Look Up As You Walk
RepentshadowsGirl changed her name to Fak3isn0tR3al, if you are a new person to this story... it should not matter to you.
Ue o muite Arukou by Kyu Sakamoto (along with other songs)
a/n: This is my first (and not LAST) Naruto fanfiction. But I know much about the show and everything. I was thinking about this song and was like "eh, why not..." It's called "Ue o muite arukou" by Kyu Sakamoto, the english translation is "I Look up as I walk" The melody may be happy, but the real lyrics are kinda sad.
Anyway this chapter was ten pages when I completed it. And at the moment it's teen, shounen-ai...not sure if it should be a yaoi. Also if you don't like this pairing than don't read it. There is a back button for a reason.
Okay I think I'm done babbling. If there is any OOC-ness than what the characters know (you'll see what i'm taking about) then let me know. Really no warnings...I don't think...language? I don't know. Also if they're grammer mistakes or errors, tell me.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I just know of it.
Chapter 1: How it is...
Sasuke had no idea why he agreed. Why he agreed to go out with the person who he thought hated him. Okay, so this person didn't hate him, but he did think of Sasuke as a bastard, no less. Of course everyone did, and therefore never talked to Sasuke. Like he needed friends anyway, they were a hassle, just like his stupid fangirls that never took a hint that maybe he didn't like girls.
Sasuke was sitting on the couch watching the blank screen on the television set. Apparently this person knew where he lived and didn't mind picking him up. Apparently this person didn't mind all that much getting seen by his group of friends who despised Sasuke so much he wondered how this person could take so much interest in him.
"Sasuke," Sasuke turned around to see a blue skinned man at the dining table. Why his skin was blue? It was a mystery. He was a friend on Itachi's that stayed with them, his name, Kisame.
"Hn." Sasuke said. Kisame started to open his mouth to speak, but then waved his hand away to go upstairs, probably checking on Itachi. Sasuke scowled. The door bell rang and that's when he shot up and opened the door. He was met with the back of this person's head. "You're blocking the doorway." The person turned around and Sasuke was seen blue eyes just like the ocean, wild blonde hair, and the marks on his cheeks. The sun shining on his tan skin making him stand out, Sasuke thought nothing of this.
"Sasuke!" This person was Naruto Uzumaki and his boyfriend for two months. The thing about it was this was the first time they actually went out without Naruto getting distracted by his (annoying) friends. Naruto was wearing and orange hooded vest with matching baggy pants that had blue patches at the knees. On the vest there was a white color and he an arm band on his elbow and a black, white, blue, and orange glove that went up his muscular arm. Sasuke, on the other hand, wore, black caprice, that have a fan on the side, navy blue boots, and a short sleeved sweat jacket that was hooded and checked black, red, white and blue.
"Hn." Naruto scratched the back of his head and grinned hugely. But deep in his mind he was wondering why he asked Sasuke out and why the bastard said yes in the first place. Naruto remembered it was sometime in Mr. Hayate's class or he liked to be called Kakashi. He and Sasuke got into a fight…well Naruto threw the first punch so it was only right for Sasuke to hit him back, right? And by the end, when they were in detention, Naruto just asked him if he wanted to be his boyfriend and Sasuke was like "OH MY FUCKING GOD! HELL YES!"
Okay, okay, so it wasn't like that. The thing was, Naruto kinda liked Sasuke and Sasuke kinda liked Naruto, "kinda" being the keyword. So once they were in detention alone, Naruto decided to ask. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" and Sasuke's response was "Hn." And Naruto took that as a yes.
Sasuke knew more things about Naruto then his friends did and vice versa. How? They used to be friends when they were younger than slowly drifted apart…like most childhood friends do...
"Are you going to move anytime soon?"
"You're blocking the doorway, idiot."
"Bastard, is this how you talk to your boyfriend?!"
