I felt bad for my Way Too Deep readers because of the suckishly short chapter I just wrote, so I decided to write a one-shot. Here goes! Oh, and FYI, if you like any of the sodas I mention, don't get mad. This is all fictional.

Dr. Pepper

So you know how guys always like Dr. Pepper? I don't understand it at all. In fact, I hate Dr. Pepper with a passion. I don't get why anyone would like drinking something like that. Coke is way better. Even Diet Coke is better.

The problem is, my boyfriend, Shane, drinks Dr. Pepper. He drinks it more than anything else. He drinks it religiously, I guess you could say. I keep telling him it's unhealthy to drink so much soda, but does he listen to me? No, of course not.

Are you wondering why it bothers me so much? Well, the thing is, I love kissing him, but he tastes like it! He tastes like Dr. Pepper, and I hate Dr. Pepper, remember?

I know I sound repetitive, but this is seriously driving me insane. And well, this will sound horrible, but I actually haven't kissed him in three whole days, and all because of the stupid Dr. Pepper.

Wow, that did sound horrible. Okay, let me make this clear: We've only been dating for a week, and this entire week, we've been at camp, so it's not like we're making out every minute of the day. And the one time we did make out, we'd both been eating gum before.

Man, it doesn't make it any better. I'm a horrible girlfriend, aren't I?

I really am. And he's coming over to my cabin to "hang out" in a couple of minutes. We all know what that means, right? It's not like I can just shove a piece of gum into his mouth and say we won't kiss until he's been chewing it for a good five minutes.

What am I going to do? He's my boyfriend, for crying out loud!

I stand up from where I was sitting when I hear a knock on the door. I yell, "Come in," and Shane walks in, immediately walking over to where I am.

"Hey, Mitch," he says, kissing my forehead and hugging me tightly. I hug him back, glad that he's not the kind of guy to just start making out right away. We sit down on the bed, and for a while, we just look at each other without saying anything. Yeah, I know, we're weird.

Suddenly, he stands up and grabs my hand. His touch makes me feel tingly all over. I'm being all stupid, aren't I? By not kissing him because he drinks Dr. Pepper? I think I am.

With a sudden impulse, I stop him before he gets out the door of the cabin. I spin him around so he's facing me, and before I can think about it, I kiss him. He kisses me back, no questions asked, but I can tell he's surprised because his hands are by his sides.

Not too long after, he puts his hands on my waist, hugging me close to him. I deepen the kiss, wondering how I was stupid enough to go without kissing him for three days. Yes, he tastes like Dr. Pepper, but you know what? He also tastes like Shane, and I love that taste.

I think I like Dr. Pepper now.

So there it is, just some more pointless fluff. I thought of this a while ago and never wrote it until now, so I'm happy with myself. I've been writing so much of Way Too Deep, I hadn't done a one-shot in a while.