Chapter 10 – Closer

I walked out to the parking lot, antsy; all of those unanswered questions were bouncing around in my head. I unconsciously waved bye to everyone I passed by in the parking lot before coming across my car, with Sesshomaru Tashio leaning against it. He looked very sexy in his form fitting black jeans and a white button down with a black undershirt underneath. His hair was in a low ponytail from what I could see and his feet were once again clad in a pair of black loafers but a different pair from the last time I had seen him.

"Hello Sesshomaru." I greeted barely making eye contact with him.

"Hello Kagome, would you like to drive?" He asked dangling the keys in the air.

"Sure, it doesn't matter to me much, even though I haven't driven my car in forever." I mumbled taking the keys from his hands and walking over to the driver seat. I unlocked the door and took a seat with Sesshomaru following suit.

I cranked the car up, before searching for a radio station and placing the car in drive. After clicking through the stations on my radio and not finding anything I liked, I hit the SAT button and put it on Sirius/XM Radio, Bottle it Up By Sara Bareilles had just started. I found myself tapping on the steering wheel and singing away forgetting about Sesshomaru and just losing myself in the music. This song always got me thinking when I was back in America, it reminded me of how I kept all of my feelings and emotions for Inuyasha bottled up just to make him happy, unlike most girls who would have just left him for being such an inconsiderate ass. After our confrontation, this morning and the disrespect, I wonder how I possibly got with someone like him. I could have been with anybody else Kouga, Houjo, Bank, or even dare I say Sesshomaru.

I know Sesshomaru would've treated me well, oh so very well. I would have been putty in his hands the moment he kissed me, I would have been ready to grace his bed in a matter of minutes just like most girls he had dated, but I didn't get that chance with him then and I doubt I'd get it now.

"So Sesshomaru do you wish for me to drop you off at the dorm or would you like to accompany me to my house? I'm home alone for the next couple of weeks since my mother is out of town with my grandfather, and my younger brother Souta is staying at Sango's. I have a few chores to do and I really do need to get back to working out, and if you would like to join me that would be so very amazing of you." I said giving him the puppy dog stare, I really didn't want to be at home by myself, and Sesshomaru would be a good intellectual person to have around. On top of the fact that, I didn't want to be with the gang either, I just wanted to be with … well … Sesshomaru …

Oh goodness …

Please Kami …


"Kagome, I wouldn't mind accompanying you, I don't have anything to do at the dorm and I haven't worked out in a while."

"Well then it's settled your coming with me." I quickly made a U-Turn and headed towards my house, once we got there I showed Sesshomaru around the shrine grounds telling him old folktales my grandpa had told me about the history of the sunset shrine. After the tour was concluded, we headed into the house.

I changed into a pair of boxer shorts and a white tank before rummaging through some old clothes of my father's that Sesshomaru could work out in. During my rummaging my cell, started vibrating. I picked it up noting I had a new text message.

"Hey cuz, Did Sesshomaru pick you up on time?
MiMi && Gin Forever"

"Ello Mi Mi. Yes, he did, why wouldn't he?"

"Idk, but I just had to make sure.
MiMi && Gin Foever"

"I know, I know! Your just worried about your baby cousin. So whats up?"

"Nothing but I got to go, I'm taking a test … LOL Don't wanna get caught … ILY … MUAH!
MiMi && Gin Forever"

I laughed at her final text message and went back to searching for something for Sesshomaru to wear and just when I was about to give up out popped a pair of cotton black short like capris. I repacked all of my father's items before heading back downstairs into the living room.

"Hey Sesshomaru, I brought you down a change of pants so you won't have to mess up those you have on." I said handing them to him. He took them from me and looked at them, before smirking up at me.

"Hey, I didn't know what size you wore and the only clothes I thought you could fit would be my dad's and those were the only pair of pants I could find!" I shouted at him.

"Kagome the pants are acceptably, but I could have just worked out in what I am in. I can always buy more jeans but, thank you for your courtesy." I looked at him dumbfounded. Did he just … Thank me? Sesshomaru never thanks anyone. However I didn't question his thanks, after all he was being nice and I was liking it.

"Alright well, first things first I have to stretch. You can change in the bathroom upstairs. It the second door on the right. " I watched him walk past me and head up the stairs when I heard the clink of the door closing I took a seat on the ground and began to go through my stretching ritual.


After I closed the bathroom door behind me, I shook my head.

What was I doing?

Being nice.

Thanking her.

Being considerate of her feelings and her need to make me comfortable.

That wasn't me.

Not me at all.

I was the ruthless, most dominating man in Japan next to my father and I was acting like a little lost puppy.

All because I liked her …

Wait …

I liked her!

I just wanted to make her mine; so that no one else could have what I considered perfection but did that mean that I liked her?

