Darkness enveloped the forlorn halls of Hogwarts as the head girl tread through them.

"Lumos," Ginny muttered. She'd finally parted with her tedious studying due to her body aching of exhaustion. For the past year, studying ( along with her head girl duties) was basically the only thing Ginny got along to doing with her free time. It wasn't as if she thrived for having knowledge, that was Hermione. Focusing entirely on her NEWTS rarely allowed Ginny to think of the sadness in the depths of her heart.

It had been ten months. Ten months since almost everyone she cared for had been torn out of her life. One by one the lifes of her family had been taken by the war. When Harry was killed, the last remaining hope was lost. In it's place came acceptance. Under the rule of Voldomort, the Wizarding World was quite different, yet Hogwarts remained in order. Voldomort appointed Snape headmaster, removed all the muggleborns, and interfered with Hogwarts little beyond that.

Oh damn, i forgot the password!. No wait- it's Pixie.

Ginny uttered the password and quickly opened the door to the prefects bathroom. She kicked off her shoes and sauntered to the grand marble bathtub. Turning six random knobs, she watched as the bath gradually filled.

"We are done Severus. I shall expect the Clonda Potion in two days."

"Of course, milord."

Snape's spine curved slightly in the form of a curt bow. With a severe whisk of his robes, Voldomort exited the office. Promptly descending the spiral staircase, Lord Voldomort traveled down the halls. Abruptly stopping at the warn glow cracking through the doors of the prefects bathroom. Curious, he inaudibly slipped into the room. Still undetected, he glanced at the occupant turned the opposite direction. It was a girl with silky auburn hair cascading down her back.

"Wh-," Voldomort was about to make his presence known, but decided otherwise at the site of the girl removing her robes for her bath. At the strange noise she instantly turned around. Looking for the source she could see nothing... Voldomort non-verbally cast the disillusionment spell the second before she turned towards him, making him invisible. He leaned casually against the wall of the bathroom, watching the girl undetected. He was inquisitive about this girl and as to why she decided to take a bath around midnight.

The girl stood above the bath and took off her jumper. Voldomort looked upon her, taking in the petite and curvy frame of her back. She discarded her bra and let it slither down her back, and then took off her skirt. The girl stood there in just her lacy black underwear. The warm glow of the room illuminated the outline of her frame. Voldomort gazed at the girl's enchanting skin and perfect ass. His pants began to considerably tighten as he felt the strong desire for this girl. He kept himself to the wall with great restraint and self-control. He craved for her.

Deciding to leave before he act upon his yearning, he silently left the bathroom. He moved at a rapid pace through the halls, but instead of leaving, went to the headmasters office. With his erection gone, he entered the office.

"Severus!" Volodomort blared. Snape quickly came out from behind his desk and bowed deeply.

"Milord, how can I serve you? "

"You can assist me by answering a few questions," he proclaimed in his dominating tone. " What is the name of a prefect girl with auburn?"

"The head girl is the only prefect with red hair. Ginny Weasley."

"Her house?"

"Gryfffindor," Snape stated.

"I want you to write down everything there is to know about this Ginny Weasley and give it to me, along with the potion, in two days..."