AN: Hello, hello, hello
AN: Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to my first Batman Fanfic! Yes, I know this chapter might not be the best, but the story itself will be amazing, I assure you of that. First chapters always are a little shaky, no matter how long you've been writing stories. For those of you reading my Iron Man story, don't worry, I'm not dropping it! It'll still be updated; I just got the idea for this story after The Dark Knight and had to start it up.
So, I hope y'all enjoy!
Disclaimer: I Own only what you don't recognize, the rest belongs to DC comics!
Chapter 1
Bruce Wayne smirked as he walked into the loud club. It was the club's opening night, and already he could see it was going to be probably the most successful club in Gotham. The club's walls were painted the darkest black, but had designs of flames all over them. They suit the name of the club, Flame. As he walked towards the packed bar, his eyes widened in awe at the sight of a tank of sorts right above the dance floor that had multicolored flames inside that were making intricate designs.
"Impressive, isn't it?"
Bruce whirled around to see a woman walking towards him. Her hair was as black as the walls with red streaks running through it. She had beautiful features, he had to admit, but when he looked at her eyes, he was slightly taken aback. Where his eyes were calming and blue, hers were deep red.
"I'm Zoey," The woman said, holding out her hand. "Welcome to my club, Bruce Wayne."
"How do you know who I am?" Bruce inquired as he shook Zoey's hand.
Zoey smiled, "Who in Gotham doesn't know who you are?"
"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing," Bruce said, making Zoey laugh.
"Come on," Zoey said. "Let me get you a drink."
She led Bruce through the filling club to the bar. The bar was also made out of a case that had multicolored flames inside of it. Zoey slipped under the bar, "What can I get you?"
"How about your finest whiskey?"
Zoey nodded and got the drink, "So, tell me something, what brings you to my club?"
"You advertised it well," Bruce said, sitting on one of the stools. "And apparently everything advertised about it is true."
Zoey nodded, "I don't believe in lying when it comes to business."
"That's a good quality," Bruce said with a nod. "Now, can I ask you something?"
"Go for it," Zoey responded.
"Are your eyes naturally red?"
Zoey smirked, "No, my blue eyes are in my pocket."
"Huh?" Bruce gave her a confused look and Zoey burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry," Zoey said finally. "I'm just so sick of people asking me that. My eyes aren't naturally red. I was born with brown eyes, but when I was like eight, I was in a car accident that nearly paralyzed me. To save my nerves, the doctors gave me some drugs that saved me from paralysis, but turned my eyes red as a result. It was the first and last time they ever did something like that to a child…."
"Interesting," Bruce mused. "Are you from Gotham?"
"I was born here, in Gotham General," Zoey said. "But I moved around a lot when I was a kid. I just moved back into town two weeks ago."
"Cool," Bruce said. "Well, welcome back."
"Thanks," Zoey said with a smile.
"Hey, Zoey, we need more change!"
Zoey found the source of the interruptions; one of her bartenders. She rolled her eyes as she turned to Bruce, "Sorry, duty calls."
"It's alright," Bruce said. "What do I owe you for the drink?"
"Don't even worry about it," Zoey hummed as she walked away. "Just be sure to come back again."
Bruce smiled as Zoey disappeared into a back room. Oh, I'll be back alright, sweetheart…. He put a card with his number next to his empty glass as he left the club.
"Master Wayne, you can hardly run your company if you insist on sleeping all day!"
The voice cut through Bruce's dream like a knife. His dream had been full of people, but it had centered around a certain woman with red eyes….Until she started talking in the voice of Alfred Pennyworth.
Bruce opened his eyes reluctantly as the sunlight poured through the windows around him. He groaned and pulled a pillow over his head.
"Alfred, nine AM is hardly sleeping all day," Bruce grumbled.
"But you might want to hear the news," Alfred said. "There was a break in at Gotham National Bank late last night."
That got Bruce's attention. He sat up and flicked on the plasma screen TV that was across from his bed.
"….A new gang of criminals has manifested itself in Gotham City," The female reporter was saying on GNN. "Last night's break in at Gotham National Bank was a mysterious one, in which the lock of the high-security vault was melted entirely. Other than the melting of the locks, there was no evidence left behind. The security cameras show shadows moving around and taking money, but nothing else."
"Shadows?" Bruce said. "Since when do shadows have the ability to melt vaults?"
"It is mysterious," Alfred agreed.
"And the bat signal, Alfred?"
