Title: R Kelly

Author: Monkey Dom

Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did, I wouldn't be so bloody poor.

Warnings: Slash. If you don't like it, please don't read it and tell me how sick I am.

Danny slammed his head on the lab table as he heard R

Danny slammed his head on the lab table as he heard R. Kelly's Thoia Thoing begin to play on the radio he had left on.

"You alright?" Mac glanced over at Danny with an amused look on his face.

Danny raised his head and pointed at the radio. "I hate this song. Why is it even on?! It's so old!"

"I know this song." Mac watched as Danny's interest was peaked.

"You, Mac Taylor, know an R. Kelly song?"

Mac's amused expression was replaced with discomfort. "I heard it in a club." He mumbled, which was followed by the expected bout of laughter from his younger colleague.

"You were in a club? Listening to R. Kelly? In a club that played R. Kelly and you were there to hear it?"

"Yeah I was. Well, it was a crime scene."

"Ah Mac," Danny quickly turned off the radio. "You don't tell people that part. Stella would've been so proud of you. In a club and everything!"

Mac smirked and glanced around the deserted lab before leaning in close to Danny. "Are you proud of me?"

"Oh yeah." Danny grinned before leaning in to press his lips against Mac's.

Mac swore he could still hear Danny's laughter.