Time Capsule

Time Capsule

Summary: Edward and Bella have been friends since they were born. One day, at the age of 8, they decide to create a time capsule. 10 years later, Bella opens it to discover something that will surprise her.

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all that is Twilight. sniff sniff :'(

Chapter 1: Boredom

BPOV- 8 years old

"What do you want to do now?" I asked my best friend Edward Cullen. He had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. We were sitting on his lawn staring at random stuff such as the grass and the huge tree that made me break my arm and leg last year.

After about a minute, he finally answered, "I dunno. I'm really bored."

"Why don't we go ask your mom to give us something to do!" I told him. Esme usually had great ideas. She would definitely pull us out of boredom.

"No!" he said. I gave him a look that said 'what the heck' but he replied, "my mom will make us do work around the house!"

I understood why he didn't want to do work around the house. He had a giant house that looked like the palace in some princess movie Alice was watching yesterday. Alice is Edward's twin sister. She reminded me of a pixie because she had short black hair that was spiked out to the sides. She also likes to talk a lot and sometimes is very hyper. Edward has a lot of kids in his house because he also has an older brother. His name is Emmett. He is a year older than us. He is really big and strong.

Edward's parents also adopted two other kids when they were only 2 years old. My dad told me that their parents died and Esme was their mom's best friend so she was asked to take care of them. The kid's names are Rosalie and Jasper. They are Emmett's age. Rosalie is very pretty even though she is only 9. She has long blonde curly hair that is very shiny and smooth. Jasper is as tall as Rosalie and also has blonde hair. It is kinda curly but kinda straight. It's in the middle hair as I like to call it.

I think Alice has a crush on Jasper but I have to keep reminding her that since he is older than us, she has a higher chance of getting cooties. A few days ago when she was telling me about how she wanted to marry Jasper, she told me about how it was easy for me to get cooties too because I play with Edward almost every day.


"Alice, remember what I told you! If you tell Jasper that you have a crush on him, he will ask you to go on a date and then you will get cooties!" I reminded her about the risks of the ever dreaded cootie disease.

"You're right, Bella. It has to be our secret." I agreed with a quick nod. Alice caught me off guard with her next question.

"What about you and Edward? You always play with him! Remember last week when we were playing house and you were the mom, Edward was the dad, and I was the teenager? You pretended to fall asleep together like a real mom and dad! I can't believe that you are still alive after that! I thought that cooties would kill you in your sleep!"

"It's different for me and Edward. We are just friends so were safe." I told her. Emmett and Rosalie had told us this last month when we asked about it.

"Oh ok. I see. Well, I guess I will just wait until the cootie part of my body wears off when I get older. Thanks for your help Bella!" She told me.

"You're welcome Alice."

End Flashback

"So, got any ideas yet?" Edward asked me pulling me away from the memory.

"Sorry, I'm stumped." I told him as I started to get up from the ground.

"Bella honey, your mom's here to pick you up!" Esme shouted to us from the kitchen window.

"Coming, Esme!" I called at the same time as Edward called 'coming, mom!'


When we walked in the kitchen, Renee was talking to Esme about dinner.

"…Why don't you leave Charlie at home then? If you don't mind, we can tell Carlisle to go and do whatever guys do with him. It will just be us two girls and the kids. It will be just like back in high school when we used to order pizza and watch sappy love movies. Just now we'll be older and have kids. Oh and we'll be able to laugh at how Hollywood remakes real life moments to make them so incredibly perfect."

Edward and I looked at each other. We smiled because we both knew that this meant another late night together and more time to play. Then, Esme said something that excited both of us even more.

"Why doesn't Bella sleep over? All the kids can sleep in the living room on the air mattresses. We have the couches too."

"Well, are you sure that you want her on top of the 5 kids you already have?" Renee said. Why do parents always have to ruin all of the fun?

"Sure! It's no problem. I can handle them." Esme said. Thank you, Esme. You are the coolest adult I know.

"Okay why not then. I'll take Bella home to get her clothes and tell Charlie that he will be eating dinner and probably watching football with Carlisle."

I frowned. If I was going to come right back here, what was the point of going back home? Just then, Alice came bounding down the stairs.

"What's this I hear about a sleepover?"

"Alice honey, Bella's going to be sleeping here tonight. All of the kids are going to sleep in the living room instead of in your own beds." Esme told her with a smile on her face.

"Yay!" Alice said with fake enthusiasm. Why did she look so worried?

"Well Bella, come on lets get going. We'll be back in a few minutes Esme. Thank you again."


Since we were neighbours with the Cullens, the walk home wasn't long. Alice and Rosalie tagged along with my mom and I. When we got to my room, I grabbed my small carry-on suitcase from under my bed and started looking through my pyjama drawer for a cute pair to wear. Rosalie told me that the blue and pink pyjama shorts would be cute with my white top that said 'I even go to sleep looking cute' written in sparkly pink and blue letters. I looked over at Alice who had a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong Alice?" I asked.

"I don't know if I will sleep downstairs in the living room with you guys tonight." She answered.

"Why," Rosalie stared, "are you scared or something?"

"No! Well not really. I'm scared of getting cooties from Jasper tonight!" she said. Poor Alice looked like she was about to cry.

"Oh Alice, don't be silly! Cooties are so last year. They just like magically disappeared from every kid around the world." Rosalie said. She looked at us like we were dumb and had no idea what we were saying about being afraid of catching cooties.

"How did you find that out?" I asked, almost scared for the answer.

"Well, Claire was telling us fourth graders that her older sister played a game called spin the bottle where someone spins a bottle and they have to kiss whoever the bottle lands on. So we decided to try it at Collin's birthday party and nobody died or got sick or anything so we are officially announcing on Monday at school that cooties no longer exist."

"Wow that makes me feel a lot better!" Alice said looking like she had just taken off a heavy backpack or something.


When we got back to the Cullen's everybody went back to doing what they were doing before we had left. That meant that Edward and I were bored again.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me.

"I dunno. Let's watch some t.v." I said.

"Okie dokie." He said. He always says weird stuff when he's bored.

"…Wow! You made me a time capsule! Henry, How can I thank you? Now we can look back when we get old and see what a great life we had." The voice drifted from the television.

"Hey!" we both said it at the same time and looked at each other with the same goofy smile. After laughing for a while, we went back to our ideas.

"Why don't we make a time capsule and then look at it when we get older!" Edward said.

"Yeah! That's a great idea! I had the same one though." I said, now excited.


We told Esme our idea and she told us that it was very creative and ten minutes later, we were sitting on Edward's floor looking for old stuff to put in.


Later on that night, I looked around the living room. It was 1:00 the morning! Wow, that is late! I looked at all of my friends sleeping in a row: Emmett sleeping close to the door, ready to protect us at any moment; Rosalie sleeping next to him, I think that she secretly had a crush on him; then Jasper slept beside Rosalie with Alice at his other side, she is crazy in love; I was sleeping beside Alice because she is my other best friend. She was fast asleep. I looked to my other side to find Edward awake looking at me.

"We should get to sleep. If we want to start the time capsule tomorrow, we should get a good night's rest so that we will remember all of the important details of the pictures and memories." I nodded in return and drifted to sleep.