I hope you enjoy!! If there are any Jacob haters out there, don't worry about my story. It has nothing to do with him stealing Bella from Edward. In this story he moves on!! Yay! But, I am a Jacob lover!! So, please R&R!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Jacob or any other of original Twilight characters, although Jacob is on my christmas list... it shouldn't be long now!!

"Grandma? Can you tell me the story? The one you promised to tell me when i was 5? I'm 5 now!"

My grandma laughed heartily and beckoned me to join her on the couch. "My beautiful little girl is all grown up! I suppose now is the perfect time," she said as my mother walked in the room. "Are you sure mom? She still seems so young," my mother said with uneasiness in her voice. My grandma nodded and replied, "You were her age when i told you."

"Please, Please, Please mom!! I really want to know! I promise I won't tell anyone! Please!"

Now, even my mom had to laugh. "Okay mom. Go ahead."

My grandma smiled at my mom and then at me. "Sweetie, never think that because you're different that you have a problem. Our family is a very special family. Especially the woman."

"Why, grandma?"

"Don't interrupt, Tammy. Let your grandma finish before you ask questions," my mother warned.

Grandma smiled and continued. "The woman in our family are very special. We are called nymphs. Nymphs are beautiful, magical creatures that can exist in the human world. We are naturally small and naturally beautiful. But, technically the women in our family are only half nymph. That's why we look like humans. We rule over nature. We can also do some pretty nifty things. We can run really fast and some can even fly!"

"Fly?" I asked with a dreamy look in my eyes.

"Yes! Also, each one of us can control different things in nature. Your grandma, for one, can control the soil and plants. Did you ever wonder why my garden always grew prize worthy potatoes? Now, your mom, she can control fire. Never get on her bad side dear," she paused and her musical laughter joined in on mine. My mom rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Now," my grandma continued, "you must understand, sweetie, that we can be very dangerous creatures. We have the power to seduce people, to make them do whatever we want. You must promise me that you will never, ever use your powers for evil."

"I promise with all of my heart!"

My grandma laughed and her beautiful eyes grew weary. She began to almost whisper, saying, "If anyone threatens your life, I give you permission to use everything in your power to stop them. There are evil creatures in the world that want to get rid of us."

"Who, grandma?"

"One group of them are the Volturi. They are an old, powerful group of vampires from Italy. They feel threatened by our powers and want to end our existence." When she saw my eyes grow wide, she paused. "Don't worry," she continued, "not all vampires are bad. In fact, I was best friends with quite a few of them. Remember what I said though. Only use your power when your life is at stake. Humans are very smart. Their instincts are to stay away from us. Try not to get too close to humans. You might put their lives in danger as well. Finally, you must never tell anyone of our true identities."

"Okay, but grandma, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can!" she answered leaning closer towards my tiny body.

"If you control the dirt, and mommy controls fire, what do i control?"

Please keep reading and reviewing!! Thanks!