"When he's an idiot, yes." Sasuke shut the door as he walked around him and looked up at the sky. Naruto frowned, but took a deep breath to calm down. Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts… Naruto decided to change the subject.
"Aren't you going to tell your brother?"
"He knows." Sasuke told him, a little irritable.
Sasuke opened up his brother's door and looked to see Kisame sitting in a chair looking at Itachi's pills that Itachi had to take.
"I'm going out, Itachi." Sasuke said in a dead serious tone. Itachi looked were he heard his younger brother's voice.
"A person." And Sasuke shut the door to his brother's rooms and head downstairs.
Naruto chuckled nervously and glared at the raven.
"I'm glad I'm described as person, using a person's name is so yesterday." Naruto said jokingly, but Sasuke didn't laugh. He just sort of smirked or was he smiling. Whatever it was it wasn't like Naruto could see him. "So ready to go?" Sasuke faced and gave him a dumb expression. Naruto sweatdropped and nodded his head vigorously. "Right, right." He hooked his arms around Sasuke's. Sasuke's eye twitched.
"What the hell?!"
"Oh come on it's not like I'm holding your hand."
"Oh come on, Sasuke."
"Remove." Sasuke said harshly and in a warning tone. Naruto frowned again and Sasuke took the lead. After about five minutes of silence Naruto smirked, caught up to Sasuke, and reached for his hand. Sasuke tensed and narrowed his eyes at the blonde.
"Do you have a death wish?"
"I have many." Naruto quickly replied, grinning. Sasuke scowled, Naruto's hand was very warm. "We're going to spend the WHOLE day together."
"We are?"
"Yep, I got in all planned out, first were gonna go to the park, then the mall…and then get something to eat and maybe a movie."
"Heh, I'm surprised you thought of this all by yourself."
"I know it was –HEY!" Naruto squeezed his pale hand and Sasuke squeezed back with more force.
"Aren't you worried about them?" Sasuke's eyes were still looking up at the sky as they walked. He was surprised (not like he'd show it) that Naruto was showing him this much affection in public with his friends around. Sasuke disliked his friends, for a while he thought he disliked Naruto; well we did say he kinda liked Naruto. Sasuke hated Gaara, he hated Neji, he hated Ino and Sakura (as much as they loved him), he hated Shikamaru, Kankurou, Kiba, everyone. He didn't even have to have a reason, it was just a big dislike!
"Them? Oh you mean like Kiba and the others…nah; they're not going to be there…something about studying for a test." Naruto replied. They reached the park and looked at the scenery. Very peaceful and green, Naruto noticed the swings and smiled. Those were the swings he used to swing on when he was younger, when he was alone. This was also where he first met Sasuke…at this exact park.
"Come on Sasuke." Naruto pulled on his hand and dragged him to the swings. There was something about them that he liked; maybe it was because he felt as if he was flying. Who didn't like to fly?
The two of them looked at the old swing set. There was a new park down the street. This park was officially abandoned; no one came there anymore, but Naruto enjoyed coming because he always felt the need to get away. And during his visits he'd notice a dark quiet raven sitting and staring at the glistening water in the lake. Another thing that Naruto's buddies didn't know about.
"Hey Sasuke, remember when we were eight and we made sand castles in the dirt, that was fun, but then they'd be called dirt castles, huh? Oh or how about…"
Sasuke nodded his head to everything Naruto was saying. He didn't understand how Naruto could have so much energy and he sort of envied Naruto for it. Naruto let go of Sasuke's hand and sat on the swing. Sasuke flinched at the loss of warmth, but didn't show much emotion, even though he knew it was just him and Naruto. Although, Naruto was starting to read him like a book already.
Naruto took hold of the other chain to the other swing and grinned widely at the Uchiha, who was standing off to the side. When they finally made eye contact, Naruto's grin spread even wider.
"Wanna sit here, right next to papa?" Sasuke blinked a few times to let that register in his brain. He sighed deeply afterwards and sat down on the wooden seat.
"You such a dead last." Sasuke commented.
