This was inspired from a post I saw on Facebook sometime in July and I had only intended it to be just a cute drabble, but then I started thinking and then suddenly, oops smut.

This was also a give for all of my wonderful followers on tumblr who made my birthday that much better with all of their well wishes and awesome messages. I love them all so much.


"Get away from me, Inuyasha, or I swear I will hurt you."

A sound of aggravation came from the half-demon. "Kagome, can we please just—"

"No." Spinning around, fire in her eyes and her face etched into a fearsome scowl, Kagome leveled her husband with a withering glare as she balled her hands into fists at her sides. "No, we can't talk about this because there's nothing to talk about. You made that perfectly clear when you—"

"Christ, Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled, thrusting his hands through his hair and resisting the urge to pull it all out. He growled, feeling exasperated as he glowered at his wife, frustrated that she wouldn't let him explain. "Dammit, I'm trying to—"

"I don't care!" Kagome suddenly shrieked and Inuyasha winced, his ears flattening from the shrill octave, but his wife was undeterred. "You know how I feel about that—that—that bitch and yet you still run to her ever beck and call like a damned puppy and you know that her little cries for help are complete and utter bullshit excuses just so she can see you and get into your pants! Think about it, Inuyasha: every day this past week she's had a 'rodent problem,' or a 'plumbing problem,' oh and don't forget that one time where she 'accidently' left her thong and bra sitting on the table when you went to collect her rent check! 'Forgot to put them away' my ass!"

"Kagome—" Inuyasha tried again to get a word in edgewise, dragging a hand down his face and growling in frustration. If she would just let him—

"And she knows you're married!" Kagome continued, yelling over him and Inuyasha clamped his mouth shut with an annoyed frown. "And you—you just—just let her climb all over you like some kind of—"

"I don't let her do anything, wench," Inuyasha growled but it went unheard.

"—know it pisses me off! You know every time she calls it's just some stupid excuse to get her filthy little paws on you and—"

Inuyasha groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"—sick of it! Can't you evict her or something or—"

Sighing, Inuyasha crossed his arms and leaned back against the counter, a tolerant look on his face.

"—harassment?! Seriously, there's got to be some kind of—of law that states you can't take advantage of your landlord like this—"

"I'm the landlord, Kagome. It's my job to fix something or solve an issue. I can't just ignore when she calls in case there really is something—"

"Uuugh!" Kagome threw her hands up in frustration and glowered at him. "I can't even—just—uuuurrgghh!" Spinning around, positively fuming, Kagome stomped down the hallway, yanked open the door to their bedroom, and slammed the door closed.

Growling, Inuyasha raised a fist and pounded on the door. "Dammit, Kagome, we ain't done! Get back out here so we can talk about this!"

"Go away, Inuyasha!" his wife's muffled voice came through and he resisted the urge to childishly stomp his foot. "I can't even look at you right now, let alone talk to you!"

Inuyasha flinched and heaved another sigh, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. The thing was, he wished he could just evict Yura without any warning, but because of renter's rights, that was unfortunately out of the question. Technically she's not really doing anything wrong; just being a giant, major pain in the ass.

Inuyasha wasn't going to let her put a rift between he and his wife, however. Despite what Kagome said, he did recognize the underhanded ways Yura schemed to get him alone. It was why much of the time be brought Kagome along with him when she called about something or another, however most of the time his wife's presence didn't deter her. Yura still found reasons to touch him, always flirted unabashedly while ignoring Kagome's death glares, always wearing revealing, skimpy clothes that were three sizes too small for her...generous bosom. It was annoying, Inuyasha had to admit, but he'd learned to put up with it. Despite her bad habit of trying to get into his pants, as Kagome put it, Yura was more a less a good tenant. She always paid her rent on time, she kept the apartment clean, and he'd never heard any complaints from her neighbors.

Inuyasha often found himself wishing she didn't pay her rent just so he had grounds to kick her scantily clad ass to the curb. It was frustrating, yes, but he couldn't do anything about it except put up with it, no matter how much he detested when she rang him up complaining about some kind of smell, or a leak in the celling, or a clog in the sink. Which was way too goddamn often, but again: what the fuck could he do?

Groaning again, Inuyasha shook his head, muttered under his breath, and then abruptly stalked across the kitchen to the refrigerator. Opening the door, he found the jar of pickles in short order, tightened the lid as much as he could, then put it back before closing the door and stalking into the living room to continue the paperwork he'd been doing before Kagome interrupted him with her complaints about the questionable habits of his tenants.

