A/N- This will contain Maiko and Kataang in the beginning, however, at the end it will be Zutara and probably Taang.

Chapter One: Escape

Zuko sat quietly upon his throne in the War Room. However, this meeting was for no war, it was a meeting where everyone in the room was coming up with ideas on how to get the Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom back to the way they were before the war began. Out of the corner of his good eye, Zuko could see his good friends and allies: Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, Suki, Hakoda, Jeong-Jeong, Piandao, Bumi and his Uncle Iroh at one side of the table. At the other end were Generals: Fong, How and Sung as well as Pakku and Chief Arnook.

"You owe us Ba Sing Se back!" General How stated.

"Ba Sing Se was re-conquered." Zuko spoke. "However, we are not sure who is to assume the throne. Who was the current Earth King?"

"Earth King Kuei." How replied. "However, thanks to you and your sister, no one is certain of his whereabouts."

"Right…" the Fire Lord stood up. "I made a mistake, and I realize that. I am truly sorry, I really am. And right now, I'm trying to make things right."

This remark caused How to scoff.

"The Council of Five and I spent months in prison while you spent your merry time being the crown prince!"

"I know!" Zuko yelled, causing the fire in the room to rise slightly. "I know I've made many mistakes, but now I'm trying to fix them. If the world is ever to achieve peace like we would all like, we need to become one. So, who will take charge of Ba Sing Se?"

"How about the Avatar?" Piandao asked.

"I already have too many duties." Aang replied.

"I don't think it's the best idea to leave the city in the hands of a child." Zuko sat back down. "We need someone with more experience."

"How about you hire June to track the Earth King down?" Katara suggested.

"I actually like that idea." Iroh put a rather perverted smile on his face, sending shivers of disgust down Zuko's spine.

"No Uncle; just no!"

"You don't like that idea?"

"No, I think that would work." Zuko replied. "Do any of you have something he touched?'

"We do have a letter that Toph's 'mom' wrote." Sokka said.

"Okay." Zuko finished. "Now, what about the Water Tribes; have they finished making repairs after Zhao's siege?"

"No, not yet." Arnook replied.

"Then I will send some soldiers to help finish making the repairs." Zuko offered. "Finally, the thing that worries me the most- - is the Fire Nation."

"What do you mean?" Sokka asked. "You're the ruler of the Fire Nation."

"Exactly." Zuko started pacing. "The Fire Nation can't be happy that their once great leader is now rotting away in prison powerless!"

"You're the new leader!" Sokka said matter-of-factly. "Your word is law! You could just go like- -"

"That's exactly the point!" Zuko cut him off. "They were happy with the way their lives were when my father was in charge. Now the Fire Nation is no longer all powerful. They don't like that change. There have been revolts, and soon revolts turn into assassination attempts. I mean, I've survived assassination attempts before, but…"

"Zuko," Sokka put his arms behind his head in a relaxing manner. "How many Fire Lords have actually been assassinated?"

"Hmm, well let's see…" Zuko pretended to think about it. "Maybe my grandfather…"

"Really?" Aang asked.

"How do you think my father got the throne?" Zuko sat back down. "Is there any official way to keep the people of the Fire Nation happy as well?"

"Fire Lord Zuko," Iroh stood up. "The only thing that will for sure bring peace amongst the Nations is time. What is really important is trying to make it up to the other nations, which is what you are doing. I think that is what we must continue to do. Once all the nations are one, we will have peace."

"Thank you Uncle." Zuko replied.


After a two hour meeting, Fire Lord Zuko finally stepped out of the War Room.

"Hey there, handsome." Came a voice, causing Zuko to look at his girlfriend, Mai.

"How did the meeting go?" she asked, wrapping her arms around Zuko.

"Fine." Zuko replied. "I really think we're on our way to recovery."

"That's good." Mai replied as she kissed him. After their lips parted, she had to ask. "Speaking of recovery how is your injury?"

"Much better." Zuko smiled as he kissed her.

"Well, that's a relief." Mai pulled away. "Listen, I'll be right back; I've got a surprise for you."

And before Zuko could react, Mai was gone in a flash of black.


Darkness… Madness… The once calm and calculating Princess Azula of the Fire Nation was now nothing more than a powerless prisoner. With her hands shackled above her, her fingernails long and ingrown; Azula rolled her head back and forth, her pupils dilated and her face was made up of a twisted grin, her laughter hoarse, but as mad as ever.

This was the picture of insanity.

The cell door opened and Azula's eyes flashed to see the prison guard carrying her dinner. The guard dropped the tray to the ground and turned to leave.

"Wait…" Azula's voice croaked; a maddened laugh escaping. "How do you expect me to eat like this?"

The guard groaned and removed some keys from his belt and unlocked her. The second Azula's hands lowered, she grabbed the bread roll and stuffed it in her mouth. The guard turned and was about to turn and leave, however, azula jumped up and pulled him back. Knocking the guard to the floor, Azula tore the guard's throat out with her own teeth. Laughing madly, Azula spit the flesh out of her mouth, Azula stepped free…and there was Hell to pay…


A/N- Well, I must admit that I was left rather unsatisfied with what happened to Ozai and Azula at the end of the finale. Call me sadistic, but I never wanted a fictional character to die as much as Ozai and Azula. Anyhow, please review, even if you hate it; I'll just remove the story. This actually sounded like an interesting concept when I first thought about it, but now after I've written it, I'm not so sure. Tell me what you think!