A/N: I do not own any of the characters. They all belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer. I also do not own any songs or websites mentioned. They belong to their respective owners.


Chapter 1: Strike A Pose


Finally. High school was over. Summer was actually 3 months long for a change. In September, which sadly was already only a week away, I'd be taking my first semester at the Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. Summer had gone by too quickly, but I was more than excited to start college.

Alice Brandon, my best friend since I was 12, and I had both gotten our acceptances the same day. Of course, we immediately set up a sleepover and chatted excitedly about how far we'd come and what cute boys we had to look forward to meeting in college.

There were slim pickings in the town we grew up in, Forks. Alice's older brother Emmett was basically the cutest guy in town, but I only thought of him as a brother. Alice and her family were beautiful.

Alice was a small framed girl, standing at about five feet tall. She had short, black, spiky hair, and brilliant dark blue eyes. Her brother, Emmett, stood at about six foot three and he was muscular. He had dark brown, curly hair, but he had light blue eyes, like his mothers. To Alice and I, he was like a giant teddy bear and our bodyguard. He had graduated last year and was already attending Cornish.

Alice and I decided that tomorrow, we would go shopping for all our dorm necessities: bedding, mini-fridge, laptop accessories, stereo, new clothes, desk items, etc. We had to get new clothes because, I mean, how do we expect to impress big Seattle boys wearing the same clothes we had in high school? Alice had always had a great sense of style, but she still wanted to amp it up, make it more adult like, and a little more alluring to the boys.

This idea also meant that she would be redoing my complete wardrobe to her liking and standards. I for one had been perfectly comfortable in band tees and jeans along with my slip on vans. Of course, none of this was acceptable for Alice. This was going to be one hell of a shopping trip.


I woke up bright on early on another summer day, thanks once again, to Alice. She had no concept of sleeping in unfortunately, but at least it meant I actually did something with my summer.

I got up and grabbed a convertible bra, some panties, and a normal outfit of a t-shirt and jeans, then quickly got in the shower. I knew the bra would come in handy trying on all kinds of clothes because it's harder to assess the look of a strapless or halter shirt with your straps hanging out.

Alice came and picked me up in her yellow Honda S2000. It was as outlandish and cute as her. It was only two seats, so I hoped that would deter her from going overboard while shopping, although usually it didn't. She was wearing a flowing, white, spaghetti-strapped top with some dark, denim skinny jeans and sparkling, black flats.

When we got to the mall, we went straight to Robb & Stucky. Alice quickly went over to the Laura Kirar collection and looked for things to put in the house we would be living in with Emmett. She found a nice-looking, gray couch and a cute, black coffee table, with black and gray, speckled marble on top. She also found the perfect bedspread for her. It was gold with a silvery, flower design all-over with matching all-gold and all-silver pillows to adorn it with. The total came to a mere 8,000.00 for her, which was almost nothing considering both of her parents were accomplished anesthesiologists.

Since I refused to let her pick my bed spread there, we went over to the Bed, Bath, and Beyond next door. I found the perfect crimson bedspread with a reversible side of medium-sized hot pink hearts on a crimson background to add a touch of flavor to the plain bedspread when I actually made my bed or to tone it down should I reverse it. It was perfect and it came with matching pillow cases that could be flip-flopped, as well. I immediately, grabbed the last set for queen size and put it in our cart.

We ended up finding a cheap mini-fridge as well as many cute lamps to adorn the room in. Next it was on to an Office Depot for desks and accessories. We found a great desk for a great deal and then gathered up all school supplies we may need as well as a couple cooling pads for our laptops. I got some new sketch-pads, a Tablet for making images send directly to my laptop, new colored pencils, and plenty of pens, pencils, hi-lighters, and notebooks. Once we finished there, it was finally time for the dreaded clothing part of the shopping trip. First stop, Express.

Express had beautiful clothes that would look amazing on Alice and had outrageous prices. I never understood why she brought me here before, but now we were trying to update my look. I wasn't exactly sure how well this would go. I found a couple cute outfits to try on and was excited to know I was still a size two. This made me feel a little more comfortable shopping in such a high end store.

I ended up finding a cute, black, pleated mini skirt, a couple white and black button-up shirts, nice skinny jeans, cute flats, and some knee-high socks to go with the mini-skirt. I knew one day I would have to wear it with a mini tie to get the whole school girl outfit going on, since for some reason guys seem to go ga-ga over it. By the time we left that one store Alice already had eight bags, compared to my two. I laughed trying to figure out how she would make it back to the car in time to drop them off before we continued shopping.

Surprisingly we made it to the car and then we headed to Forever 21. We found plenty of other amazingly cute outfits there, hit a couple more stores, like BCBG, Bebe, and Papaya on the way out. Of course, we also had to hit Victoria's Secret because who knew sexy better than them, right? By the time we got back to the car, even I had about ten bags, but still didn't compare to Alice's twenty-three. That girl could be paid to be a marathon shopper, except she'd even do it for free.

We managed to stuff all but two bags into her trunk, leaving the last two in my lap for the car ride back to Alice's house. She blared Chris Brown the whole ride home as we sang along at the top of our lungs. Tonight, would be another sleepover.

We made it to her house and made Emmett come out to help us carry in the many bags. He, of course, being the great bring brother he was, managed to carry almost all of them leaving the two of us only one bag for each hand.