From the way I was acting, I guess it did. I was going out of my way to help her cousin. I willing began conversation with her months ago. I purposely pissed off Inuyasha and let him know that I had stated my claim on her.

I guess …

I did indeed like her.

I changed into the cotton pants she handed me and took off my button down folding it up along with my jeans. I pulled off my loafers and socks before opening the bathroom door and heading downstairs.

As I descended, downstairs I could hear Kagome counting eight counts and doing deep breathing routines in the process. As I stepped down from the last step, and turned the corner the sight that was in front of my eyes was magnificent.

There was Kagome down in the left split with her head touching her left knee. She counted off to eight before taking a deep breath and turning to do her center split after counting off to eight again she did the same in her right split before standing up and spreading her legs. She bent over and stretched out as far as she could without her feet coming off the ground and held that position for two eight counts. I had the urge to mount Kagome and make her scream my name, but I knew she wasn't yet ready for that at this moment.

But soon she would be …

I cleared my throat to catch her attention before she did anything else that would mess with my control. She opened her eyes and looked at me from in between her legs before standing up and staring off. I could see the red tint that coated her face and neck and smirked at her embarrassment. She was very cute when she blushed.

"Umm, are you ready Sesshomaru?" She asked finally looking up at me, but not really at me.

"Yes I am, you wouldn't have any pairs of your father's old running shoes would you?"

"Umm. No, I don't. My father wasn't really big on exercise, but I think my grandfather has some old slipper like shoes you could wear if you like? I've ran in them before. They are very comfortable and protect your feet from the rocks and stuff on the ground."

"No, its okay. I'll run in my socks, it's no problem. Next time I'll just make sure to bring my own."

"Next time?"

"Yes, next time. Mi Mi asked me to care for you all week until break, and since you're out of school and I am too, we should work out during that time.'

"Uh … Oh sure …" and she blushed again. "Well let's go, usually we jog around the park by my job but, we can jog the trail behind the shrine. After we can go to the gym and do some weight lifting and boxing. You do know how to box like American style right?"

"Not really, but you can teach me. Do you know how to do martial arts?"

"Only what I learned in high school."

"Well then I will teach you more, my father made Inuyasha and I learn it because of tradition."

"So I'll teach you American boxing and you'll teach me martial arts. I think that's a fair trade so let's go." I followed her outside and we began our workout, which ended every day at 5 so she could be at work by 6. We spent the entire week before break together, and I had the chance to meet her younger brother, Souta, who threatened me the first time Kagome left us alone in the car. It wasn't until the Saturday when I walked into my dorm room to find Kagome, Kimiko and company sitting in my living room watching movies that I realized just how close we had gotten.


It was Saturday and that meant movie night. The gang, Mi Mi and I, sat in front of the TV waiting for popcorn to finish popping and for Miroku to come back from the store with our drinks.

"So, Kagome, I see you and Sesshomaru have been spending at lot of time together? What's up with that?" Sango said from her spot on the floor.

"Nothing, since Mi Mi has been so focused on getting out of her final Sesshomaru has been my chauffeur. He's a really cool guy, emotionless but nice. He's smart and pretty much does whatever he can to make sure I'm comfortable. Actually he's been teaching me martial arts and I've been teaching him American style Boxing." I responded, looking towards the door hoping Miroku would show up right now, I really didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Really, but you and him have gotten pretty chummy, I thought I saw him hug you the other day, and did he place a kiss on your cheek." Mi Mi said with a twinkle in her eye. It was the same twinkle she had had since she saw Sesshomaru and I lounging around on the couch the other day.

"He just placed kiss on my forehead like a big brother would do it was nothing." Or I hope it wasn't … I said in my head. Ever since Sesshomaru had taken on the task of being my chauffeur I couldn't help but be attracted to him. He was the only person I was around in the last week, and I had gotten to know him quite a bit. What made him angry were Incompetent people [Usually Inuyasha], what he found amusing was embarrassing others [preferably me] and a few other miscellaneous facts. Just as soon as Mi Mi was going to reply, the door opened and in walked Sesshomaru along with Naraku and Miroku.

Thank you Kami!

"Forgive me for taking so long, it was crowed at the corner store." Miroku stated handing us each a bottle of soda.

"So, what are you all doing in Sesshomaru's dorm?" Naraku said eyeing me; I smiled a little before looking towards Sesshomaru, whose eyes were also focused on me.

"Movie night, were going to watch Taken, and a few other movies; you two could join us if you like?" I said looking towards the gang. They all shrugged their shoulders a bit letting me know they didn't care. I turned back towards Sesshomaru and Naraku giving them the puppy dog eyes; it was one of those miscellaneous facts that I had found out that Sesshomaru couldn't say no to. He looked at me and shook his head; I knew I had won.

