A change in her normal routine.

Roxas.Namine slight AU

Sleeping with Ghosts

Roxas did not know when it had happened; when he loved Namine to the point of obsession. He would watch her soft, loving gaze, his own raking over to take in her creamy pale skin and admire the way her gold-spun locks would rest upon her dainty shoulders.

He loved her soft, pink and pure lips, fixated on how they moved, pursed, and flitted in her many expressions. Her very being had Roxas in a different world, free to live and let live, even when Seifer challenged him to ridiculous battles.

No, he didn't care, for Namine was his light, his sole being for living in this world. And he would not have it any other way. No one else would do, for no one could possibly compete with her beauty.

Yet, when he felt his own lips trembling against hers, it was the ultimate bliss, his mind reeling with thoughts of her, her, her.

The way her tongue shyly pressed against his own, the way their kiss slowly, calmly turned to something passionate. Something that left Roxas numb, begging for more and more of her.

And for once, he let his hands wander with his eyes, quivering as he traced her form shyly, taking purchase of every move that had her just as shy as he.

Because, he could tell she loved him just as much. She had been watching, as he had. Had been longing, needing and wishing. And that left Roxas' heart in a flurry of flutters, his cheeks flushed with innocence as his fingers trailed along her own trembling bosom, up to her jaw and leaning once more to taste, and love her.

And as the met, and became intwined with one another, he could see her face clearly; just as bright and nervous as his own.

"Don't worry" he would whisper softly against her skin, his cheek nestled against the skin he had often adored, his smile soft when her arms clung to his shoulders.

"I-I love you," she tried back, cheeks flushed as the euphoric calm washed over their exhuasted beings. Such words... from her lips...

Roxas cried. He cried softly, his face conveying his complete joy as he cupped her face in his hands, kissing every spot he could reach. And her soft, beautiful laughter made his heart swell.

Yes, he loved Namine.


Please don't kill her. She just loves Roxas.Namine too much.