Hey guys! This is my first Twilight fanfiction. However, it is not my first fanfiction that I've written. A select few people, have read this story already and told me that it was a good idea to put it up here. Now onto 'The Second Encounter'.
Chapter One - The Beginning of it All
I walked into the house. Alice was waiting for me on the stairs. She apparently saw me coming, as soon as I climbed into my car.
Alice and Jasper lived in their own house, across town from Edward and myself. We were getting packed to go back to Forks, the place where all of this part of my life began. We'd been living in Alaska for awhile now.
Alice jumped up and kissed me on the cheek like she always did. "Hey Bell. Jasper is upstairs." She looked up and back to me. "He'll be down in five minutes."
I smiled. It had been almost twenty years that I'd been with the Cullen family and I still never got used to the powers. "Hello Alice. I'm really excited that we get to go back."
Jasper came down, five minutes later, just like Alice said. He carried two small bags. I recognized these bags. It was the same ones they used a little over twenty years ago, when I was being followed by James.
It was rather funny that the four of us normally ended up together. All of us had a certain power of sorts. Edward could tell what others were thinking. Alice could see decisions as soon as they were made. Jasper could feel what others were feeling, and he could make everyone calm.
Now, I had the weird power. Any power that had anything to do with the mind, would never work on me when I was still a human. Now, being a vampire like the rest of my family, the powers would backfire on the one who tried to use it on me.
Jasper carried the bags out to my car, while Alice and I walked out. "You drive the same way you did twenty-two years ago Bell. You're not driving." Alice said laughing at me.
I rolled my eyes as I walked to the passenger side of my car. I hated when they made me sit in the passenger seat, or even the back seat. I don't really get out of the house much. I'm usually around reading.
Alice climbed in as Jasper climbed in the back. She started the car and took off for mine and Edward's house.
Edward had bought me a new car after we got married. It was too much for me. He bought a baby blue Mazda Rx8. I always laughed at him when he complimented how I looked in it.
We arrived at the house about five minutes after we left theirs. I pulled my cell phone out of my purse to call Edward to come out with our bags, so we could leave for Forks. He didn't come out.
"I'll be back. I'll go get him." I said as I unbuckled and opened my door.
"Okay Bell. Hurry up though. I want to see Carlisle and Esme before they leave." Alice smiled.
"I want to talk to Emmett." Jasper said. It was actually one of the first things he had said all day around me at least.
I got my key out of my purse and unlocked the door. Edward was laying on the couch. It never changed. He still looked like a Greek God after all these years. I smiled.
"We're not taking your car Bella. We'll take the Volvo." Edward said unmoving.
"That car is so old Edward. We'll take mine, Emmett's Jeep will still be there. I'm sure that Carlisle and Rosalie's cars will be there too. Its not like we can't ride on the motorcycle. Jasper never wanted it remember?" I said pointedly.
Edward sighed as he sat up on the couch. "Fine." He smiled that crooked smile that I always loved.
"We'll have to stop half way there." I said. The golden color was fading from his eyes. I had noticed that with Alice and Jasper as well. I was sure mine was fading as well. It had been a week since we had went hunting. "We look demonic."
His crooked smile still on his face. He walked over to me and put his hands around my waist. "I missed you. Its time to go." He kissed me on the forehead and let go of me. The bags were by the door. He grabbed them and walked out of the door his hand in mine.
Thank you for reading the first chapter of 'The Second Encounter'. Please feel free to R&R. :)
Loves and Hugs, Liliana ♥