Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

My plan from here is to review and revise the stories I've written that I find worthy for it. This is first on my list, I don't care for the way my writing appeared and this story was always a favorite.

Enjoy! Thanks for bearing with me.

Chapter One: Hiten & Bankotsu.

He slowly opened his eyes and held his throbbing head as he sat up. He was in a manor of some sort, but how did he get there? How...he died, hadn't he? The last he remembered, that half-breed, Inuyasha, killed him in Mount Hakurei…why was he alive now? He swung his legs over the bed and saw another bed across from his. He slowly made his way to it.

What happened? He felt so weak…so tired. He was killed. It had to be some time ago he and his brother were murdered by the worthless half-demon. Groggily, he opened his eyes and looked up. Above him was the figure of a man, he could only see the figure, like a silhouette. The room was too dark for anything else with only the moonlight peering in the window. His scarlet eyes got wide and he grabbed the figure's arm and swung him to the floor. He wasn't expecting him to retaliate by punching him in the abdomen. There was no demon aura, though he had never faced a human with this much power.

"Who the hell are you?" The man who had been looming over the thunder demon's bed demanded as loud as his voice would let him. It sounded raspy, and his body still felt drained. He couldn't even comprehend what was occurring at the moment.

"Who am I? Who are you?" They stared at each other for a short while in a tension-filled silence; then he looked behind the man that just attacked him and saw his Raigekijin. He swiftly ran past him, causing the man to see his own weapon, the giant halberd, Banryuu. The mercenary harshly swung the tip of his blade to where he thought the demon's neck to be, only to be stopped by the blade of the pike. Both struggled, neither acknowledging they were equally matched.

"I want answers!" Hiten shouted as the man pushed him away, unfazed by the lightening. Both were out of breath by this point, exhausted from the battle.

"I don't want to be questioned, so talk!" Bankotsu shot a wave of heat at him and he dived to his side in attempt to avoid it. It was then that Hiten took notice of his missing flaming wheels, he couldn't fly.

"Where is my brother?" Hiten asked darkly. His expression quickly became a scowl as he spat venom through his teeth.

"Where is mine?" Bankotsu snapped back, now just as frustrated.

As the sun rose, he got a good look at the man's face across the paneled room. He was tanned with raven-colored hair, very similar to Hiten's, though it appeared to be thicker. He had a purple marking on his forehead, a four-pointed star; it seemed centered between his bangs. His clothes were white and his armor covered his right shoulder and torso, it also had purple marking on it. His calves and arms were covered with a deep grey material…why would he be brought back to life with a man he had never seen before? It made no sense.

Bankotsu growled as he caught the man's features. He was probably around the same age, though his red eyes revealed he was a demon, same skin, maybe a little lighter, and he also had a jet-black braid. He was powerful, but how powerful? He saw there were three jewel shards reflect the morning sunlight in his forehead. Without second thought, he lunged at him, sword in hand. The room was slowly being brought down with every attack.

"Welcome back to the world of the living." A quiet voice came from the shadows. Both snapped their necks in the direction they believed it came from. There was a slow clap. "That was quite the show." A child with white hair and clothes stepped forward with a wind sorceress at his side. The Thunder Demon and mercenary both grew anxious, though they didn't pull away from their personal battle quite yet…

"You!" Bankotsu swung at them but his sword couldn't make it through. There was some type of barrier around them; suddenly it became familiar to Bankotsu. The wind sorceress went to swing her fan out of rage but was stopped when the child put out his arm. She scoffed and crossed her arms, glaring daggers at the smaller boy.

"Don't waste your time…or mine. It is far too valuable." The boy smirked as their glares grew stronger, he could feel their hatred radiating off their bodies, filling the room with tension. Of course, this only amused Hakudoshi more.

"Who are you?" Hiten asked, attempting to remain calm only because he knew there was no way his weapon could pierce through whatever was protecting the two.

