Title: Fair Game
Rating: K+
Summary: How long will it take him to when that wolf for Kaoru...?
"Kenshin, can you win me that?" Kaoru looked up at her best friend imploringly and then pointed at probably the most giant stuffed wolf Kenshin had ever seen.
"What the—Kaoru why would you want something like that?" He asked, shrinking back from its sheer size.
"'Cause," Kaoru reasoned, bouncing around him eagerly. "I just do! Besides, Mr. Panda is getting rather lonely sitting in my room all by himself."
Kenshin had to resist the urge to roll his eyes; Kaoru was very serious about her stuffed animals and anyone unaware of this fact could be walking into a death trap if they didn't take her absolutely seriously. Still, Kenshin couldn't help teasing her a bit. "Kaoru-chan, don't Gus and Chilly Willy also sit with Mr. Panda on your shelf?"
Kaoru stopped her prancing and looked up at him with deadly serious eyes. "Kenshin…" she took on the tone she reserved for her misbehaving kendo students and Kenshin quickly nodded.
"Right. Okay, let's go win that monstrosity," he began walking and grabbed Kaoru's hand, lacing their fingers. His back was to her, so he couldn't see the light blush that stained her cheeks as he tugged her along.
"Wolfie," she murmured, trying to dispel the tingly feelings spreading up her arm. "I'm going to name him Wolfie."
"Right." Kenshin replied off-handedly as he walked up to the games booth and put down a few tickets. "I'd like to win that stuffed wolf, up there,"
The booth attendant, a short, but very energetic girl looked between the two of them and sighed dramatically with a large smile stretching across her face. "Oh man, that's so sweet! It's a hard game, though, I must warn you. I've been working this booth for almost three weeks and I've only seen two guys win that thing for their girlfriends,"
Kaoru was about to correct the girl, when Kenshin interrupted. "Well I'm not leaving till I get it. So what are the rules?" Kaoru again blushed as the hyper girl began explaining the rules—something about knocking down 30 pins consecutively in some sort of time frame—and sat on a nearby stool as Kenshin grasped one ball and tossed it around a bit. "So?" he asked, staring at her expectantly.
"So what?" Kaoru asked dumbly. She'd been so wrapped in her thoughts that she hadn't heard him ask a question.
"What do I get in exchange for my efforts?" Kenshin smirked slightly.
"Efforts? You get my disappointed thanks for your efforts. If you win, though…hmmm…well I'll have to think about that one." Kaoru smirked back and swiveled around on the stool, pretending to think.
"Uh huh," Kenshin chuckled. "Well why you contemplate that, I'm going to win you Wolfie," the booth attendant let out a loud, long 'AW!' That startled some passerby's and caused the ball to fly off from its target. Kenshin raised an eyebrow at her.
"Oops," she apologize sheepishly. "A ball on me, sorry!"
And Kaoru really did have a long time to think about what exactly Kenshin's reward would be. Try as he might, Kenshin just couldn't reach the 30 consecutive strikes. Granted, he started off pretty well, getting up to fourteen before he missed. However, he only inched up after that. 16 consecutive. 20. 20 again. Back down to 19. Kaoru and the booth attendant were seriously beginning to doubt Kenshin's success, but they also knew that his very fragile male ego was now driving him and that he couldn't be stopped until he either ran out of money or won.
"Uh…sir? The fair is closing in about fifteen minutes," the booth attendant said nervously.
Kenshin looked over at her with a glare.
"Kenshin, nevermind about it. Let's just go!" Kaoru implored, tugging on his arm slightly. Kenshin didn't even budge.
"Kaoru, I'm at twenty-five! You can't possibly ask me to quit now!" Kenshin practically whined as he shook her off gently and went back to staring intently at the stacked glass milk bottles. Rolling her eyes, she shook her head.
But surprisingly, Kenshin managed to get all the way to 29 before missing again. This time the poor man looked ready to begin sobbing. The booth attendant jumped up. "Hey, hey! Look, since you tried so hard, I'll give the wolf; you came so close and you spent…well, I won't tell you how much you spent, but look, I'll give you the wolf. It's just all so romantic!!" she gushed as she took down the wolf, which seemed bigger than her, and handed it over to Kenshin, who then presented it to Kaoru.
"Well, I won you your wolf. What do I get?" Kenshin asked smugly as they slowly exited the fair grounds.
Kaoru smirked and dug around in her purse with one hand until she produced a cookie. Kenshin's face fell as he arched a brow incredulously. "A cookie, Kaoru? All that work for a cookie?!"
She giggled then and shook her head. "Watch," she said and then…proceeded to eat said cookie.
Kenshin's eyes widened. "That was supposed to be mine! You ate my prize!" he looked very much like a petulant child and Kaoru had to fight her very hardest not burst into laughter at his expression.
"It is yours," she murmured before grabbing the back of his head and yanking his lips down onto hers.
Kenshin was shocked at first, but he quickly grew accustomed to the sensation and was soon kissing her back as if his life depended on it. They were so lost in their own little world that they didn't notice the lights shut off…they did however hear the booth attendant squeal loudly.
In case nobody picked up on it, booth attendant was, indeed, none other than Misao!
I really really did try to write this final one about Sano's script from chapter 3, but it just wasn't coming out the way I wanted...perhaps if it ever comes to me I'll come back and post it. This last installment is inspired by this harvest fair me and my friends are going to this weekend. Yay mini-vaca!! Anyway, I can't wait for fair food!! I hope you guys enjoyed and I also hope that you guys picked up on the Little Red references here and there...I know they aren't explicit, but theres only so much you can do with that and not be totally...predictive.
True to my word, this ficlet has come to a close. However, I might post some other ideas as they come to me or even other fics that relate to other fairytales. Until then, review and read please!