Note:Heyoo! this is my first fan-Fiction story and I hope you all enjoy it! I just saw Dark Knight about 4 days ago and completely fell in love with the Joker so this is a story for and oc.I hope you all like it.No Flaming But I do love constructive criticism.

Disclaimer:I did not make Dark Knight.I just made a story to follow the plot line.DO NOT STEAL MY IDEAS..

Mia's encounter.

Mia stared at the TV screen as her favorite program was interrupted by a news report.

"Just in Joker has robbed a bank,Killing his accomplices and escaping the seen of the crime.""He seems to have left the seen of the crime in a school bus, "witness say.""If anyone sees a yellow school bus with the license plate 50382b you are to contact the Gotham police department at once!"

"Good luck with that.."Mia said leaning back on the couch,with a sleek smile.

"As hard as they try they will never catch him."

"Well aren't you the little fan girl-"Interrupted Mia's sister Riya,as she walked into the family room.

Riya had long black hair with red highlights.Her ebony skin complemented her hourglass shaped body and hazel eyes.Mia was the same,the only difference was that she had brown highlights and she was a bra size bigger.

"Guilty..I love the way he has no boundaries."said Mia trying not to blush.

"Well how bout you teach him how to brush his teeth"chuckled Riya as she watched the police scramble all over the television.

"You know dad would not have it..He wont even let me read the police reports on it."she said making a pouty face.

"Hes just concerned how you get such a thrill out of it."

"Well..he does turn me on.."

"Ew..Mia..Just..Ew.."Riya threw a pillow at her sister and got up.

"What?!"She said giving her a innocent look."He has a charm.."

Mia had been obsessed with joker ever since his first crime spring began.She seemed to love the way he tricked people and just by his cackle alone made her heart jump.Though,Her father was a police officer and well he would not have his daughter being all infatuated over some criminal.Especially one that was known to kill people.Slowly Mia rose from the couch stretching a bit,then walking into the kitchen.

"What if there was a way to meet him?"She asked her sister who was digging threw the fridge like a hungry hippo.

"Would you do it?"muffled Riya with a pop tart halfway out of her mouth.

"I just thought it may...Well be interesting...ya know?"

"Yeah..And when he cuts open your mouth maybe we'll see how interesting he is."

Riya left the room shaking her head.She was somewhat disgusted with the fact that her sister had fallen in love with someone as sadistic as the joker.But,she is open to the fact that love is blind.The front door to the condo opened and their father came in with two dozen roses.

"Ladies guess what!!"he said with glee.

"You found the great joker dead and rotting in a sewage system?"said Riya with a smile

"No..Mia put the knife down!"said their father with a very serious look.

Mia put the knife down slowly with a very innocent look,"I wasn't gonna do it.."

"Mhm..Anyway ladies I was promoted to inspector today."

"That's great dad!!"Riya said hugging him tight.Mia soon followed suit but tried hard not to crush the roses.

"Im glad you guys are happy about it..But that does mean I will be working longer hours."

"That's fine."The two said taking the roses and headed to the kitchen to find a vase.

Their father followed the two into the kitchen,"That also means you both need to be safe..some crimnals or their friends may come after you too for me putting them away."

Mia's eyes began to glow,"Even the Joker?!"

"Mia what did I tell you!"

Her father gave him a very stern look that suggested the next comment you make will result in you staying in your room for the rest of the night.

"Never mind.."Mia said leaving the room.She hated it when her father robbed her of her only desires.

" he that desirable?"

"Not a chance"Riya said shaking her head.

Mia laid across her bed and closed her eyes.Her heart wasn't in the right place.She wanted to obey her father but she also wanted to so desperately be with the joker.

"why doesnt he understand.."she mumbled into her pillow.

"Well I don't know.Don't cha just hate fathers?"

Mia jerked up and saw the unthinkable.Joker himself was leaning against her balcony door.He had a sly smile as a gun was drawn and pointed at her.

"Hello Mia."He said raising one finger to his mouth.