"But you love it bastard."
"I love nothing."
"Psh, you love me."
"You can't prove that." Sasuke said knowingly and Naruto smiled, at least they weren't bashing each other's brains out. In their head, they kind of were waiting for it. Go figure.
"Let's go." Naruto said rather quickly and Sasuke corked an eyebrow.
"We just got here."
"Yeah... but I wanna take your skinny ass to the mall NOW!"
"Skinny?" Sasuke stood over Naruto and Naruto stood up too.
"Calm down, you weigh less then me, it was an instinct."
"Instinct, that doesn't make any fucking sense, what are you stupid!"
"I'm not stupid, BASTARD and it does too! God, can we not argue for once!"
"I'm surprised we haven't."
"Shut the hell up, you're starting to tick me off!" Naruto said picking at his ears.
"I don't have too."
"I-I-Whatever." Naruto said and kicked his shoes in the dirt. He looked at Sasuke's dark coal eyes; they were staring at the sky again. "Sasuke…"
"Forget it, let's just go." Sasuke said leaving. They walked in silence to the bus stop. It was about two blocks away from the park.
Sasuke didn't need any crap; he had enough problems at home and with his own self. Naruto was again a few feet behind Sasuke, he wasn't sure if he should catch up to him, but Sasuke was his date and his date was pissed off. He grinned as he ran as fast as he could to catch up to the raven. Sasuke slowed down as a gust of wind went past him and corked an eyebrow at the now blonde idiot standing behind him.
"What the hell, Naruto?"
Naruto's response was two arms around his waist. Sasuke would not admit this was peaceful, because it wasn't! (Riiiight)
"Not funny Naruto." Naruto frowned.
"I'm not laughing." He replied looked directly in front of Sasuke. Sasuke squirmed a little before trying to relax. This was kinda weird for him, and he was slowly getting more pissed off because Naruto had more experience in this department.
"We're going to miss the bus idiot, and I'm not waiting around for it." Sasuke said.
"I'm not holding us up."
"You're freakishly large arms are around my waist, rather…" He paused trying to break free, but Naruto had a firm grip. "…tightly! That's not holding US UP!" Sasuke yelled. Naruto took time to think about this before shaking his head "no" as the answer. Sasuke frowned and his eye twitched.
"My freakishly large arms aren't the problem." Snapped Naruto, subconsciously fuming, he wasn't sure what to do with his bastard-like boyfriend. And he thought Neji and Sai were all-time bastards. Psh, yeah right, Sasuke was a so much bigger one. "They are the solution."
Sasuke deadpanned, and slowly looked back at Naruto and his stupid grin.
"You're kidding."
"Arms." Naruto pointed out and Sasuke huffed in annoyance. They stood like that for about another ten minutes. Sasuke hadn't said a word. For the first five minutes he had been mentally cursing and trying to pry Naruto's arms of his waist, but soon realized it was a waste of time. So for the following five minutes he relaxed and leaned back against Naruto, who had been grinning. "Are we better?" Sasuke was about to yell at him, but decided not to. He took a deep breath and nodded. Naruto smiled. "Good, now we can go." He let go of Sasuke's waist and reached for his hand. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and looked at the hand grab his own, but said nothing. He didn't want those arms wrapped again around his waist.
They barely made it to the stop, although it seemed by the time they got there, the bus was already arriving. They got on the bus and sat in silence. So much silence on this date, but Naruto was afraid he'd say something to piss the Uchiha off…of course he had his plans. Naruto smirked at that thought, a sneaky one that made Sasuke angry. Sasuke hated it when people think they could out-smirk him. Smirking meant they knew something or planning something or just to be a bastard. Sasuke was the third option.
This silence was normal for Sasuke but abnormal for Naruto. Sasuke wanted Naruto to talk, as much as that freaked him out. But if Sasuke was distracted on the talking he would be able to block the morons glaring at his and Naruto's joined hands. He'd be damned if he was starting the conversation.