With his paperwork spread out on the coffee table and his laptop balanced on his thigh, Inuyasha got back to work and it wasn't even ten minutes later when he heard the bedroom door open and footsteps shuffling to the kitchen. The corner of his mouth kicked up into a small smirk. After being together for thirteen years and married for six, Inuyasha knew his wife better than he knew himself, and that included her post-argument habits.

Flicking his ears toward her, Inuyasha kept his eyes on his laptop as he tracked her movements, listening as she opened the fridge and anticipating her small grunts of effort as she attempted to unscrew the pickle lid. And sure enough, a few seconds later Kagome huffed and puffed as she tired to open the damn pickle jar and some of the things she was muttering under her breath had Inuyasha biting down n his lip to stifle his amused chuckles, however he was immensely satisfied his plan was working.

Several minutes later, after much grunting and cursing later, Kagome finally gave up with an annoyed huff and Inuyasha tried not to grin in triumph whens she stomped her way into the living room. Blanking his face, he continued staring at his computer, finishing up paying the last of the bills for that month while still aware of his wife as she halted in front of him where he sat on the couch and glared at him in stony silence.

Inuyasha clicked save, calm as you please, and faced his wife with a cocked eyebrow.

Narrowing her gaze, Kagome scowled and thrust the pickle jar at him, the implication clear.

Inuyasha flicked a glance at the jar then back up to her. He raised both brows at her that time while still struggling to withhold the grin that threatened to spread across his face.

Kagome pursed her lips and jabbed the glass jar at him again.

He stared.

Finally, with an annoyed huff and glaring murderously at him, Kagome gritted out, "Can you please open this." It wasn't so much a question but a demand.

Putting his computer on the coffee table, Inuyasha's lips twitched as he obediently held out a hand and the jar of pickles landed on his palm. With no effort Inuyasha loosened the lid with a quick flick of his wrist and held it back out. When Kagome went to grab it again, however, Inuyasha quickly snagged her wrist and tugged her toward him, lifting the jar of pickles aloft so she couldn't reach it.

Kagome sputtered then immediately struggled against him. "Dammit, Inuyasha—"

Pulling her onto his lap, Inuyasha secured her to him with an arm around her waist as he carelessly tossed the pickle jar to the other end of the couch after retightening the lid. "Quit squirming, wench, you ain't getting outta this."

Annoyed at her husband for using his hanyou strength against her, Kagome growled impressively well for a human and glared at him. "That was just mean, Inuyasha, and you know it."

Completely unrepentant, Inuyasha smirked at her. "Got you talking to me, though, didn't it?"

"God, I hate you sometimes," Kagome muttered and moodily crossed her arms, turning her head to glower at the wall.

"I know." Seizing her hips, Inuyasha maneuvered her so that she straddled him and he loosely circled his arm around her waist, locking his hands at the small of her back. She still refused to look at him, pouting now as she continued to stare at the wall in mulish silence.

Inuyasha frowned and then let out a sigh. "Kagome." Nothing. "Wench, look at me." She ignored him, jaw clenched. Ears wilting a little, he tried one more time. "Please look at me?"

Another ten seconds went by and when she still didn't respond, Inuyasha was about to go for broke and give a pitiful little whine, but then his wife visibly deflated, her shoulders dropping as she heaved a heavy sigh and turned her head to regard him with slightly hurt chocolate eyes.

Instantly Inuyasha's face softened and he leaned forward to rest his forehead against her own. "You know why I can't evict her, Kagome," he started, his voice a low rumble. "We need the extra income, especially right now, when we can't afford to be careless." Inuyasha slid his hand around to slip under her shirt and press meaningfully against her flat belly. Kagome made a soft sound in the back of her throat and laid her hand atop his.

"I know," Kagome replied in a tinny voice and he had to smile.

"And besides that," he continued, "as much as I hate to say it, Yura ain't an idiot. She knows her renter's rights, and she'd fight it if I kicked her out for no reason other than being a pest."

"I know." She sounded much more annoyed and he bit back a chuckle.

"I'll talk to her," Inuyasha went on, wanting to appease his wife in any way he can so he could see her smile at him again. "Let her know that her advances aren't reciprocated or appreciated, and reiterate that I'm married." He paused. "Again."

