Surely As the Sun
By: Nena
In the year of AC 199, Relena Dorlian-Peacecraft became the soul-heir of a manufacturing company spread universally throughout the colonies. It had been unaccounted for since the then-believed annihilation of the Peacecraft family, and while the rest of the world ignored its base destructive nature, it would no longer be forgotten. Specializing in organic-based technology, the scientists working under the wings of the company's inconspicuous heading and funding left them time – years of evolved knowledge and equipment. When it was discovered that Relena was the heir to the company, what she found there would change the course of history as mankind knew it. A chemical compound known as The rate at which the chemical replicated itself was fast enough to be dispensed into the atmosphere of the entire globe within 3 hours. One container was placed on every colony. A universal panic was ensued, brought about by the release of the Every female who inhaled the compound could no longer produce children. Human or animal, it left none still fertile. In the four years that the chemical had been released there had been no new births, and the human race was steadily dwindling. The last children to be born were the ones already in their mother's wombs at the time. Meat was non-existent. The only consumption of food was with raw fruits and vegetables. Nearly ¾ of the economy went completely under when food markets were no longer able to serve meat, while the rest of the economy accelerated at an extreme rate through mass crop-selling and vitamin-supplements. The first year after the release of the chemical the economy was declining at a slow pace, as there were still beef and chicken markets. After the first year people resorted to vitamins. Poverty had struck nearly everyone, everywhere. Those who could not afford the vitamins simply died from malnourishment. The population reduced by half as a result of the deaths of impoverished families combined with the non-existent birth rate and the natural deaths of the elderly. Suicide was rampant. It began in the odd behavior of the common Love Bug. The insects simply stopped feeding on any type of vegetation, and if they reached full maturity, they no longer attached to a mate. It spread like wildfire through every species, save for those capable of asexual reproduction. The day the effects of the chemical were broadcasted, 1 in 4 women attempted suicide. The scientists capable of creating an antidote killed themselves shortly thereafter the act, claiming that the world deserved a chance to start over with a clean sweep. But not before they were able to capture and sedate Heero Yuy, using him as a test subject for an even more advanced stage of the chemical. He was found the day after the suicide, choking and spewing on a liquid form of the compound while submerged in a tank of its concentrated form. Before doctors were able to determine what the effects would be, Heero Yuy had disappeared. Word was received to the public that the Vice Foreign Minister had known about the chemical and could have prevented its release. While she was still considered a political figurehead and the rumors were corrected, the masses were wary of her efficiency. Half the population was in a panic and assassination attempts were a thing to be dealt with on an hourly basis. Thus Relena Peacecraft was forced into hiding and a profound guilt and shame she could neither accept nor deny ravaged her waking thoughts, and drove her into a mental breakdown. As their beloved leader fell, the world watched on with empty and hopeless eyes. Purpose and fulfillment seemed a thing of the past. The only thing to do now was survive.