Sorry for the long wait but I ended up getting bored and then when I came back to writing it school got in the way. So here is the next and lat chapter.


"My hair is what colour?" A small tick occurred above the shaped black eye brow.

"Umm. Orange?"

With that said Itachi stormed off to the nearest bathroom to look in a mirror.

End flashback

This leads us to were Itachi is in the shower scrubbing his hair for the tenth time and thinking of just dying his hair to make it easier for him. Hey, look on the bright side, er, dark side, yeah dark side, Itachi's hair is extra silky.

Chapter 5

Kisame had managed to find Itachi after a short while, well he guessed it was Itachi as he could hear the shower on through the door. He opened the bathroom door quietly, all the while the Jaws theme tune was playing in his head, and snuck into the bathroom. The door was shut just as quietly as it had been opened.

Kisame had always found Itachi attractive so when he saw him, through the steam that was in the room, in the shower he couldn't help himself. He quickly stripped himself of his clothing and managed to get into the shower behind the now black haired man. The blue skinned man grinned to himself as he noticed that the man in front of him was a few inches shorter than himself.

Itachi hadn't realised that he had let his guard down until he felt two hands placed onto his hips, which were way to big to be his own. He quickly turned around with the intent to kill the other until he found out that the other was Kisame.

The bathroom door was quickly thrown open and a fully naked Kisame was kicked out followed by a pissed Itachi with a small towel wrapped around his waist. The steam flowing out of the bathroom and around Itachi.

"What in the seventh circle of hell do you think you are doing?" By now Itachi was beyond angry and to prove it the water on his body was turning into steam.

The said man that had caused this anger was glancing quickly around for an escape route as Itachi was approaching him. Kami had decided to give our favourite blue man a break as the demon they were looking for came racing around the corner to run straight into Itachi, knocking him off balance and into Kisame.

By the time both men had managed to get their bearings they were both on the floor, well Kisame was and had a lap full of a naked Itachi whose towel had fallen off somewhere. That wasn't the best part for Kisame as the other mans lips were pressed against his own.

Kisame tested his luck by placing his hands on the others hips and pressed his lips harder against Itachi's. Itachi mewled into the kiss and draped his arms over Kisame's shoulders. The shorter male felt a tongue gently brush against the seam of his lips and slowly parted them to allow Kisame entrance, both not caring that they were still naked and making out in the middle of the hallway.


Sasori and Deidara were bored, they didn't want to look for the weasel as it was cutting into their time together. If you haven't guessed it already, these two are together. Sasori as the ever so stotic seme and Deidara and the ever so submissive uke.

They had already searched the living rooms and were just finishing searching the last games room.

Deidara was leaning over the bar to see if the weasel was behind it when he felt arms wrap around his waist and an all to familiar hardness press into the back of his thigh.

Sasori continued breathing against his little uke's ear, "We've finished searching everywhere we were told to, so what do you say to going to go search our play room?"

The blond turned around in his seme's hold and pouted up at him, "but I'm tired!" He whined.

The red head just grinned perverted-ly and dragged his protesting little blond off to their play room.


Kakuzu was searching the halls while Hidan was searching the closets. After a while of doing this they were bound to get bored. Wouldn't you?

They had both come to an agreement to take a break, and play a game of strip poker so they went into one of the closets so that nobody would interrupt their game.

Kakuzu who was addicted to money obviously was going to be better at playing the game. Which he proved true an hour later when Hidan was down to wearing only his boxers and he was still wearing his trousers and two tops.

Once the silver haired man had lost there wasn't much else that they could do so with the game over their break came to an end. Kakuzu went to grab the door handle only to find out that there wasn't one. Leaving the two immortals locked in on of the thirty closets for only Jashin knows how long till someone comes to let them out.

Poor Akatsuki, most members can't open a door. What do people learn these days?

At least the blankets in the closet will be comfy for them to lay down on, amongst other things.


Zetsu and Tobi had spent most of the day outside looking for the demon, which they could not locate. So after many hours of searching Tobi had managed to get Zetsu and Etsu to play hide and seek with him.

Tobi had gone to hide about an hour ago, while Zetsu was sitting under a tree talking to himself, while letting Tobi think that he was good at hiding. He wasn't as he was hiding in the same place Zetsu always finds him, in the shed.

"This is a bit unfair to him." Etsu was saying.

"Oh, how so?" Replied Zetsu.

"Letting him think he is good at this game, when really you wait two hours then 'find' him, just for him to hide in the same place again."

"Well when you day it that way… its his own fault."

Etsu then retreated further back into their shared mind as he wasn't going to finish the same argument that they always have. Leaving Zetsu to his own devices before he went to look for Tobi.

When he found the masked man, said man started to chat a mile a minute about how well he could hide and could they play that game again. Zetsu went back to his tree to wait the two hours, when he saw the demon exit the base. He followed the weasel for a short while before he became bored and captured the creature and took the demon to one of the securest cells. He locked the weasel in there for the Akatsuki to seal later on.

After another couple of hours Zetsu went and collected Tobi and told him that they had finished playing the game.

"But I still want to play! Can we play a different game? Can we pretty please?" Tobi whined to the other.

"We'll play tomorrow, but we need to go inside now!" Zetsu replied much to the masked mans displeasure.


A little while later when Zetsu went to retire to his room he opened his bedroom door to a sight that he'd rather not have seen.

Tobi stood behind the man and asked innocently and curiously, "What are they doing?"

Zetsu and Etsu both shouted at the same time, "What do you think you are doing on MY bed?"

Needlessly to say the two on said bed ran for it and into one of their own bedrooms.

After that Zetsu burned his bed and moved into Tobi's bedroom, much to Tobi's pleasure as he can now annoy Zetsu to play with more often. (Not in that way so heads out of the gutter.)

It's a little bit rushed so it might not be a good chapter but I'm thinking of writing an epologe though so that might be out at the end of the week or the week after.

Please review and tell me what you think about it.