Finally Kagome's lips quirked up into a little smile as she fisted his shirt in her hands. "Damn right you're married," she said firmly and he grinned.

"I'll say it as many times as I have to," Inuyasha promised. "And if she still doesn't get the hint, then I'll let you go and say whatever the hell you want to her like you've been wanting to. Alright?" He leaned back and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Kagome's smile broadened. "Yeah?"


Biting her lip, the last of the tension seemed to drain out of her and she relaxed against him, sliding her hands up over his chest and grasping his shoulders. "Hmm," she breathed and Inuyasha knew that she was just toying with him now, purposely making him fish for an answer and he knew just how to get it.

Amber eyes glinted dangerously a fangs flashed in a wicked smirk. "Besides," Inuyasha suddenly growled and dipped his head to pave hot kisses along the slender column of her throat. "You know I only have eyes and hands for my enticing, sexy as hell wife." He slipped his hands into her cotton shorts and cupped her bare ass before hauling her tighter against him, pressing the hard ridge of his growing erection into the softness between her thighs and he found himself thinking, not for the first time, how grateful he was that his wife didn't like to wear panties 90% of the time she was home.

Kagome gasped and reflexively arched against him as her arms wrapped around his neck, eyes closing and head falling back. "O-oh really?" His tongue lashed against her neck and warmth pooled between her thighs, a whimper escaping past her lips.

Peeling back his lips, Inuyasha growled and grazed his fangs up her throat to her jaw. Kagome's breath hitched and her heart raced in her chest; not good enough. He wanted to hear her moan. "You're the only one I want," he husked as his hand slipped around and slyly stole into the front of her shorts. His beautiful wife did not disappoint; his fingers discovered slick heat and the grin that stretched his mouth was positively gloating at the heated little moan that drifted up to his ears.

"And I know you want me, too." With a hedonistic growl that bespoke of dark promises, Inuyasha lifted his head, slanted his mouth over hers and adapted a slow, steady stroke of his fingers against her hot core, teasing her clit, dipping into her tight sheath and swallowing every little moan, whimper and cry that escaped from her mouth.

Jerking against him as he stole the very breath from her longs and every coherent thought with his talented fingers, Kagome was a slave to the pleasure that coursed through her body, his deft touch sending fire through her veins, heating her blood and making her heart pound in a rhythm meant only for him. She clung to his shoulders as she shamelessly rode his hand, rocking her hips, arching her back and returning his passionate kisses with equal fervor and abandon. She could feel his rigid cock, concealed by his jeans, brush against the inside of he thigh with every roll of her hips and it only served to fan the flames of her desire even higher, the inferno in her belly burning brighter, hotter, threatening to consume her if she didn't find her relief soon.

"Inuyashaaaa," Kagome begged when he finally released her mouth to allow her to breathe. Gasping, panting and face flushed a beautiful shade of scarlet, she gazed at him under sooty lashes and licked her lips, urgently moving against his hand. "Please...I need..." She moaned and tossed her head back, moving her hands down to desperately clutch at his shirt, pulling him closer, pushing him away, needing more, frustrated that it was just out of her reach.

With a savage curse, Inuyasha abruptly withdrew his hand from her shorts and hastily started unfastening his jeans, his breathing harsh, and when small hands brushed his away he allowed his wife to take over as his claws made quick work of destroying her shorts before reaching behind him to tug off his shirt and drop it carelessly to the floor. Kagome barely even noticed as she freed his cock from his jeans and Inuyasha groaned when she gripped him in her hand, stroking the hard length once, twice, before abruptly releasing him and gripping his shoulders to raise herself up on her knees as her mouth sought his in a torrid kiss.

Inuyasha wasted no time; as his tongue slipped into her mouth for a deeper taste, he arrested her hips and roughly jerked her down onto his cock, impaling her with one swift thrust and they both cried out at the dizzying pleasure that roared through their bodies. With his hands on her ass, Inuyasha guided her in a slow grind, spreading his legs and lifting his hips with very forward roll of hers.

Heavy breathing, a quiet moan, a heady growl; all within the same space of a passionate kiss, a savage curse, a plea for more. Kagome's fingers dug into his shoulders as his gripped her ass, rocking her against him, bucking his hips, driving his cock deep into her hot core over and over until she was writhing against him, her body undulating, riding him for all she was worth, faster, harder, more. Still Inuyasha was relentless, growling as he jerked her down as he thrust up, slamming home again and again, relishing in her cries of pleasure, her sharp gasps, and the naughty words that fell from her lips a she sought her release, too lost in a haze of pleasure to realize how fucking enticing she was to him right then.

