Hey guys, so this probably going to be the last chapter. Yeah I know short story. But I think I might be doing a sequel. When this is over I'm going to put the summary for the sequel at the bottom and maybe even a sneak peek. Please tell me what you think of it and if I should write it. Oh and to clear something's up. Most people were saying that mark doesn't love her and that he is possessive over her and stuff. Mark really does love her, and when Erica told him Mitchie cheated on him he was crushed, not just because she cheated on him but because he learned if from his sister and not his girlfriend. And the reason why he yelled at Shane was because Mark still loves Mitchie he's just mad and to make matters worse his girlfriends ex boyfriend just wrote and sang a love song about her. He's going to get mad. So I just wanted to clear that up for you all. Oh and I went to a Jonas Brothers concert on Sunday night. It was amazing, the best concert I've ever been too and I've been to at least 6 and Demi accidentally fell, I felt bad for her. But she got up and joked about it. Okay so here's the moment you've all been waiting for. Who will she pick?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Camp Rock or any of the original characters. I do own Selena Gray, Mark, Dean and Erica.

Previously on Things Change:

"YOU WROTE A SONG ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND?" Mark asked going up to Shane.

"So what it was just a song." Shane said.

"Yeah a song about how much you love her." Mark said glaring at Shane.

"And you're point is?" Shane asked

"She's my girlfriend." Mark said stepping closer to Shane. Shane looked like he was getting pissed off. If Mark said anything else you could tell Shane was gonna blow.

"Who was making out with me." Shane said. That was low. Mark looked hurt, he looked back at Mitchie who was sitting in the chair, eyes red and puffy, make-up streaming down her face, and try to take in everything that was going on.

"That doesn't mean anything, she's still with me." Mark said back. Shane stepped back. He looked over at Mitchie, so did Mark.

"Mitchie, just make a decision, who do you want? Me or Mark?" Shane asked.

Mitchie looked up at them like they were crazy. "I cant just choose between you two. I need more time." Mitchie said to them. Then Shane pushed Mark and started to walk over to the exit. "Shane what are you doing?" Mitchie asked.

"Making your decision easier for you." He said and stormed out the door. Mitchie was having enough of this over dramatic pop star. She walked out after him. IT was raining but she really didn't care right now.

"Shane! SHANE!" She called. He stopped about ten feet in front of her. "Why are you doing this?!" She asked. He turned around but stood his ground.

"What else am I supposed to do?" He asked. Then he got mad. "Mitchie I've been trying to show you for 3 months that I love you. I've been trying to show you that what you're feeling between us can't just be brushed off. That you and I are meant to be and you can't change it no matter how much you try. I love you Mitchie. I LOVE YOU. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU BEFORE YOU REALIZE I MEAN IT?!" He asked. She just stood there, staring at him, not with hate or love or passion or confusion, she just looked at him breathing hard. Then he walked up to her, grabbed the back of her head and crashed his lips to hers. She slowly snaked her arms around his neck, getting caught up in the kiss. His other hand went around her waist and pulled her closer, as the kiss started to get heated he pulled away. "I really do love you Mitchie Torres." He said. She looked up at him, looking like she was about to cry. "What, what's wrong?" He asked, wiping away one of her tears with his thumb.

"I…I cant. I just need to think everything over." She said. He groaned and walked away. "Shane where are you going?" She asked, still crying and soaking wet from the rain.

"Away! Call me when you've decided!" He said. He walked over to his corvette and left. When Mitchie realized he wasn't coming back she went back inside. Everyone came running up to her, asking her all different questions that she couldn't pay attention to. She finally put her hand up to show them all to shut up, and they did. Then her mother came running back stage.

"MITCHIE! Why are you soaking wet?" She asked. MItchie looked up at her mom and just walked past her to her parent's car. One the way home she sat in total silence, with her parents worrying about her the whole time. When she got home she went up to her room, changed into some sweats and sat in her bed and cried. While she was crying she was thinking about everything that had happened the past 3 months. She didn't go to school the next day either, and never left her room unless it was to go to the bathroom. Sometime during the day her mother knocked on her door and came inside. "Honey, Selena is here. She wants to talk to you." Her mother said, Mitchie just nodded and Selena walked in. Her mother left.

