Author's Note: Hey everyone! This is my first Gundam Wing fic of many I hope! Anyway, let me know what you think of it and I hope you enjoy it! Make sure to review and let me know if I should continue with it! It'll really make my day :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.

Chapter 1: The Day the World Turned Upside Down

"Wait! Where will you go, Heero? You promised that it was done. That you didn't need to kill anymore!" Relena Peacecraft's voice rang through the empty room. It had been almost 6 months since the Mariemaia incident. After the entire thing, Heero had joined the Preventors and was Relena's personal bodyguard. She had thought that was his assignment until now. Until now when he was standing in front of her in her entrance way, telling her that he was leaving. Tonight.

Heero Yuy held his emotions inside of him. He closed his eyes in order to keep his focus. Plus he couldn't stand to look at the heartbreaking expression on Relena's face anymore, the look made it seem as if she would break when he left. He couldn't stand it. Relena's rosy complexion usually held a beautiful smile on her face while she was with Heero.

She had really grown up since the time he first met her. Right now her honey blond hair just touched her shoulders. She had decided to cut it a couple of weeks ago because she wanted to see if Heero noticed anything different about her.

It worked of course. That night he had walked Relena home to her door as usual while he searched the estate's premises for enemies. When they had reached her porch, he carefully took her hand in his and pulled her up the stairs. Her face was full of shock as Heero had leaned in and kissed her cheek. "You are beautiful, Relena. You don't have to change a thing" was what he had whispered to her before jumping lithely down the porch. She stood still as a statue as she watched him disappear before placing her hand on her warm cheek. She smiled as she opened the door slowly and waited for Heero to come in as he usually did. After that day, Relena's smile was plastered to her face whenever she was with Heero.

Relena was still only 16 years old, but she still knew she loved the boy in front of her. She stared desperately at the boy in front of her. His Prussian blue eyes were hidden from her behind his eyelids. His posture was stiff as he stood in her doorway, leaning against the door. How could she let him go? The boy was strong for his age, his body was lean yet muscular and his messy chocolate brown hair held the water drip lets from outside since was raining.

He had walked her home as usual and as she unlocked the door and walked in, he had gone around the premises, making sure everything was safe for her. Then he would have walked into the door, like he always did as Relena jumped on a couch in the library to read a book. That was how they spent their evenings most of the time. Heero would come into the library telling Relena everything was safe. Most of the time she felt as if he was confirming this to himself than to her. He did that a lot. She almost laughed. It was probably from having so many years of getting missions and such. He always seemed like he was giving her a report, as if she was his superior who had called him into her office.

But she soon found that there was nothing ordinary about tonight. Relena had distinctly heard the door open and then close. She was used to Heero's shoes making no noise so she wasn't worried when she didn't hear anything else. But after 5 minutes, Heero didn't come into the library. Frowning slightly, Relena grumbled as she set her book aside and walked to the foyer.

"Heero, I can't believe you're making me get up! You know just how horrible my day has been today. Demetri would not stop talking about the upcoming reception dinner to be given on his behalf! I thought I would die of boredom or wouldn't…-" she stopped abruptly, mid-sentence. Heero stood leaning against the door, his eyes staring at her, his expression blank.

"What is it, Heero? Is someone here?" Relena could help but notice how guarded his eyes were. As if he was trying to hide something from her. She shuddered lightly. He hadn't looked like that in a long time. Heero had really opened up to Relena. On nights when Relena didn't want to sleep, her and Heero stayed up all night talking. She would tell him about her day and ask all she could about him. Most of the time he would respond in the smallest response possible. But sometimes he would look straight at her and answer her question in the best way possible. Relena even remembered a few times when she had nightmares and made Heero climb into her bed with her. She would awake, screaming for her father or her brother, Milliardo. Heero would be at her side in an instant, asking her what was wrong. As she would sob, Heero would sit down on her bed, taking the Princess into his arms. After thoroughly ruining his shirt with her tears, Relena begged Heero to stay with her. Complying with her every wish, Heero would pull himself up on the king sized bed and lean against the headboard as he shifted Relena into his arms. After he would come to stay with her, she did not have nightmares.

They had gotten close. That part was certain. But now, the way he was staring at her, Relena couldn't help but think back to the time she had handed him an invitation to her birthday party. He looked at her with no expression on his beautiful face.

"You are safe. I cannot stay tonight. I am leaving on a mission. You will not see me again." His voice held no emotion, no remorse. Nothing.

Relena stared at the boy, laughing nervously. "What are you talking about? Very funny, Heero, but you're my bodyguard, you can't just leave me!" Her voice held a note of hysteria in it as she looked at Heero's serious look.

"You will get another bodyguard. You will always be protected," he promised her firmly. "I am leaving on a mission tonight. Trowa will be here to watch over you for the remainder of the night." His look held honesty in it. There was no hint of anything else.

"I will always be protected?" Her voice was surprisingly bitter. "How is that possible, with you leaving?!"

He looked away from her. He couldn't stand to see her like this. Tears had gathered in her deep cerulean eyes. It seemed she was unaware of them, or anything for that matter. She only focused on him. "There are plenty of bodyguards available. If you feel unsafe, I can have Lady Une or Sally assign some more guards to you."

"That's not what I meant! You leaving will hurt me more than any other danger. More than a bomb. More than a gun. More than any enemy. My world will turn upside down!" She was begging now. She knew it was pathetic but she couldn't see herself without him. Relena rushed forward and threw her arms around Heero's neck, burying her face in his masculine chest.

Heero could feel himself losing control. He felt the urge to wrap his arms around her thin frame and crush her body to him. He wanted to tell her that he would stay with her. But that was not possible.

With strong hands, Heero deftly pulled Relena's arms away from his neck, pinning her wrists to her side.

Her face held all the horror she felt inside as she saw him looking at her strangely, as if he was trying to memorize her face. His words suddenly echoed in her mind. 'You will not see me again.'

When she spoke, her voice was strained as she attempted to hold back the sobs that threatened to mute her voice. "When will you return, Heero?" Relena was surprised to hear that her voice held something else in it. She realized she figured out the answer to her question before she had even finished asking it.

He gauged her reaction carefully. "I will not return."

Relena nodded her head without being conscious of her movements. It was as if her body was detached from her. She barely realized that she had sunk to the ground.

She was however, aware of the fact that Heero had not said her name at all during their conversation. It was as if he was trying to save her more pain because he must have known. He had to know that saying her name would bring back all of her memories of their time together. But she had to hear it. Relena needed to hear his beautiful voice say her name. She needed to see his perfect lips open to say her name.

Heero couldn't stand it any longer. He knew it was going to be hard. But this… this was unbearable. He couldn't even walk up to her and pull her up on her feet. If he put his arms around her warm body, he would not be able to leave.

It seemed to be in slow motion for Relena as Heero closed his eyes, forever sealing the deep midnight blue gems from her. Then his form turned completely away. With a swift movement, he pulled open the door. Relena was unaware of the chilly air that came in through the door. She was already having trouble breathing.

But she had to hear it! She needed to hear her name from his lips! Relena reached out her hand towards the figure.

"Goodbye… Relena."

Relena was unaware of anything else. He had said it, he had said her name. And with that, she gladly gave into the darkness.

Soooo, what did ya think?! Let me know... I love reviews :D