We made it inside just in time for a late lunch. It was delicious grilled cheese and bugles. The combination made us feel like little kids again when our moms still packed our lunches. We quickly ate and ran upstairs to begin the sleepover early. We started by going through all our bags and doing a fashion show for each other. Of course, I finished much quicker than Alice, so she gave up and we decided to watch t.v. instead.

We felt the need to continue the childish feel of the day after our lunch by turning on nickelodeon and catching an old episode of All That.

A few minutes later, a commercial came on for eHarmony, some online dating service that supposedly tons of people had used and gotten great matches. Alice seemed to fall for it hook, line, and sinker as she watched wide-eyed.

"Omg! We should so sign up for it! We could meet the boys of our dreams without even having to look!" She squealed. I gave her an incredulous look. "Please tell me you're kidding." "No! I'm for cereal! Come on? Please Bella, for me?" Then she flashed those big, blue, puppy-dog eyes at me and I, of course, caved. "Fine, but remember we have to be careful. There are tons of creeps on these kinds of sites. We have to be very specific." And with that, she jumped off the bed and ran to get her laptop.

She laid it at the end of the bed and we both laid on our stomachs to see what was on the screen. Alice typed the URL on the screen and grew giddy at the site. She quickly registered filling out her name, e-mail, password, and location. She took the questionnaire and waited eagerly for matches while I filled out my profile in another browser so we could be logged in at the same time.

Ten minutes later we each had a list of matches on our home page. We decided that since we had just bought cute new outfits, we should take flirty pictures to post onto our accounts. Alice put on a form-fitting, black dress with crochet on the bottom that we picked from Victoria's Secret. (link to dress in profile.) She struck a pose trying to look as seductive as possible, pouting her lips, with a slight smile behind it, as she lounged on the window seat, and boy did she pull it off.

Next, I dressed up in my corset-style blue and white striped dress from Victoria's Secret and posed trying to look as innocent as I could, as I swirled my dress and let my hair cover half my face and throwing in a slight smile as I leaned away from the wall. (link to dress with pose in profile.) She quickly snapped the picture before I could fall, which I did, right after the flash.

We immediately uploaded the pictures to our profiles and began filling out all the information our future suitors would need.

Name: Alice Brandon

Nickname: Ali, Troublemaker ;)

Birthday: 3-29-1990


Food: Italian

Color: Pink

Book: How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire, it's a bit kinky ;p

Movie: The Notebook or Superman, can't choose between my chick flick and an amazingly hot superhero, who's sweet, too!

Song: Forever by Chris Brown, I love to dance and this song gets me pumping!

Interests: I enjoy doing ballet, dancing crazy, designing clothes and playing dress-up with my best friend, Bella Swan. I also LOVE shopping!! I'm going into a fashion design major at Cornish College of the Arts.

Questions for suitors:

1. What's your ideal first date?

2. What do you look for in a girl?

3. What's your major?

4. Would you let me call you a pet name?

5. Would you be willing to carry my bags if we were to go shopping together?

If that last question didn't scare away all possible suitors, then maybe they were worth giving a shot. Now it was my turn to fill out my information. But before I could start, Alice spoke up. She looked worried. "You know you don't actually have to do this, right? Or if you do, you don't have to pursue any of the guys that reply." I looked at her like she was crazy. "You actually think I'm even going to get any hits? And if I do I know I'm not required to even meet them. I'm doing this for you and to see what fun we can have. Who knows, maybe I'll meet prince charming!" I gave her a wink and turned back to the computer. I heard her give a sigh of relief behind me as I began filling in the blanks.

Name: Isabella Swan

Nickname: Bella, I prefer this name to my full name.

Birthday: 9-13-1989


Food: Italian, yum raviolis and garlic bread :)

Color: Red

Book: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's. I absolutely love old actresses like Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe :D

Song: Claire de Lune by Debussy. What can I say, I'm a classical kind of girl.

Interests: I enjoy reading the classics and listening to all types of music. I love to draw and I'm going into a graphic design major at Cornish College of the Arts, which I will be attending in September.

Questions for suitors:

1. Where would you take me on our first date?

2. What are your plans after college, if you are attending?

3. Tell me something that makes you different from other possible suitors.

4. Do you have a close relationship with your family?

Once I finished, I turned around to see Alice with a big, goofy grin slapped across her face. "Oh god, what now?" I said, scared of what the answer may be. "Eeeeee! I have a feeling I'm gonna meet someone really perfect on here!" She practically screamed in response.

Alice got these "feelings" about certain things. They were like psychic vibes. They had come in handy plenty of times when deciding whether to date certain boys, go to certain places, or do certain things. She also had visions, but they only came up in the form of dreams.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! And last night, I had a dream that you're gonna meet Mr. Dreamy at school, so even if you don't find someone awesome on here, you now have something to look forward to!" She started bouncing up and down on the bed in excitement. I just laughed and we laid back waiting for responses and deciding what to do with the rest of the sleepover.


Okay so this was my attempt at an all human story. Sorry if it started off slow. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. The fun will begin probably next chapter. Thanks to my friend .Thunder.Cloud.Izzy for the input for my story as well. The rating may be upped later. R&R is much appreciated!