Apparently he was damned.
"Why aren't you talking?"
"Don't want to piss the raven."
"You do it any other time when we're alone….or in public at school." Sasuke said the last part in disgust and Naruto noticed.
"Today is special."
"It just is, get off my case."
"Why is it a case?"
"Why are being more annoying than me?
"I'm being a little out of character today, opposite day?"
"If you just said it was opposite day, then it wouldn't be opposite day!"
"So it is not opposite day, which makes sense that it is…not." Sasuke said and Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Stop mocking me."
"Okay I will stop mocking you. It is not fun to piss you off."
"I should kill you."
"I'm not flattered." Naruto looked at Sasuke. He stared back at those bright blue eyes before smirking himself. Naruto huffed and feigned being annoyed so he could whisper lowly enough for Sasuke to hear.
"I hate you." Sasuke was caught of guard and looked at Naruto. Naruto was smiling and laughed at Sasuke's dumbstruck expression. For you see if it was Opposite Day as far as those two claim, Naruto saying "I hate you" would mean that he just said "I love you" and thus threw poor Sasuke off.
"Hn." Sasuke replied because he didn't know what to say, then he smirked. "I kinda hate you too." And that made Naruto laugh even more.
They arrived at the mall, a little happier than they were at the park. Sasuke decided as of now to give this date a chance and actually relax a little more than what he was doing.
Naruto looked at the giant building before dashing off and dragging his pale boyfriend. Sasuke did not like to be dragged, he did like to be surprised so when they reached there destination, which was the arcade, he smacked Naruto in the forehead and glared at the tan boy with one of his all time famous bastardly death glares.
Of course Naruto did not pay attention because he was saying "Ow" more than twenty times.
"Stop being a baby, it didn't hurt."
"Oh yeah, then how about I smack you in the forehead, bastard."
A little kid and his mother came out and the kid smiled. He just learned a new word. And thus screaming it, his mother glared at Naruto whom was giving a very apologetic look.
"Way to go, idiot." Sasuke said snickering. Naruto opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again, and the opened again. And then he frowned and stormed off into the place with a lot of noise. Sasuke smirked, but then frowned looking at the disgusting playroom filled with games that he probably didn't enjoy. He slowly walked inside and noticed the mop of blonde hair. He slowly walked towards him, no way in hell was he running. Naruto turned around with a fox grin planted on his face. Sasuke looked at the machine that Naruto was currently on…specifically named "Dance Dance Revolution" or "DDR". "Oh God." Sasuke mumbled.
"What's wrong babe? Afraid you're going to lose?"
"What the hell you just say?!"
"I'm pretty sure you heard me." Naruto said leaning on the railing on the machine. Sasuke glared again, but it seemed Naruto was already used to it. "You know you're glaring turns me on." The glaring ceased and Sasuke could see some people looking at them with questioning eyes.
"Changing the mood?" Sasuke said, gritting his teeth. His reply was a shrug and another fox grin. Sasuke scowled and walked over to Naruto, standing on the metal platform. They stood there staring at each other in silence, well Naruto was staring at Sasuke and Sasuke did look at Naruto, but there is only so much staring at Naruto that one Uchiha could take. Plus, the fox grinning idiot was standing still and not even looking at the game machine. It was irritating Sasuke because they were just wasting time. Of course that was the plan, Naruto's plan, he realized relax Sasuke was good, but pissed off, angry Sasuke was better. That would only mean more calming down on his part and that would mean more touching of Sasuke (oh…yeah?).
The clocks in Sasuke's head were ticking very slowly and his temper was about to explode. A frown tugging on Sasuke's lips.
"Are you two playing this?!" a voice to the side of them said, tugging on the hem of Sasuke's shirt. Sasuke turned around and slapped the hand. The voice of this brunette yelped and pouted at Sasuke before turning around. Naruto laughed.
