that I have been getting sick in the past couple days…" Don't forget sleeping in later than Sokka." Aang joked.

"Yeah. But the reason is…..

I know it came out kind of short. I'm trying to make it as long as I can. But I'm trying not to put any gibberish into my stories either. The reason I put in about Sokka and Suki was to tell what may come in handy later. R&R please.