Batman Return of the Dark Nights

Written by: Panthera

Disclaimer: The characters within this story belong to DC Comics and Warner Brothers I have just borrowed them for a while. No harm is meant I will return them unharmed when I'm finished the only character contained within that is not DC is that of Zanah she is an original character created by me and my friend.  Now, on with the story.

Chapter One

A dark undefined car raced down the cold, dirty, and unforgiving streets of the city. The mighty vehicle came to a sudden stop in the shadowed street near an abandon warehouse in the worst part of the city. "I hate this part of the city," said the driver.

 "Why?" The passenger asked. He loves this city I can't believe that he could hate any part of it.

"This used to be Gotham square the finest part of the city, now look at it," he replied with disgust.

"What happened to it?"

 "I don't want to talk about it."


 "Bad memories, besides we have work to do."

The roof of the car slid back and the mysterious shadows, the guardians and protectors of the city, moved out unnoticed by anyone. They remained cloaked in the shadowy cover of the night, which served their greater purpose. The first masked shadow came out of his cover and like a ghost he suddenly appeared. He took down the two men on guard as the other shadow wrapped himself further into the night becoming invisible.

Inside a group of men sat surrounded by stolen merchandise. Boxes and crates full of TV's, VCR's, and stereos, and other electronics littered the large room hiding the crooks.

"I don't like this. What if someone realizes we're in here besides the Bat?" Asked the tall man standing out in the open.

"Then we'll get arrested too you idiot." Said a smaller man with red hair and blue eyes. He was hiding behind a large crate and stood to the left of the taller man.

"Shut up you two and no one will find us." Said a man with dirty blond hair. A scar ran across his face from his right eye to his cheek and it was apparent he was in charge of the small group of men.

"So the boss said this was our last chance. You don't suppose he's still mad because of that screwed up attempt on the mayor last winter do ya?" asked a dark haired thug on the other end of the room.

"He didn't seem to be. He said if we bagged the Bat he'd forget the whole thing." Said the dirty blond.

"Oh, we'll get the Bat if he shows...Are you sure the boss will forget about it? I've heard that those who fail him have a tendency to end up missing or dead." Said the man behind the box.

"I don't know if we will get the Bat, I mean this is the Bat he has a habit of finding people, and dropping in unexpected." Said the tall man out in the open.

"If you fools be quiet we'll be fine. The Bat won't get us and the boss will forget that mess last winter. He's not as bad as people say, after all we're still here." Said the leader.

Silence filled the room and tension was in each man there, for all knew their adversary was not to be taken lightly. The blonde man brushed his brow wiping the sweat away. Where is he?

Suddenly, the shadow struck. A dark figure landed on the tall man out in the open taking him down with ease. His senses were, alert, the shadow was well aware of the others.

"It's the Bat." Shouted the dark haired thug spotting the caped figure easily.

"Run!" screamed another man from somewhere in the shadows as the leader draws his gun and shot Batman.

The caped figure stood still and never wavered as the thug pulled the trigger again the caped figure struck out with a fierce punch.

"Did you see that? The bullets didn't even faze him, he didn't even flinch!" Exclaimed the smallest man there as he moved in for his attack; he was joined by four other men in the ambush as their leader picked himself up off the floor.

Batman blocked each blow and followed them with kicks and punches of his own. He moved further into the room until he stood in the exact center. He lifted one of the thugs from the floor and threw him as the leader of the group pulled out a remote. " Say good night Batman." He laughed as a huge fishing net fell on the dark knight.

The thugs picked up several baseball bats and beat on the trapped Batman as the man he threw got up off the crate. The box had broken under his weight and he stared at its contents in terror. "Hey guys, stop! You should see this," he said staring at the timer.

The man in charge moved to see what was wrong while the others continued to beat their captive. He stared at the bomb for a moment before shouting, "Run Daggett double-crossed us!" He watched as the digital number changed to ten seconds. The men scrambled frantically tripping over the net and boxes as they tried to escape. They made it to the door and opened it as the timer hit Zero.

Robin turned at the sound of the metal door hitting the brick wall.

The black night was flooded wit light as a giant fireball rose from the building. An intense heat rushed to meet him as glass and metal flew from the warehouse.  Robin dove back towards the car as debris rained down. The fleeing crooks body landed on the black top as flames leapt from the building and smoke filled the night sky. Robin watched from the shadows waiting, wondering if Batman had escaped. He stood and watched as the police and fire department arrived at the scene. The firemen made quick work of killing the blaze.