"Hurting civilians! That's rich!" Naruto said reaching for the railing for support. "I didn't know you snap at random people!"
"I'm gonna snap on you!" Sasuke retorted and was about to punch Naruto in the stomach when a tan hand caught his fist. Naruto slightly smirked.
"Let's play DDR, Sas! I'm gonna school you!" Naruto said smiling and Sasuke's eye twitched. He huffed and turned to face the screen, mumbling a "you're paying." Naruto grinned more.
"Have you ever played this, Sasuke?"
"A few." Kisame brought it over a couple of days to show Itachi his skills, which he didn't have. At the moment it was Guitar Hero that Kisame claimed he had the skills for. Blaming it on his legs not being fast enough for the steps. Itachi couldn't really see Kisame's mistakes but he could hear it and Sasuke's mocking laugh was all he needed.
"Really?" Naruto said putting the quarters in the slots. "You any good?" Sasuke looked at his boyfriend who was wriggling his eyebrows.
"Is this a challenge?"
"Could be…" Naruto trailed and smirked and Sasuke turned back to the screen. Naruto was pressing buttons and it took them to a screen of songs. "How good?"
"I don't know. What's your level?"
"Eh, Basic."
"Hn, Difficult."
"Did I say Basic, I mean Expert (a/n: or heavy)." Naruto changed and Sasuke looked at the screen and narrowed his eyes. "You're face is going to get stuck like that." Naruto snickered and Sasuke frowned even more, silently mocking him.
"Oh I'm sorry. My eye sight must have been bad. I'm a Challenge player." Naruto gawked and then sighed.
"What does eye sight have to do with knowledge of what level you play?!" he yelled.
"To me, everything."
"I should punch you in the face."
"Like you could touch this." Naruto smirked and walked over to Sasuke's platform; Sasuke raised an eyebrow and felt his body press against Naruto's.
"I can touch anything else." He said seductively, than he pressed on the down arrow to highlight heavy. "Let's play this on extreme." And Naruto went back over to his platform to fix his level. Sasuke's eyes widened for a few seconds losing composure. He shook his head and blushed. He knew Naruto could see his blush because he was smirking.
They only played one game and in that one game, Naruto had won. How, Sasuke did not like to get sweaty, and those songs took away to much sweat. He just missed arrows to miss arrows, honestly. And one song had way too much jumping, freaking 'True Love' by Jun. He was going to kill this "Jun" person for making incredibly fast songs. Of course he did enjoy the song "E-motion (1)" that was the song he actually he did well, for an Expert level. He avoided Naruto's victorious look.
"I beat the Uchiha-bastard!"
"I don't like sweat and you look like a dirty animal, back away."
"I am an animal…I'm an ape!" And Naruto made some very sexy ape noise sounds that made Sasuke walk the other direction, blushing. Naruto caught his disappearing act and wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck. The mall was busy with people and really no one paid much mind to the teens.
"Get those sweaty things off of me."
"Ooooh, my arms are things now." Naruto snaked his arm around Sasuke's waist and pulled him over to the photo booth next to him. "Let's take pictures on our glorious date." Naruto said sarcastically.
"Heh. Very." Sasuke replied in the same tone as Naruto. He was referring to the date. Sasuke obliged to being lightly shoved into the photo booth and Naruto squeezed in next to him.
"Okay! We have to look goofy."
"Me, have a face like you, I don't think so." Sasuke said laughing and Naruto gaped.
"My face isn't goofy!"
"Whatever gets you past the day."
"God Uchiha, so mean."
"Uzumaki it's who I am." Naruto shivered, it was something about Sasuke saying his last name that gave him the chills. Naruto then snickered and smiled.
"Uzumaki it's who I am." Naruto mocked and Sasuke pushed, no shoved him. Naruto laughing because he did a perfect imitation of Sasuke Uchiha.
"I'm going to kill you."
