Hello Lovely Readers!

Well, here's the next bit, as promised! Even if it is rather late. But as I said in the last chapter, I will not be abandoning this story. It just takes a lot of work to get the chapters right so that the surprises at the end aren't so unbelievable. So read, review and please don't kill me!


Chapter Nineteen: A Bad Day For All

The days after Christmas passed without incident and soon the students were back. She noticed rather quickly that Voldemort had sectioned off the Death Eaters that wished to remain at the castle after the holiday festivities. The hope was that student deaths would be minimal but somehow Draco wasn't at all convinced that it would work.

"Avery is a complete idiot if he thinks that a few walls and staircases are going to keep them away from the children," he told her before work that morning, "They may be complete fools but come on; Even a third year is capable of breaking into those common rooms these days."

She became quite concerned over the next week when she saw the likes of Rabastan Lestrange eying some of them with a predatory glint in his eye as they walked past them to meals or out onto the grounds. She even had to hex Yaxley when she saw him dragging Angela Sparks into a spare classroom. When he went and reported her to Voldemort, he was thrown out of the Dark Lord's chambers with a few good bouts of the Cruciatus Curse and a broken arm. Once he went sniveling away Voldemort sat and watched Hermione drink an entire pot of tea by herself.

"They have their uses," he said to her, "However they do tend to over indulge. Why put temptation in front of them?"

She was inclined to agree the next morning when she found Delia Strong motionless on the fifth floor corridor without a stitch on her body.

In addition to this Hermione was introduced to many other Death Eaters who were far more eager to make her acquaintance than what she thought they would be. Voldemort moved her around the room where they all hovered and whispered and introduced her one by one. Marcus Flint was much too eager indeed as he looked at her hungrily and then tried to pour on the charm. She and Draco had a good laugh about it later as they ate dinner in his rooms and let loose as they talked over the week's events.

Also of interest was the fact that Knots and All had turned out to be a complete waste of parchment.

"I don't understand it!" Hermione cried one afternoon after lessons were done and dinner was hours away, "The theory makes no sense! The photographs have nothing to do with the text! And the book itself seems to have been written backwards, sideways and upside down!"

"Perhaps we're missing something," Draco offered as he walked over to her by the coffee table carrying two glasses of elf mead, "Think back to your conversation with the old coot. What did he tell you about the book?"

She did as she was told, trying desperately to fast forward past the bits with Ginny and Arthur...

"Unfortunately, I will not be around to see it," he coughed again, this time more violently "There is a book, in Hogwarts," he told her "Knots and all, is the title. Find it, and it will tell you everything you need to know about wand making. In the back, there is a concealment charm on the inside of the cover. Open it."

He coughed again and again as blood began to spill from his mouth. His time had come.

Ginny grabbed a towel from somewhere and held it to Ollivander.

He coughed and spluttered up more blood before he collapsed back onto the bed once again, looking more pale than ever. Hermione felt tears prickle the edges of her eyes.

"Don't cry for this old man," he told her fondly "I have lived a long and almost happy life. I am ready to meet death with welcome arms."

"Say hi to Harry and Ron for me," she told him "And everybody else if they're around."

"I expect they'll be watching over you," he told her "While having Albus force lemon drops on them."

"It doesn't help," she sighed as she took a sip of her mead, "We already opened the concealment charm and it gave us nothing."

"Did he say anything about a password or-"

"No, nothing," she shook her head, "This is completely and utterly ridiculous! Why would he give me a book that doesn't make any sense?"

"I don't know," he said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "But we'll find out. If anyone is capable of taking down his scaly lordship, it's us."

She sighed again and rested her head on his shoulder. She was beginning to feel a real strain these days. Trying to juggle saving the world with school duties and her projects for the Dark Lord as well as trying desperately hard to keep him in the dark was becoming next to impossible. Yes it helped to have Draco by her side and she had no doubt that she would have either died or collapsed form exhaustion a long time ago if it were not for him but it didn't change the fact that it was not enough. It made her think back to her third year where she was taking far too many classes for her own good. She got very little sleep, she barely ate and yet her grades were as high as ever. Her personal life may have suffered but compared to having an "Outstanding" in every class, it was nothing. It was the same here. No matter how little she slept or how many times Draco was forced to feed her it was still worth it to know that the world would be safe, even if it meant losing her life.