"What in the devil happened here tonight?" said a heavyset cop.

"I don't know," said a young cop.

"Ten to one Mr. Pointy ears had something to do with this… Is the commissioner here yet?" The heavyset Bullock asked.

"He just arrived," the young cop replied.

The two officers stepped inside as the press arrived. Bullock moved back outside soon after returning to Commissioner Gordon's side.

"What's going on Bullock?"

"Don't know commish, but I don't see any survivors."

Commissioner Gordon moved towards the crime scene and the reporters surrounded him.

"Commissioner can you tell us what…" Summer Gleason began. She froze, as a young cop came out of the rubble in his hands was a scorched cape and cowl. His head was down cast as he handed them to Gordon sadly.

Robin got into the car and left seeing this as he drove home he hoped his friend and partner had gotten out of the building in time. Had he gotten out in time? Was this just a case of coincidence or would he return home and find that his friend wasn't there? Was the dark knight gone? Was it possible and if so what was he to do?

The commissioner stood silent staring at the cowl blankly. He stood there for several minutes before his head fell in sadness. "What will become of Gotham?" He asked sullenly as the reporters swarmed around him and pulled him under in a tide of lights and words he never heard. The one question echoing over and over in his head as all fell to darkness. As the night claimed the scene the city seemed to fall silent and still at the passing of its great protector and as the wind rose up in the city, it's rushing howl was the mournful cry that shared the commissioner's mind. What would become of this place now that it's guardian was gone.

*                                                                          *                                                                                                *

The next night at the police station a group of officers sat gathered around the TV to watch the news. "It's a sad day here in Gotham tonight, since last nights coverage of the explosion of the abandon warehouse in the old district of Gotham. The city has been silent and still. All but the criminal element has passed the day in sorrow. The disturbing sight of Gotham's vigilante's melted cape and cowl has stunned the populous. Many local citizens have come forward with tales of this masked man and how he saved them. Flowers have been left at the warehouse and police station to honor his passing, as the day has progressed crime has gone mad. The police despite their best efforts have been unable to deal with the criminal element. What's worse is they fear this is only the beginning of a crime wave that may destroy the city. It is a sad day in Gotham indeed, all of the city…"

The TV fell silent as the picture went black.

"Hey Bullock turn that back on," Said a young woman with dark hair.

"No way Montoya! Can you believe those vultures they're making us sound like idiots and making that pointy eared freak into a saint when he's just the opposite. If he's really gone I say good riddance."

"He was a good man."

"If he was such a good man he would have joined the squad."

"Look Bullock, we all know how you feel about Batman, but show some respect."

"I am—I'm not figuring him for a wooden box yet," he said in response before following Gordon out on to the roof.

Gordon walked across the roof to the Bat signal and threw the switch to turn it on. He then stood silent and waited, hoping that the Dark Knight would appear.

"He'll be here Commish," said Bullock.

They watched as Robin came to the roof. Batman never came and the press below made a strict note of this. Robin raced off into the night alone leaving the two cops to deal with the aftermath of Batman's not arriving.

What will become of my city? Is he really gone? Have I lost my friend without ever learning who he was? Did he know how much good he did for the city? Gordon wondered as he turned off the signal.

Where is that freak? He can't possibly be gone, he practically invincible… I don't believe it. Bullock thought as the Commissioner moved back towards the door. "I'm sure he's alive Jim," he said before the stepped back into the precinct.

*                                                                                   *                                                                                           *

The next day some where in Europe, a dark haired woman sat on a couch staring at an article in the paper with disbelief, shock and horror. The headline stared up at her and dug into her heart like a sharp double-edged blade. She could hardly breath as she read it again. " An End to the Dark Knight."  The article went on to explain Gotham PD had found Batman's cape and cowl in the midst of the rubble from an explosion that had no survivors. So it was pretty obvious to Gothamites their guardian was gone. Any doubts were probably silenced when he never showed up at the Bat signal late last night.

 Selina looked over at her suitcase it was already packed the ticket was already bought. She had been planning a return trip to Gotham for a jade cat statue, but now all thoughts of her planed theft were forgotten. Her reason for going was much different. 

I have to know if it's true, is he dead, could it be possible. I hope not. Has Batman died without ever being identified? Am I the only one who knew who the man behind the Bat was? As she thought this even the Cat's eye which she had taken from the local museum only a few days before lost it's luster.

" Forget the statue I have to know if he's alive," she said softly. She looked at the ticket sitting on the table in front of her.

