Underground Pleasures
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over David Bowie, Sarah Williams or the movie Labyrinth (or any other character from the movie xD).
I make no profit from my writings o.o
Oh and please leave feedback if possible, thanks o
Chapter 1 - Nightmares
Sarah woke in an unpleasant sweat, her forehead was beading and her back was damp, her nightdress clinging on as if for its life. She felt around looking for the familiar shape of her alarm clock, seeking its illuminating glow. It was 3:13am. It wasn't uncommon, she was used to her bizarre sleeping patterns by now, it was nearing almost every night for the past year…. Ever since that evening, it seemed almost forever ago.
Yawning and fighting off a stretch she lay her head back upon her pillow trying to recall tonight's nightmare which awoke her from the deep slumber in which she once resided. She could never quite place the images to recall anything useful, but that all familiar gut wrenching fear and cold sweat soon reminded her of the most likely culprit. It was him, even though defeated almost a year ago he still haunted her dreams, tormenting her in the one place she should be able to escape to every dusk.
Finally admitting defeat Sarah knew there was no way she was going to get any sleep done tonight, not now. The nightly ritual of tossing and turning in her bed trying to catch up on any slumber after awaking was almost near impossible. She felt sick, the after effect of the rush of nightly adrenaline in her system.
Sarah made her way over to her oak antique bureau and flopped into the chair facing the long stretch mirror, she stared at her reflection looking deep into her own eyes, looking for something, not knowing what was there floating around in her head, she wished she knew. Feeling tired and grumpy Sarah threw on a flimsy nightgown and made her way down the old creaking stairs to the family kitchen. She reached for the refrigerator door handle and gave it a colossal tug, the damn fridge door always pissed her off, why couldn't her tight stepmother invest a small amount of her stashed savings into something useful rather then a ridiculous designer dress or a pair of Gucci shoes. Sarah dismissed the thought strait away, she knew her step mother didn't care about her or Toby, she was a self obsessed melodramatic bitch and Sarah knew it, she just couldn't understand what her father saw in her. Deep down though, Sarah wished she could find a love that strong one day, one so powerful every flaw would just dissipate into thin air. She could spend her timid nights blissful and loved up snuggled next to her very own prince charming.
Snapping out of her trance Sarah realised she was standing in the middle of the dark room clutching the fridge handle with her eyes closed, breathing a sigh of frustration she managed to free the captive light within, blinking her eyes rapidly trying to take in the new amount of luminosity flooding the kitchen. Even though she was only 17 years old Sarah had developed a love for her step mothers martini which resided itself within the junk heap of a fridge, its taste delighted her senses and relaxed her weary thoughts allowing her to fall lazily back into the land of dreams. Reaching for the bottle, Sarah filled up a small water glass and dragged herself back to her bedroom.
Throwing the bedroom door open she downed the glass of liquid, grimacing at the taste, before tossing herself onto the cotton sheets and falling into a deep dreamless slumber…..