Of course if she hadn't worked herself into the ground that year they would never have been able to save Sirius. Likewise if she hadn't come back to Hogwarts she would never have discovered Draco's true allegiance. If she had never discovered his true allegiance then she wouldn't have known how much she had seriously misjudged him. Yes, he was still the same sarcastic, cocky Malfoy with a head so big that she was surprised it fit inside the door frame but he was also funny, amazingly selfless and loving. Without him she would have gotten nowhere.

"Hermione? Hermione are you in there?"

She shook her head from her day dream and looked back at him as he stared at her with an amused smirk on his face.

"I've been trying to get your attention for ages," he laughed, "Where were you?"

"Just thinking," she smiled, "What is it?"

"We need to get down to the Great Hall," he told her, "The Dark Lord has an announcement to make at dinner and he said for none of us to be late."

She stared down at the book before her one last time before looking back at him.

"Alright then," she sighed, "We'll just have to figure it out later."

He gave her a light kiss before they walked out of his rooms together. It was when they turned the first corner and saw that Voldemort was in fact waiting for them that they knew that this announcement was obviously very important. Hermione put on her best radiant smile as they approached him and Draco kept his face completely blank.

"Good evening my Lord," she said respectfully as she bowed and Draco did the same.

"Good evening Hera," the Dark Lord replied before turning to Draco, "I will be accompanying Hera to the Great Hall. You will seat yourself next to your Aunt. Do not inform her that she shall be moving."

Draco couldn't help but make a face to which the Dark Lord raised an imaginary eyebrow.

"Is there a problem Draco?" He asked in a light and yet somehow threatening tone.

"Not at all my Lord," he responded, "It's just that if you are about to do what I think you're about to do then we are in for a spectacular show. Spectacular, yes, but in no way good."

"She will either submit or die," Voldemort told them, "It would be a waste but it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the sake of progress."

"Very well my Lord," Draco bowed once more before moving past them and brushing Hermione's hand as he went. To her surprise the Dark Lord then took both her hands and examined her wrists.

"Where is your bracelet?" He asked her.

"I do not wear it during classes," she told him calmly, "Teaching potions is quite hazardous to jewelry my Lord."

"Where is it now?" He asked her.

"Inside my chambers," she answered.

"Good," he stated, "We shall go there first and you may change from your teach robes to something a little more fitting."

She looked at him confusedly but did not receive clarification as he took her arm and began to walk her up the corridor once more. Once inside her rooms he immediately went to her closet and began to look at her dress robes just as he had on Christmas day.

"Your affection for Malfoy has grown," he said casually as he eyed a silver set that was hidden in the back, "Is there anything that I should know?"

"Not at all my Lord," she told him as she sat on her bed, "My arrangement with Draco is very much the same as it ever was. Friends with benefits, nothing more."

"Your friendship is far...deeper than what it should be," he told her as he moved onto a black set on the other side of the silver, "Do you love him?"

She somehow managed to bypass her shock and the question and throw a small smirk in his direction.

"Did we not decide that love was an illusion my Lord?" She asked him.

"Do not avoid the question Hera," he said as he finally turned to face her, "Do you love him?"

She managed to put on a halfway believable smile and walk over to him, taking the emerald green set that he was holding out of his hands and staring directly into his eyes.

"No, my Lord," she said quietly, "I do not."

He searched her face and undoubtedly her mind as well for any sign of deception but found none. The one positive aspect of trying to save the world was that you became very adept at lying very quickly. She would never have been able to get away with this at Hogwarts, never.

"Very well," he said, still looking staunch, "Change into these, put the bracelet on and we shall then head down to the hall."

She nodded and then began to undress, knowing that the Dark Lord would say and do nothing at the sight of her half naked body. Once she had the robes on he placed her in front of the mirror exactly as he had during Christmas morning and once more did up her corset straps, these robes simply being an emerald green version of the black and silver dress she had worn that day. After this he placed the bracelet upon her wrist and she smiled.

"Shall we go?" She asked him, "I am most anxious to hear your news, my Lord."

"Yes," he said quietly as he gazed down at her, "Let us leave."

He once more looped his cold arm with hers and they began to make their way to the Great Hall once more. Unlike before, the Dark Lord seemed to take his time in guiding her down the steps and across the halls. It was almost as if he were waiting for something and Hermione could not think for the life of her what it would be. It wasn't until they reached the second floor corridor that he spoke once more.

"Have your dreams ceased?" He asked her, "We have not had a chance to broach the subject since the night of your...episode."

She looked away from him as she answered.

"No they have not," she told him, "They have become more vivid."

"They can not harm you," he told her, "Remember that and you will live through it."