"I look forward to it." Naruto said putting the money in and trying his best to get Sasuke to smile or look dumb in some pictures. Only the last picture is where they looked like a normal couple or semi-normal. Naruto had his tongue sticking out and grinning happily with a peace sign, while Sasuke was smirking and rolling his eyes at his boyfriend. He was slowly starting to enjoy his date.
"Hey Sakura, why don't you a friendship pic with INO?!"
And his date started to crash, Naruto froze at the sound of his friend's, Kiba, voice.
"Studying my ass." Sasuke grumbled and glared. "The pictures come from the outside." He told the blonde.
"I'm no dummy, Sasuke, I KNOW THAT!"
"Doesn't hurt to check." Sasuke corrected. Naruto didn't pay much mind to that remark. He was slowly starting to panic.
"Okay…Sas, I'm gonna go see if they're close, alright." Sasuke remained unfazed by that name and remained silent not sure what he should say or feel like at the moment. Naruto frowned and opened the curtain, poking his head out.
"Hey Kiba!"
"What are you doing in there…by yourself? I thought you said you had tutoring with Iruka." Iruka allowed his students also to call him by his first name.
Inside the photo booth, Sasuke groaned in annoyance and seen that Kiba and Naruto were farther away from the booth. He looked to see that pictures come out the side and reached for them, then put them back on the seat and exited the photo both as quietly as he could.
He walked a little faster than normal, and frowned. Reaching for his cell phone, he dialed Kisame's number. By the third ring he heard the sharkman's voice.
"Sasuke…aren't you…out?" Kisame didn't know the person's name and Itachi told him not to question his brother about it.
Sasuke sighed deeply. He was starting to get a throbbing pain behind his eyes.
"Can you pick me up now?"
"It ended early." Sasuke said rather quickly and harshly. There was silence.
"Alright, I'm turning around now, I gotta head to the hospital, you're brother had another…incident…after you left…I'm going to check on him. You could get your insulin shots while you're there." Sasuke nodded and bit the bottom of his lip (2).
"Yeah whatever."
Kisame paused and put the phone away from him to sigh, Sasuke heard it and continued. "I'll be waiting outside of Ruby Tuesdays, Kisame."
"Yeah, yeah." Kisame grumbled and they both hung up. Sasuke turned off his phone because he knew the idiot would be calling him, and he really didn't need to hear Naruto's voice anymore.
"Iruka let you out early and…" Kiba asked, but not in a question, so to speak.
"I um, got bored." Naruto was looking back at the photo booth thinking Sasuke was still in there.
"Why didn't you call us?!"
"Stop getting on my case." Naruto said angrily.
"Nothing…I guess needed some time to think."
"Oh, well, Gaara and Sai are meeting us at the movies…and since you're here, why don't we all go."
"Are you hiding something?" Kiba questioned and Naruto shook his head.
"Naruto!" Naruto turned his attention to the pink, bubble-gum haired girl.
"Oh hey Sakura."
"I thought you were…"
"Got let out early, decided to come here…to think." Naruto drifted.
"OH! Well let's go and no Kiba, Ino and I are not getting a fucking friendship picture." Kiba shrugged and elbowed Naruto, who started to chuckle, a litte too fake, which got Kiba suspicious.
"Lemme just get my things." He went over to the booth and opened it. "Hey Sasuke I…" he paused when he realized that no one was in there and that the pictures they took were on the bench. He picked it up and frowned before folding it and putting it in his pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Sasuke's number.
The person you are trying to reach is unavali-
Naruto shut his phone.
End Chapter One.
(1). This is like one of my favorite songs to play on DDR Supernova 2, that and "A Thing Called Love". I'm always playing it on x2 speed on Expert though...
(2.) I was actually biting my lip when typing
I have no idea where that "Opposite Day" crap came from...at that part I was just talking out of randomness...I mean they're on a bus...
Tell me what you think! You can criticize and such. I'm cool with it. It just means I'll have to do better in chapter two. Again I will explain things. I don't even know if you are confused XD.