"Sir, do I need to remind you that most of Gotham considers you a criminal as well now?" Alfred asked. "I wouldn't be surprised if Batman was thought of as the criminal."
"Well, I have an alibi for last night," Bruce said with a yawn. "I met Zoey last night."
That night, Batman was sitting perched outside Commissioner James Gordon's apartment, waiting. He felt like a true bat, hunting down his prey. It was drizzling on his back, but he paid the rain no attention.
Come on, Gordon, Batman thought irritably. I have other things to do tonight….
Finally he heard the footsteps. Gordon appeared at his front door and at first did not see who was waiting for him in the shadows. Batman cleared his throat.
"I was wondering whether you were going to surface again," Gordon said as he turned to face Batman. "The entire precinct is after you."
Batman shrugged, "I'm still going to continue what I do, whether or not I'm perceived as a hero. You know I'm innocent."
"I do," Gordon agreed. "But I did as you asked me; I blamed you for Harvey Dent's death. There's now a warrant out for you."
"Tell me about the robbery," Batman pressed on.
"I don't know what I can tell you that you didn't already hear," Gordon said. "There are no new leads on it."
"Just a mysterious break in?" Batman inquired. "Hardly seems like anything normal in the way it was described. Shadows and a melted vault? It sounds supernatural to me."
"It very well may be," Gordon agreed. "Are you intending to look into it?"
"You're damn straight I am," Batman said as he flew off.
The night crept by slowly for Batman as he stood atop the highest buildings in Gotham. He was waiting, anticipating what was to come. Suddenly, he heard it; sirens in the distance. He flew off, gliding through the cold night air with ease. He arrived to the downtown bank before the police even arrived. There were three masked people waiting outside, guns in their hands. Batman paid them no worry as he merely flew around to the back and slid through the open back door.
"Phoenix," A man was saying. "The police are on their way."
"Shut up!" A female voice responded. "I have a goddamn job to do, and I'm going to fucking get it done. The dumb asses in the front can hold the police off for now."
"Why the hell isn't your invisibility working?"
"I don't know," The one named Phoenix responded. "But it just gives us less time. It's not like the police are going to catch us."
"But I will," Batman snarled as he finally heard enough from his hidden spot. The woman and man whirled around. She was dressed in black leather from head to foot. The woman was tall, and her black hair was pulled back. The minute her eyes found Batman, she grinned.
"Batman," She spoke in a high voice. "How nice of you to come."
She walked toward him slowly, "Last I heard you were wanted for manslaughter."
"What's it to you?" Batman inquired.
"We could use someone like you on our side."
"I don't work for evil," Batman growled.
"That's too bad," Phoenix crooned. "Get him!"
Four men appeared at her sides and began to fight Batman. Phoenix turned to the man she had been arguing with, "Get everyone out of here, now!"
The man nodded as the fight continued. Gunshots were fired, but Batman tossed one man after another. His target was Phoenix, and he'd be damned if he let her get away that easily.
"Enough!" Phoenix's voice rang through the bank. "We've got to get out, now!"
"Hell no," Batman snarled, flying after her. He caught Phoenix by the wrist. Her reaction took exactly a half second. She kicked him away from her, her eyes blazing. They were a dark red color…Had they always been like that?
"You're fucking with the wrong bitch," Phoenix snarled. She tore off his glove and held one of his hands in hers. It immediately began to burn. Batman pulled his hand away, and before he could retaliate, she stomped on the ground, creating a cloud of smoke and she was gone.
"Fuck," Batman cursed. "I've seen that trick before…Damned League of Shadows…."
Batman managed to get out of the building before the police managed to get in. He knew that the security cameras were going to show him fighting, but there was nothing he could do about that.
"Damn it," Bruce growled as he settled back at the penthouse an hour later. His body was bruised, and his hand was burning like hell.
"What's the damage this time, Master Wayne?" Alfred asked, walking into the room with a bottle of alcohol.
"Do you have anything for burns?" Bruce asked.
"Burns, sir?" Alfred repeated.
"I met the new evil in town," Bruce grumbled. "She's got a hell of a fiery personality."
"It's a she this time?" Alfred asked.
"Her name's Phoenix," Bruce said. "She seems like a dictator."
"But all she's after is money?"
"I highly doubt, as evil as she was, that she's working alone, Alfred."
Bruce began to tend to his burned hand when his cell phone chimed, signaling a text message.
You didn't come tonight.
I hope you can make it tomorrow.
Bruce smiled, "Sorry, Zoey, but my own duty called."