"You both died recently, hands at the of a worthless half-demon…correct?" Both glanced at each other, pulling their gaze away when their eyes met. They averted their attention back to the child. "My name is Hakudoshi, this is Kagura; I believe one of you has already met her."

"Just say what you want!" Bankostu yelled, his patience wearing very, very thin. He was getting put up to some type of work for someone, though he didn't know what yet.

"Now, is that any way to speak to the one who has given you another chance at life?" Hakudoshi asked and Kagura arched a thin brow at him, though he didn't take notice. It was ballsy of him to take credit for Naraku's doing, considering he didn't do much on his own, she knew their 'master' wouldn't be too satisfied hearing this. Hakudoshi glanced at the man with the sword. "Bankotsu, this would be your third shot. Inuyasha is the result of all the murders of your brothers…aside from Renkotsu, but I think we both know what happened there." He chuckled and Bankotsu glared. "Inuyasha still treads this area."

"How do you know Naraku?" Banotsu shouted. He knew there was some way, the woman beside the boy was familiar, and something about his sadistic nature, how calm he was bringing up these touchy subjects, they had to be related. Hakudoshi seemed to take no interest in the question, however.

"I don't believe I'm finished. Hiten." He looked to the side of Bankotsu casually. "Inuyasha killed you and Manten, your beloved brother. He shows no regret for taking your lives."

"Why are we back?" Hiten asked, curious about both this child's information and the human, Bankotsu's, question. Who was Naraku? How was he connected to Inuyasha?

"Naraku has asked me to revive you. You do want to take out Inuyasha, right?" They snarled in response, Hakudoshi's grin only widened. They were both too bloodthirsty to think thoroughly what they should ask, though he did give the mercenary credit for trying. "I thought so. Both of you were given three jewel shard. Bankotsu, yours are in your neck." He watched as the mercenary brought one hand to his throat, lightly feeling around the spot. "And Hiten, yours were placed back in your forehead." Hiten responded the same way. "You have one last chance to avenge your brothers…and yourselves."

"There's more to it." Bankotsu pointed his sword at them, though it was ultimately the barrier. Hakudoshi rolled his eyes and Kagura stayed content. Hiten simply observed.

"That isn't very polite. I've even provided you with your weapons…Bankotsu with Banryuu and Hiten with his Raigekijin."

"Then where is my brother?" Hiten quipped.

"I only bring back those who are powerful." The child said smugly, seeing the thunder demon's temper start to boil. Hiten ran at him and whacked his staff against the barrier, letting out a deep snarl when it didn't get through and trying again. Lightening filled the room until Bankotsu pushed him roughly to the side.

"Stop it you crazy bastard!" He barked, watching Hiten take sharp breaths.

"Why don't you make me?" Hiten slowly got to his feet, wincing slightly. His body wasn't ready; it seemed, to take on such fighting. The sound of scratching metal filled the room as they clashed their weapons together.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Kagura looked over.

"Yes. Hiten, Bankotsu, you can defeat Inuyasha, but you need to do it together. He has gotten more powerful, but he should be no match if you put your minds together…then again, you both aren't all that smart, are you?" They growled as they faced him, their weapons still against each other's. "Just feel the hatred. He tore the only families you had left apart. He single-handedly killed you without hesitation. Do not go against each other, work together and feel the power." The barrier lifted him and Kagura. "But be careful, Hiten and Bankotsu, this is your last shot." They vanished into the crisp, morning air.

"So…Inuyasha got you too?" Hiten asked as he pulled away his Raigekijin. He sat back on the bed he had awoken on, thinking over what just happened. It was a lot to take in, especially after revival.

"What's it to you?" Bankotsu argued and he rolled his scarlet eyes. Clearly this man didn't care who died, he just wanted some blood on his hands. Despite the fact that they were both after the same hanyou, he doubted they would ever come to mutual terms willingly on it. In fact, if they didn't have to work together, Hiten was sure he could kill him, but Manten needed to be avenged. That came first right now.

