Note:Surpise im back!!! Miss me? Yeah this is acctually something new. I wonder where this may take me! 3
Mia began to mumble slowly as she came too. Her vision was a steady blur and she felt aches and pains all over her head rolled back and forth as she regained conscious. "Mmm.." she mumbled as she finally came too. She sat up and held her head. A pounding headache was beating against her skull and the dampness in the air made it harder to breath. She looked around the room and noticed that there was a midnight black amour with many different things on it. But against the amour was a picture.."huh.." she stumbled off what seemed like a bed that she was placed on and landed on the ground. Slowly she crawled over to the amour and grabbed it slowly pulled her self up and postioned herself so that she would not fall."Alright..." She said happily and shock the final blurriness from her head out. She reached and yanked the photograph off the side of the mirror. She brushed a strand of hair back from her face and looked. It was a picture of night on her balcony she was wearing black pajamas and her hair was short. It was a old photo of mia..But there seemed to be a painted red smile on it. Mia stared at the photo."What.."she thought. A streak of anger filled her body and she tore the photo into tiny a million of giggles and childish laughter filled the air. Mia turned and looked around the room. She was alone. Only a bed, the amour, and a door leading to god knows where. The laughter continued and it angered Mia more. She limped to the door and swung it open.
"JOKER"she froze as she saw him in a nurses outfit,standing infront of a fan and striking poses and laughing at himself. Mia shoke her head as her hands began to move into a fist. "Who's the sexy nurse jenny!!"joker giggled out as he struck more poses. "I am!!"he said in a high pitched girly voice. Mia slipped off her shoe and chucked him at his head,"ASS HOLE!!!" Joker turned"Mia!!Off-"he said as he fell from the impail but quickly scattered and got up from the ground. Mia ran at him and tackled him back to the ground,"YOU SHOT MY DAD!!!" She began to wail on him with both her fists. Joker blocked them while trying to reason with her,"well what was I supposed to do he was going to kill me!!"He grabbed both her hands and pinned her to the ground. "Im going to kill you!"Mia yelled with anger. "Mia please just hear me out for a second..." "Hear you out! Hear you out! The guy that cut my throat and shot my dad wants to me to hear him out!!!" Joker froze for a second and shoke his head yes" uh yes.""Well hell will freeze over twice before I let that happen!!!"She pushed him off and kicked him in the face"Your a fuckin bastard!!!" Joker began to bled and he scrambled to Mia grabbing her hard by her neck,"Will you fuckkin listen!"He yelled slamming her against the wall. He began to slowly choke her again and she slowly lost consciousness."Shit.."he mumbled as he let her rested both his arms on each side of her and watched her gasp for air. Their faces where about two inches apart and he was looking her strainght in the eyes. Mia's breathing slowed and she looked at him giving him a what? type of look. He sighed and pressed his forehead against her smearing some of his makeup onto her forehead. "I did it...because I cant have you" Mia rolled her eyes,"Yeah that makes perfect sense cut the throat of the women you cant have."He sighed"Please cut the sarcasm for gods sake." "Fine.." "Look, what I meant was, you remind me..of someone from my past and I want you to be with me...but I can' need to go have a life..and I would only hurt you.."Mia froze and looked in his green eyes that was once filled with anger and insanity is now filled with something she couldn't fathom. Something that made her feel like what he was saying was the truth."Cutting you would have protected you...people would have made it harder for me to get to you and then you would be able to return to a normal life-" SMACK! "What makes you think I wanted a normal life!" Joker kept his head in the position that the smack left it as the tingly vibrations moved along his cheek. "Im sorry..."he mumbled. "Your sorry!" mia yelled. "yes"he whispered moving his gaze back to her. Mia shook her head and looked away "This is a joke.."The room began to spin as the two sat in turned to him,"I don't-" She was interrupted by his lips pressing against hers. She squirmed as tears fell down her cheeks but joker had already wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. His kiss began to become more passionate and he moved her onto her lap and she held onto him. He let her go and she placed her head on his chest."...I love you...what ever you decide to do with your life you must now include me in it.." "I cant.."he said silently as he kissed her forehead."You no longer have a choice...I bear a life will never be normal..." He sighed and rubbed her back. "Let me think on it.."Okay.."mia quietly said as she rubbed his arm. The two sat there listening to each others heartbeats and filling each other with their warmth.
Three hours passed and a bell rang. Mia had fallen asleep in his arms. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms kissing her on the forehead lightly. "neh.."Mia said she opened her eyes and looked up at him."Hey.."he said placing her on her feet."whats wrong?.." she asked as she watched him walk away and put on his jacket. "I appointment.." "Ill wait for you here" She said walking up behind him and grabbing onto him." can't Ill take you back."he said as he spun around walking past her."why..."she asked following him. He spun around her and kissed her,"I love you too.." Mia froze,"You love me..." He walked to the door."Time to go." Mia cocked her head to the side."What not knocking me out?" He smiled,"Not today..." Mia smiled and took his hand in hers,"" she said walking through the door. Joker giggled and laughed then knocked her out from behind.