Bored Bored Bored! So bored in fact I look at my stories and notice they were collecting dust. So I decided to update! Hurray for Boredom! So enjoy ye mateys and prepare to be blown away by ye tell of one blushing princess and that all the bad guys want! BUT NOT THAT WAY YOU PREVYS!

People to thank for reading, reviewing and STUFF:

Takara Makoto

Kuroi Bara-676




What happen last time on HELP ME:

"Do you know if Hinata likes Ukases".

"Okay Naruto first I know no Ukases"

I held up a second finger "Second don't you think it's weird that this guy would have pictures of Hinata in his pocket".

"Well" he muttered.

"Third isn't following everywhere called stalking and dangerous"

"Well what your point" he pouted.

Someone please shoot Naruto down.


"Well she already in danger" Naruto pointed out.

I leaned back in my chair calling it quits. There just no winning with this airhead. Hinata where ever you are. I hope you're safe and that you don't mind that I kill your crush

Now back to the story:

"Aw isn't she cute" Temari said "I always wanted a sister".

"What about us" Kankuro asked.

"What about you dorks" Temari snapped back.

"Eh whatever" and he went back to fixing the car.

"This is taking forever" Gaara complained.

"Well maybe if someone hadn't destroyed the engine we wouldn't be in this mess" I said annoyed.

He glared at me "This is much as your fault too, cochon" (pig in french)

The car sounded awful as Kankuro yank something from under the hood. At this point, things were hopeless. I need to get to the site, but I wouldn't make it on time with these idiots. Damn time was running out already!


Blissful silence filled the car. I was finally able to relax a little. Well that was until Naruto opened his mouth again.

"Hey Neji" he asked.

"What" I hissed.

"Not to be a bother or anything, but can I get out from the trunk now"


"But it hot in here"

"Too bad with you in there we can sneak up a lot more quietly"

"Look if this is about your cousin. I'm sorry. I didn't know she had a crush on me"

"Are you blind or really just that blond"

"It actually my natural hair color"

I rubbed my temples. I should have gagged him. I look straight ahead of me and saw a stick figure standing on the road. I think it was a girl. She had pink hair and she still wasn't moving. I recognized her now. She was at the hospital with Hinata. I honked at her, but she still wouldn't move. I tried to move the other way, but just as I pass her. She grabs one side of the car and throws Naruto and me across the street.

"Holy Shit we're under attack" Naruto screamed.

The girl jumped onto the car with a gun in her hand.

"Get the blond idiot out of the trunk now"

"Sakura-chan is that you" this stick figure was the Sakura that Naruto liked?

"Get him out now" she commanded.

I didn't like her. She was bossy, but being a gentleman. I decided to put the car back in drive and throw her off the car. She fell off, but on her feet. She glared right back at me as I return the favor. She then ran straight for the car, but I moved as quickly as possible. Sadly stick figure throws something at the car thus taking half of the car off.

"Sakura-chan" Naruto cheered popping out from the hood.

She grab him by the collar and yelled at him "You idiot".

She hitted him repeatedly as she continues to yell.

"I told you before to watch out and look at happen. Orochimaru probably got a hold of Hinata we speak"

"I miss you too" he said smiling.

Well this is gross. I jump out of the car "Just what going on here"

Sakura gave me a funny look "Who are you"

I stop in my tracks "What do you mean"

She rolled her eyes "I mean that I'm asking who you are. I've never seen you before".

"But don't you go to school with Hinata" I asked.

"Sakura-chan is home-schooled by granny" Naruto explained.

"But then what about the pink hair girl at school"

"That is another of Orochimaru's minion sent to look like me"

"So all this time that girl who looks like you wasn't you"

"Well duh" she said.

"Then where have you been" I snapped back at her.

"I'm a part of research" she putted her hands on her hips.

"Sakura-chan mostly helps with the medical and research team at head quarters" Naruto said standing next to her.

"But then why let the evil double-ganger take your identify" I asked.

"We could just expose her. We've get in trouble" Sakura said.

"Plus this way Ino get more on the inside of what going on" Naruto beamed proudly at Sakura.

"Right" I muttered "But if you knew that was the fake Sakura why you flirt with her a lot".

"What" Sakura roared and turn to look at a sweating Naruto.

"Sakura-chan it not like that at all"

"Doesn't seem that way of what Hinata told me"

"You cheating bastard" Sakura pulled on some gloves "How could you cheat on me with my double-ganger".

"But she looks like you" naruto tried to explained "She has the same bad temper like you and the same flat-chested and slender figure"

A huge vein popped out from her huge forehead.

"Naruto" she screamed and punches square in the face. He went flying.

"That'll teach you to treat your girlfriend better" she yelled.

I sighed and decided to walk on foot. I need to get away from them. They're such a weird couple. Plus if what the real Sakura said is true. Then every major mobs now knows that the PLS. Still exists. Things have just got a lot more complicated.


There was a phone ringing in the distance.

"Karin" I whispered.

"Yes sir" she answered.

"Get the phone"

"Yes sir"

She answered the phone "Hello" then squealed "Sasuke-kun, it been a while".

She paused "Aw, but we haven't talk in forevers".


"Oh fine" she whined and hand me the phone.

"Yes" I said.

"I'm going to need more time" Sasuke said.

I chuckled. He was always so blunt.

"Why is that" I asked.

"Car trouble" he said.

"I see, but would you rather I send someone over to help you"

"No" he answered immediately. I didn't like the tone in his voice.

"Now Sasuke-kun, we had a deal" I hissed.

"I know. I'll make sure I'll come, but I need more time".

I sighed. Sasuke was good at his job, but he was always a constant threat, but then again. I had other opinions.

"Very well" I said "You have three days".

"Good enough" and hanged up.

"Karin" I called.

"Yes sir"

"Call up the team and head where Sasuke is" I turned around in my chair to face her "I want you to watch over our fickle friend".

It moments like these that just want you to pull out your hair. Is Sasuke good or bad? Who the heck was that? And why isn't my hot coco not here! Find out next time. Peace out ya'll!