Is going back such a good idea. After all trouble lives in the city and so did Batman. If he is alive and I go back I risked everything I had and if he wasn't… He is... Danger surrounded the city and one bad step could find me behind bars for a long time. Maybe I should let this go. She thought as she moved into the kitchen to feed her many cats.

"I wish mama was here she'd know what to do," Selina whispered.  "Listen to me running like a scared child," she said with disgust toward herself.  No, I'm going back to Gotham if only to prove I'm not the same spineless girl that left there, she thought.

She took one last glance at the article and then purred softly. "We'll be together soon my love…" I hope, she thought. She then opened the window over the sink to let the cats out before leaving for the airport.

Back in Gotham…

A group of petty thugs watched with curiosity as the Bat signal lit up the sky. They continued their small-scale robbery and waited tempting fate to see for themselves if Batman was indeed gone. Minutes passed and there was no sign of him. They became more certain of his untimely demise when the only one to arrive was his younger partner. Robin subdued most of them but at least one man escaped and soon word was spread of Batman's absence from the crime scene. Word spread quickly, like a brush fire, and the crime level began to rise much more rapidly. Night had not yet fallen and the police knew things would only get worse when the city became dark.

Across Town…

 Selina walked down the ramp off of the plane and into Gotham Airport. She walked over to the baggage claim got her suitcase and moved out to the passenger-loading zone. She walked quickly to the curb hoping that she would find that Batman was alive and well. As she stood waiting for a cab a little boy started talking about Gotham. "I can't believe were in Gotham home of Batman and Robin, as well as the rich and famous. Do you think we'll see them mommy?" 

"I don't know honey."

"Kid Batman is dead," said a man from in the crowd.

"Is that true mom," the boy asked on the verge of tears. The woman stood silent.

Selina who was not about to let that be said in her presence said, "No kid it isn't. I'm sure Batman is just fine." The woman shot her a glance that said thank you and the child set in again. Selina didn't hear anymore though, because she had been unable to prevent snickering as she reflected on the young boys earlier comments. He was clearly a tourist to have such a naive view of the city. Gotham City home of psychos, freaks, weirdoes, and crooked cops, and they were just the obvious trash in the city…Gotham was a breeding ground for crime and the criminal element. It created two kinds of people criminals and victims everything else was spit out and got lost in the rubble. Selina thought.

Her mind returned to where she was as a man pushed past her. She watched with disgust as several of Gotham's finest pushed passed a group of people to pile into a cab. "Such gentlemen," she said her words dripped with sarcasm. Selina then put on her sunglasses before waving her hand in the air. A cab pulled up to the curb and all on lookers parted the way for the dark haired leggy woman in the slinky red dress. Selina stuck her bag in the car and took a seat before closing the door. Everyone was still staring including the cabby.

"Where to Miss?" He asked.

"Gotham Square, the east side."

"Are you sure lady?"


"I'll go as far as Gotham Square, from there you'll have to walk."


"Those are the worst streets in Gotham."

"I'll pay extra."

"Okay," he said and with that he pulled away from the curb. The cab moved through the city until it came to the old center of the city.

"Make a left here," she instructed.

The cab turned down a side street and came to a bunch of old business establishments. The driver then pulled over.

"This is as far as I'm going," said the driver.

Selina paid the driver and got out of the cab with her bag in hand.

"Are you sure I can't drop you some place nicer. I'd hate to see you get hurt; you seem like a nice woman. This is no place for you."

"I'm sure," she said and she started down the dark street. The road was littered with trash and broken glass. It looks worse now than it did five years ago.

In the distance she heard an alarm going off. For a moment she panicked seeing visions of the Bat swooping down, fear of being recognized gripped her. This reaction lasted only for a moment, because she quickly remembered she didn't look a thing like the Selina Kyle who had left Gotham five years ago. Selina moved on down the street towards her loft, which she had purchased just before leaving Gotham.

Selina came to a stop in front of a well-kept low rent warehouse. She had converted it into a two-story loft apartment. The large main room contained a couch, a few tables, lamps, and a large entertainment center. The whole room was decorated in cats. The centerpiece was a wall hanging of a panther and a wolf fighting. Among the other things in the room were various statues and ancient treasures in particular Egyptian gold that related to the cat.

Selina put her bag down by the table and laid down on the couch to rest, she was tired due to jet lag. As she drifted off she questioned again, is Batman really gone? She soon after fell asleep.