Racking her nails down his chest, nipping his lips and slicking her tongue across his bottom lip, Kagome leaned back just enough to be able to look into his eyes, twin suns of burning amber, blazing with desire for her and she gave another quiet moan as she ground against him again, hissing when his cock slid against her sensitive clit. Inuyasha growled and delivered a hard, grinding thrust; Kagome gasped and ached her back, his working in tandem with his own, and Inuyasha knew she was close, could see it in her eyes, dark pools of scorching lust, and his own climax was imminent, needing that fulfilling release, but wanting hers more.

Then her eyes connected with his again, hot, impassionate depths that set his body ablaze, and her lips parted as she breathed his name, "Inuyasha..."

Inuyasha jerked, clamped his hands hard onto her hips, and with a hoarse shout his release roared through with an unstoppable force that triggered Kagome's own climax. Her mouth parted in a silent scream of his name as searing heat suffused her entire body, her vision going white, and vaguely she was aware of Inuyasha snapping his arms around her and hauling her up against him. Through the haze of pleasure she could hear his husky voice in her ear whispering how good it felt, sweet endearments, of his love for her, and as the cloud slowly dissipated from her mind, she dimly noted the sporadic, spasmic jerks of his hips against hers as his release gradually came to an end.

With a shudder, Kagome collapsed against him, chest heaving for breath, her arms wrapped loosely around his neck as her head came to rest on his shoulder. Then a content, lazy smile curled her lips upward when a low, soothing rumble emitted from her husband's chest and she sighed, closing her eyes a she reveled in the warmth, basking in the afterglow of their shared love, wondering how it was even possible to love someone even more than they already did.

Then she felt Inuyasha's lips press against her temple and abruptly she decided she didn't even care as long he never stopped stroking her back with his claws like that. Kagome emitted an appreciative hum and her smile widened when she felt more than heard his low chuckle. She opened her eyes, sucked in a breath to ask what happened to her shorts, but then something green at the other end of the couch drew her attention and she paused as her eyes landed on the forgotten jar of pickles.

Which reminded her of her earlier craving for the juicy green snack and her mouth watered just thinking about it, as it always did whenever she thought of pickles, even when she wasn't craving. Which she always thought was weird, but whatever.

Licking her lips, Kagome murmured, "Inuyasha."

"Hmm?" He swept his hand down her back, gave her ass an appreciated squeeze, and then trailed his claws back up again into her hair.


Inuyasha paused. "...Pickles."

"Gimme." She stretched her arm out and made grabby motions with her hand with a tiny, needy grunt.

Staring down at his wife's head with a look akin to confused disbelief, Inuyasha turned is head and spied the jar of pickles he'd tossed earlier, laying innocently at the other end of the couch. "Seriously?" he deadpanned. "You want a pickle now? After—"

"Hey," his wife protested and tilted her head to send him a narrow-eyed glare, though it lacked any real heat. "If you recall, I wanted a pickle before and I wouldn't want one now if my horny husband hadn't intentionally been a giant dick and tightened the lid just so I would have to come and talk to him. So it's your fault for delaying my craving, and now it's back with a vengeance. Now gimme the damn jar, Inuyasha. Your kid wants pickles and he will not be denied."

Inuyasha leveled her with a look that clearly stated what he thought of her demands and when all he received was another grunt as she gestured to the damnable jar of pickles, he rolled his eyes, grumbled under his breath and with an arm around her waist he leaned over far enough to snag the desired jar and hand it over. Kagome made a pleased little sound in her throat as she turned around in his arms before unscrewing the previously loosened lid with relish and fished around for the biggest one she could find.

Shaking his head, amused despite himself, Inuyasha wondered as he watched his wife happily munch away on her tangy treat what other bizarre cravings his wife was going to have during her pregnancy. She was only a few weeks along; if this was any indication, he was in for a long nine months.

But, Inuyasha mused as he wrapped his arms around her again and splayed his hands on her still flat belly, I guess a few weird cravings is a small price to pay so long as our child is born healthy and strong. Suddenly choked up, Inuyasha buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply, nuzzling her head and giving a deep, content sigh.


His ear flicked. "Mm?"

"...Do we have any banana peppers and ice cream?"

Inuyasha groaned.