"This Sesshomaru will watch it with you, I have wanted to see it since I first saw the trailer online." I squealed a little as he 'reluctantly' took a seat next to me. I looked at Naraku who just shook his head and took a seat on the floor next to Mi Mi. We waited for Miroku to turn off the lights and close the curtains before pressing play on the movie. I turned towards Sesshomaru and smiled.


"Thank you for watching the movie with us, I know you will enjoy it." I whispered into his ear.

"If I would have said no you would've continued to give me the eyes, I did what I had to." He replied.

"Yes sir, I would have. You need to do more than just hang out with Naraku and go to school there are lots of things to see out there." I smiled and he just hn'ed before turning his attention towards the movie. We watched Taken in a couple of hours before putting another movie in the DVD player, it was the new SAW movie and was pretty creepy, or maybe I was just easily scared but, whatever it was I found myself tucking my head more and more into the side of Sesshomaru's arm. Half way through the movie Sesshomaru moved his arm, wrapped it around me, and pulled me closer to him. I mumbled a "Thank You" before turning back to the movie, forcing myself to watch it. After SAW was over, we all decided that a good comedy would do away with our freight and placed in You Don't Mess With The Zohan. Laughter filled the room quickly, and stayed loud and rambunctious for the majority of the of the movie until it was over. After it ended everyone went home leaving Mi Mi, Naraku, Sesshomaru and I.

"Well, I'm tired, I'm going to bed, I'll see your lovely people in the morning." Mi Mi said before yawning and heading towards her room. I heard her bedroom door open, close and then nothing. The room was silent and all eyes were on me. It was very uncomfortable.

"Well, I guess I will go to sleep also. Thank you both for watching movies with my friends and I. You guys are amazing." I gave them both a smile and slowly hurried to Kimiko's room. Once I was inside and the door was closed, I collapsed on the floor in a heap.

"What's wrong with you? Did they attack you or something?" Mi Mi asked from her sitting position on her bed.

"They wouldn't stop staring at me, Naraku is creepy and I'm just not sure what to think about Sesshomaru staring at me."

"Sesshomaru likes you and Naraku is more of a predator, so be careful."

"How do you know?"

"Know what? That Naraku is a predator or that Sesshomaru likes you? Both are common knowledge."

"No, they're not and Sesshomaru doesn't like me."

"Yes, he does, and from what I've heard from the groupies on campus, you're the only girl he's taken the time to actually get to know and be around. Sesshomaru likes you and you like him. Ya'll are just both in denial and don't act on it."

"Not true. He is just my friend; he's Inuyasha's brother you know."

"And? You won't be the first girl to date the family and surely not the last one"

"Whatever he doesn't like me!"

"Yes he does, but whatever I'm going to sleep." Mi Mi stood up, pulled back the covers, before saying her prays and getting into bed. She turned the lamp off next to her bed and turned over so her back was facing me. I sat there in the dark and thought … could it be possible that Sesshomaru could like me? Someone so plain compared to his perfect statuesque?


After Kagome retired to Kimiko's bedroom I looked at Naraku who looked at me.

"Aww, look Sesshomaru your scared her off." Naraku said with a smirk on his face.

"I did no such thing, I believe she was frighten by your unwavering lustful gaze. She is innocent you know."

"She wouldn't be for long if it was up to me," He mumbled and I had the strongest urge to punch him.

"Hmmm, I doubt she would fall for someone below her."

"Below her? So she's better than me? I knew you liked the bitch."

"Do not call Kagome that and I do not like her I was simply stating the facts."

"Right … right … of course."

Silence filled the room and the smirk on Naraku's face was becoming more annoying and smug by the minute. The urge to punch him had increase to a full-blown need to beat him into a bloody pulp. I could only imagine what he was thinking in the demented little head of his.

"I believe it is time for you to retire Naraku. This Sesshomaru is in need of rest."

"Hmmm. Yeah, yeah but, before I leave I want to make something clear. If she is not your's, she is fair game. Regardless of the claim you place on her and regardless of your overprotective attitude, she is fair game. If I want her I will have her, I always get what I want. Remember Sesshomaru, the early bird catches the worm."


I thought that would be a good place to end it don't you think! Naraku is wanting some Kagome, even though Sesshomaru and Kagome are getting closer. I can't wait to see what happens after this. This chapter has been done and edited for at least 2 weeks but my life has been crazy, a close relative of mine passed away and prom was last Friday. AP's are the week after next so I have been studying for them and getting ready for graduation …. Eh my life is hectic! Answer to several reviews PDA stands for Personal Display of Affection. Until Next Time

Rate, Review && Tell Me What You Think.
Peace. Love. && Crunk.