"Well, you must want him dead, that kid might have a point." He scratched his head, finding himself just pointing out the obvious. Bankotsu huffed and crossed his arms, eyeing him skeptically. Surely had didn't trust the demon, but the demon didn't trust him either.

"I have no desire to trust you or one of Naraku's minions." Bankotsu confessed and Hiten let out an exasperated sigh.

"Listen to me, stupid, I don't trust you either, but if we…work together long enough to watch that half-breed meet his end, it might work a lot quicker." He explained, though he found it obvious information. Bankotsu pursed his lips.

"First off, I'm not stupid, second off; I can handle him just fine on my own!"

"Because you did so well the first time." Hiten glanced up. Clearly the human didn't know what to say, for the demon was right. That would never be an acknowledgment to be heard, however. It would simply sit in the back of Bankotu's mind.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Bankotsu raised his fist.

"Tell me, did he beat you, or did you beat him? You heard him, the half-breed is still alive somewhere! Obviously you didn't kill him and neither did I! Our brothers are all in hell because of him!" He stood up and shouted. Bankotsu groaned and faced his back to him.

"If it causes Inuyasha's death, fine. He will die at my hands, I will be the one to kill him; you can do away with the others." Bankotsu attempted a compromise, he figured that would be what happened anyways.

"What? If anyone kills him it will be me!" Hiten protested.

"What makes you worthy?" Bankotsu felt a fist hit him in the back of the head. He grunted and collapsed on his face. He eased himself up, wiping the blood from his mouth with his sleeve.

"That!" Hiten pointed down to him and laughed mockingly.

"You know, I don't work so well with good-for-nothing demons." He rubbed his head as he stood up and swiftly turned around and brought his own fist to Hiten's face. Hiten stumbled back, shocked by the attack. Suddenly, a hoard of weak demons appeared.

"Alright, whoever kills the most gets the half-breed." Hiten challenged, a cocky grin on his face.

"You're on!" Bankotsu ran ahead of him. He groaned in annoyance, quickly chasing after him.

Inuyasha sneezed.

"Someone's talking about you." Kagome smiled as they walked down the narrow dirt road. He rolled his eyes.

"Probably about my death." He sighed, brushing the subject off casually. Kagome frowned.

"Why are you so negative?" She tilted her head out of curiosity. Then again, it was still early. Inuyasha was never a type to enjoy mornings.

"Look!" Sango pointed to the distance from where she stood, ahead of them with Miroku. A flood of lightening emitted from a valley.

"I'll show you!" Came a shout. A wave of heat went off and a cluster of demons that caught fire flew over them, causing them to shield themselves from the flames.

"Let's go!" Inuyasha shouted anxiously. Kagome nodded and jumped on his back.

"I killed way more!" Bankotsu shouted as he inched his face close to Hiten's. The thunder demon growled, there was no way a human could have defeated him. No way in hell.

"In your greatest dream!" Hiten retorted. "Alright, we need to take some cover for a while."

"Why?" Bankotsu blinked, cocking his head.

"We don't have any leads…plus we can't figure anything out if we hate each other. I know a place." Hiten paced ahead, making his way through the rubble half of him hoping the mercenary followed, the other half hoping he either stayed behind or got lost.

"I know a place." Bankotsu mocked with his hand as he rolled his eyes. Hiten felt his eyebrow twitch.

"Will you shut your fucking mouth?" Hiten slapped his hand aside with his own. Bankotsu glared as he rubbed the side of his slapped hand.

"Don't touch me!" Bankotsu growled.

"Touch." Hiten poked him lightly on the arm, smirking all the while.

"Die!" He swung his blade and Hiten jumped up to avoid it. They heard someone coming at them and stopped fighting, both looking to the side.

"Quick, follow me!" Hiten ran.

"Hey! Wait up!" Bankotsu followed.