She gave a small nod as they finally reached the Great Hall. He turned her to face him as he inspected her image, placing his hand at first under her chin and inspecting her face before running it down the silk of her dress. His poisonous red eyes seemed far more critical than usual as he looked her over, as though she needed to be absolutely perfect for the feast that evening. She couldn't for the life of her think of why. That was until he took her arm once more and led her inside. Every single Death Eater that she had met over the holiday period lined the walls of the hall and surrounded the anxious students who sat at their tables. Applause soon erupted when it was noticed that they had finally arrived. Hermione did her best to look bashful when in fact she looked at Draco and tried to convey her concern. He too was looking uncomfortable as he sat next to his aunt who resided next to the Headmaster's chair.

They made it to the staff table and Voldemort stood before Bella with a glare in his eye.

"You will be taking Hera's seat from now on Bella," he told her, "Move."

Bella looked as though she would protest for a few moments until she saw the glare in his eye intensify and she knew that she would be killed on the spot if she didn't do as she was told. Instead, she held her head high and stood gracefully, glaring at Hermione as she went and moved five seats back to sit on the end. The Dark Lord then pulled out her chair for her and Hermione was silently told to sit. She did so without thinking.

Everyone but the Dark Lord sat in their seats and turned their full attention towards him. She felt Draco grab her hand under the table and she gave him a reassuring squeeze. Whatever happened, they would be fine. Whatever trouble came their way, they would beat it.

"It is my pleasure to announce that Miss Hera Grant will receive my mark and become a fully fledged Death Eater this coming Saturday night..."

Except that.

Draco suddenly stiffened next to her and her head flew in the Dark Lord's direction in utter shock. Bella's eyes just about popped out of her skull and the feral snarl that escaped her lips did not go unnoticed by those who could hear it.

"She has served me faithfully these past months and has shown nothing but devotion to her lord," he continued, "You will therefore bow to her as you do me. Only I am her master now."

Shaky applause broke out as Voldemort took his seat and the feast began. Hermione couldn't even find the strength to eat as she sat there staring at her plate in shock. It wasn't possible! How could have come to this so soon?! There was no way in Merlin's oldest pair of underpants that she could ever take that mark without screaming. How could she possibly bare the mark of the man who destroyed her life? Who took her friends from her? Destroyed her family? Who ruined so many lives? Who turned her into a murderer?

Who brought her Draco.

It was a sick and twisted thought, one that should never have crossed her mind but it was true that if none of this had ever happened then she would never have found Draco the way she had now. She would never have known what he was really like or even given him a chance to show her what he could really be like. She would have gone through her life, probably with Ron, having kids, working all manor of night and day, never knowing what she could have had.

And she would have been unhappy.

She loved Ron, she really did with all her heart and some part of her would always love him but he had never been right for her. She could see that now. He was loving and kind and generous and always thought of her before himself. He had proven that the day he died. But Draco was all those things plus witty and charming and sophisticated. She needed someone who was going to hold her interest with more than just a physical attraction or humor. She needed conversation and reassurance every now and then and Draco had been excellent at providing that. Sure, he wasn't perfect and he had his temper tantrums like any other member of the male species. Not to mention he knew where to hit when he wanted to hurt you. But he didn't do it often these days. Either that, or he took it out on anyone but her.

"Congratulations Hera," Draco said to her with a coy smile, "Am I to assume that we will be celebrating tonight?"

"Save it for another night," Voldemort told him promptly, "Hera has work that she needs to be getting on with before she even thinks about celebrating."

Hermione turned her gaze back to him as his red eyes met hers.

"You know of what I speak," he told her and she nodded before turning back to Draco.

"Another night, Draco," she smiled back before finally forcing herself to tuck into her roast duck.

She felt a probing inside her mind and knew that it was the Dark Lord looking for one of their regular mental conversations. Since when did he knock before entering?

"He looks disappointed," he told her as he scanned the hall with his gleaming eyes.

Hermione looked over to Draco who was stirring his food about his plate. Why didn't he hide it like she did?

"He always is disappointed," she replied to him, "But that doesn't mean the relationship has changed, my Lord."

"Perhaps not for you," he told her, "However I believe young Malfoy may have grown attached to you. We must be sure that he does not end up like his father."

She mentally flinched but hid it well by "accidentally" stabbing herself with her fork.

"What happened to his father?" She asked hesitantly.

"He was sentenced to death for treason but somehow managed to escape," he decided to share with her, "His wife had failed to seduce the Russian Minister for Magic. She said she couldn't betray Lucius. In actuality it was her own weakness that allowed her to fail. I took her life as payment for her failure and used her carcass to show Lucius and Draco what happens to those who fail me. Lucius let his own weaknesses get in the way of the truth and attempted, quite poorly, to kill me before taking his wife's body and running."