"Hi." Selena said. She was waiting for Mitchie to reply, when she realized Mitchie wasn't going to speak she got worried. "Mitchie are you okay? You didn't come to school and you haven't spoken since Shane left." Selena said.

"Is he still gone?" Mitchie asked.

"Yea, he's going to graduate early and they are sending him his daploma. He will actually graduate next Friday but I don't think he needs to be in school." She said.

"Is he coming back?" Mitchie asked her voice was quite and could barley be herd.

"I don't think so." Selena said. Mitchie started crying again and Selena hugged her. "I have to go. My mom needs me to help with dinner. Bye Mitchie." Selena said. She got up and left. A few minutes later Mrs. Torres walked into Mitchie's room.

"Honey are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked her daughter.

"Mom, he's not coming back." Mitchie said crying into her pillow.

"Why do you care if he's coming back or not? He hurt you too much for you to care." Connie said walking out of her daughter's room.

"But I need to tell him I choose him, I love him." Mitchie whispered to herself.

BAM its over. Yes, yes, yes I know it's probably not the ending you all wanted but I swear that Smitchie will happen. Okay so I am making a sequel obviously and it's going to be set 10 years in the future. Here's the Summary:

Singing didn't work out for Mitchie Torres so now she is living another dream, designing wedding dresses. Her store is just starting up, what happens when her new client, famous singer Nikki Davis, is getting married to an old friend. Smitchie, Shane/OC, Nelena, Caitlin/OC

What did you think, and I think it's pretty obvious who Nikki is get married to. Here is a sneak peak.

Selena and I just opened our store 30 minutes ago and we already have someone coming in. Selena was in the back getting more of the dresses and putting them on the racks. I only looked up from behind the counter, where I was paying the bills for the store, when I heard a bunch of hangers hit the ground. When I looked up I saw Selena picking up 5 dresses that she had dropped, she was staring at our customer who I haven't looked at yet. When I looked at our customer my mouth dropped. It was Nikki Davis. She is a famous singer and she was at our store, our store hadn't even been open a month and we already had a celebrity walk in. She walked up to me. "Hello. I've been looking for a dress all day and I have found the perfect one. I passed you store and saw some beautiful looking ones in the window. Could I see the rest of your collection?" She asked. I nodded.

"Do you have anything in mind?" I asked her.

"I want something that's satin, strapless, with beads and lace, and a pick-up skirt." She said.

"We just opened so we don't have anything like that at the moment, but I could sketch something like that up for you and you could add or take away stuff from the sketch and make it into your perfect dress." She seemed to like that idea.

"That's great. Do you sell shoe's here too?" She asked.

"Well I make the dresses and the other owner makes the shoes. My cousin also owns a jewelry store so I could send her the sketch and she can make some jewelry to match." I said, sketching up a dress as I talked to her.

"Oh that sounds great. Who is the other owner?" She asked.

"Hold on I'll get her, look over the sketch and tell me what you think." I said showing her the dress I drew and went to get Selena. "Hey we have a costomer who wants you to make her some shoes. Come on." I said. Selena didn't move. "Are you coming?" I asked.

"You really don't want me to go out there." Selena said. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out to the counter.

"Here she is," I said bringing Selena out to meet Nikki, "She is the best." I said. Nikki looked up at Selena and got a huge smile and then pulled Selena in for a hug. That was a little weird.

"Oh Selena, its been what 2 months since I've seen you? I'm so glad I get to see you, and you're making my shoes. This is going to be so fun!" She exclaimed. "Oh so you're her friend Mitchie." Nikki said to me.

"Do you two now each other?" Stupid question Mitchie of course they know each other. Nikki nodded.

'Of course we know each other! I mean I am-"She was suddenly cut off by a man's voice.

"Babe, have you found a dress yet?" the voice asked. I looked over at the door to see a face I haven't seen in 10 years. My breath caught in my throat. Nikki ran over to him.

"Actually I'm getting on made. Meet our new dress designer, Mitchie Torres." Nikki said gesturing toward me.

"Mitchie?!" I herd him mumble.

"Hi Shane…" I said back. Well this will be interesting.

What did you all think? Would you read it. Please tell me what you think. And since it's a day before I go back to school I'm going to try to update on all of my fanfics today so keep looking to see what I've updated.