Queen Luana: Here she is, after a long time. Amazing isn't it? I really hate writing last chapters. I don't know what else to write after this. Maybe update Whose Square or something… Or write a Resident Evil fic. Yeah. Or send in your ideas. Suggestions are always welcome. Anyway, thanks for the reviews and for reading my fanfic. Hope to see you soon!



Selphie waved when Zell passed by again and Rinoa shook her head giggling. "It's a tad cliché, Selphie," she said and sipped her ice tea. "But darn me, if it isn't fun." They had settled down on a bench and watched how Zell ran his thirty laps as prescribed by Selphie: in skirt, high heels and tight pink T-shirt.

Zell puffed as he ran past the dormitory. He'd almost sprained his ankle running in those high-heeled boots that used to belong to Selphie. She and Rinoa had really done their best in finding feminine shoes that fit. He had begun sweating tremendously after only three laps and he cursed the tight shirt he was wearing. There was sweat on his chest, on his back, on… well, everywhere actually. And that darn flowery skirt was too long and too tight so he had to lift it up or else smacking onto the ground headfirst was inevitable.

But this was Selphie's demand for losing the bet and you know, actually all of this wouldn't really bother him, if it wasn't for Seifer taping the whole damn thing.

"Forget owing me, chicken," he laughed when Zell passed by, "this is priceless. I didn't know that Tilmitt girl had such a sense of humour."

Zell grumbled to himself. "Just focus on the running, Zell. Focus on the running, kick his ass later."

And on top of it all, the entire garden had lined up to watch him run. Some girls whistled and a group of younger students made a wave every time he ran past, sweating, panting, and being girly. He could swear he'd even seen an instructor pointing at him and laughing. Some students had been in tears when they first saw him run, almost tripping because he wasn't used to the high heels.


"Hey, chickenwuss, tell me," Seifer asked and went along, filming his every move with his camcorder, "do you feel pretty?"

Zell tried to push the camera away but Seifer swiftly pulled it out of his reach. "Come on, Seifer…" He quickly reached for the skirt again as he began to stumble and almost tripped over his own feet.

"Talk to the camera," Seifer sniggered and Zell rolled his eyes.

"Oh so pretty."

"Wow, got it!" Seifer cried triumphantly and dropped back.

Maybe if he had known losing would mean this sort of mortifying embarrassment, he would've tried harder. Maybe he would've approached the entire situation differently. Maybe he would've hunted that guy down and served his head on a plate or something. Or pierce it on a sharp stick only to plant it outside Balamb Garden as a warning for all of Selphie's future boyfriends.


Well, at least he was almost done with it and hey; Selphie had been smiling all day long so perhaps it was worth it.

"Looking good, Zell."

Zell turned and saw that even Squall had stepped up to watch the show. He winced. "Oh, Squall, man, not you too!" he whimpered. This would haunt him for the rest of his life. He stumbled to a halt at Selphie's feet and both she and Rinoa applauded and the rest of the crowd joined in soon enough.

"Never again," Zell panted. "Seriously."

Rinoa giggled but Selphie only smiled widely. "There. Now I feel better."

"Oh, come in, come in," Rinoa beckoned and Zell and Selphie stepped over the threshold into their new apartment. It wasn't too big, but it was nice. Against one wall stood a blue sofa, against the other a TV and a bookcase. Further on was the kitchen and a small table was placed against the wall, underneath the one window in the room, along with two chairs.

"Ooh, Rinoa, it's so cute!" Selphie cried and immediately hurried over to the window. "I can see the Rent-a-car!"

"Where's Squall?" Zell asked and plumped down into the soft couch.

Rinoa placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes towards the one door in the room. "He's taking a shower. Hang on. I'll go and see whether he's almost ready." She skipped out of the room and closed the wooden door behind her.

Selphie settled herself next to Zell. "Wow, can't believe they've actually moved in together. Who knows, next thing you know they'll be getting married."

"I don't know," Zell pondered, "Squall doesn't seem the proposing type."

"He doesn't seem the dancing type either," Selphie smirked and leaned back into the cushions. "Rinoa has a huge influence. And a good one at that." She nudged him. "How about you, Zell? Are you the proposing type?"

He stretched with a shrug. "No idea. I guess, when the right girl comes along, maybe…"

"Oh, that reminds me," Selphie said and straightened. "I was going to find you a girlfriend, wasn't I?"

Zell raised an eyebrow at her enthusiastic face. "You can try." Then he eyed the door suspiciously. "What's taking Rinoa?"

"Yeah, she's been gone for quite some time now," Selphie agreed then gasped loudly. "You don't think…?"

Zell had already leapt out of the couch and pressed his ear against the polished wood. Selphie joined in. They stared into each other's eyes, waiting for a certain sound to emerge from behind the closed door.

Selphie opened her mouth. "I think I heard something!" she whispered.

Then the door flung open and both of them stumbled backwards and landed on their bums.

"Zell, I should've known," Squall said bitterly, hair dripping. Then he turned his attention to Selphie. "But Selphie, really, you disappoint me."

Selphie however paid no attention to his words. She was rolling over the floor, pressing her hands on her belly as if to suppress her giggle fit. Tears of laughter streamed down her cheek and even when Rinoa joined them, asking what was going on, she gave no response. Zell couldn't help but laughing along. She was back.

"It feels like it's been ages since I laughed so hard," Selphie told Zell when they walked back to Balamb Garden. "It's like I was bottling it all up and just now it broke free. She smiled at Zell. "I love to laugh."

Zell nodded with a smirk. "So you do." He stared up at the clouds. The good weather was coming to its end. In the distance he could already see the rain pouring down and lightning spreading across the sky. "Say, Selphie, do you really intend on finding me a girlfriend?"

"Sure I am," she said. "Teehee, it'll be fun!"

Zell smiled at hearing her say that. He'd longed for that 'teehee'. "And how are you going to do that?" he asked. "I repel girls. And I'm picky."

"Aha, so you admit that you are in fact picky instead of the girls?" she smiled. She raised her head. "But don't you worry, I have a few idea's up my sleeve."

He looked at her; she looked at him, eyes sparkling, and took his hand.

"The best way to get over an old love is by finding a new one. A better one."

The End.

Queen Luana: Now you see why I hate last chapters. I'm not good at ending a story. And I have been doubting forever on whether I'd let them get together or not. Somewhere it seemed to be a waste of their friendship, on the other hand, while writing this I really had the feeling they belonged together. Oh well. In case you didn't want them to get together just forget about the last part and end the story where Selphie was rolling over the floor laughing. Luana out.