"Is he still alive?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, yes," he seemed to grumble, "But he is no longer a threat to me and he will be found soon."

There was a minor pause between them in which Hermione stuffed more food in her mouth and scanned the hall and felt under the table for Draco's hand. Upon finding it she squeezed and got a squeeze back. It was enough to assure her that all was right with the world...for now.

"How far along are you with my project?" He asked her.

She mentally froze before forcing herself to relax.

"Not very far my Lord," she responded, trying to stay calm, "I know you need this as soon as possible but it will take time to gather the information I need. Repairing a soul is next to impossible without feelings of remorse."

"It will be done Hera," he instructed, "You will find me a potion that will repair my soul without making me feel sorry for anything I've done. I will not allow myself to repent for anything that I have done. Nothing I have done has ever been wrong or unnecessary. You will do the impossible if necessary."

"I said that it was next to impossible my Lord," she responded, "Not that it was. It will just take time."

"Time is not something I have," he spat back, "I will give you an assistant then shall I? Will that speed the process?"

"So long as they do not get in my way, yes," she responded.

"Very well," he said, "Have Draco assist you from now on. The Carrows will take over both your classes until this task is complete. I will not tolerate failure."

"Of course my Lord."

The connection was ended and Hermione was left internally shaking. This had been a very bad day.


"Stupid, stupid BITCH!"

Marcus Avery rolled his eyes once more as he watched Bella pace his bedroom floor, completely naked and severely enraged. He had been quite taken by surprise when she pulled him into his own bedroom and screwed the living daylights out of him, not that he complained, but now that it was over he was regretting letting the woman anywhere near him. Now that she was done with the fun for the evening she was back to storming and raging about Hera Grant and although the view was much improved this time around he would like it much better if she would just stop talking.

"Did you see the way she practically fawned over the both of them?" She screeched, "She was throwing herself at them, the stupid whore! I'll bet you anything the only reason she's fucking Draco is because she wants to take my place as his favorite. But she'll never succeed. I am his most faithful! His most loyal..."

She began to grumble again.

"Bella, darling, why do you care?" Avery asked, "Come back to bed and I promise I will make you forget all about Hera Grant and her screwing the Dark Lor-"

He rolled off the bed just in time as she shot a killing curse straight at him, her eyes wide in a murderous rage, her nostrils flaring.

"The Dark Lord would never allow a magically handicapped whore like her touch him!" She screeched, "Never!"

"Oh come on Bella," he rolled his eyes at her, "You've seen the way he looks at her just as much as I have. And if you ask me it's about time he got some. Perhaps he wouldn't be so- AAAAAH!"

He ducked again as she shot another one at him.

"How dare you speak of him like that!" She screamed, "He is your mater! Your Lord! And you will never disrespect him in my presence again! I should kill you right now for even thinking such things!"

"But you won't!"

He almost yelled in triumph when he disarmed her and her wand went flying directly into his hands. He only had seconds to register that magic was not Bella's only form of attack. Sure enough she launched herself over the bed and landed on top of him, straddling his hips and holding down both his wrists. She was awfully strong for a witch her age. But then, instead of wrestling her wand away from him and blasting the Headmaster into oblivion, she stopped and looked at him.

"You're taking this awfully well," she said to him.

"Well considering I've worked with you for years Bella, I'm bound to know a few of your weaknes-"

"Not me you idiot," she snapped, "The fact that, that whore is fucking my nephew."

"And she's also fucking-"

"Don't say it or you're a dead wizard," she growled before moving back on topic, "You wanted her didn't you?"

"And I still do," he answered, "But one must know when he's beaten, Bella."

She narrowed her eyes at him for a few minutes before smirking down at him.

"Marcus?" She said sweetly. She released one of her hands on his wrists and ran it down his chest. She felt his breath hitch beneath her as she moved her hips slightly.

"Y-yes Bella?" He croaked out. She released his other hand and allowed him to place both of them on her hips. She leaned forward and gave him a fiery kiss that almost left him breathless.

"I want her to suffer Marcus," she whispered, "I want her feel real pain for what she's done. Don't you think she should to?"

She rolled her hips and he hissed and nodded in ascent.

"Don't you think she should know who she's really dealing with?"

He nodded again, closing his eyes and lifting her up and then down onto his member.

"And you still want to fuck her don't you?"

He nodded as she began to move.

"Then listen to me very carefully."