Skip Beat! is by Yoshiki Nakamura and is licensed in the United States by Viz. I encourage everyone to purchase the manga. I think of fanfiction as free advertisement. There are many things I've bought because I enjoyed fanfiction that crossed into a new fandom.
This is based off my other fanfic- 2 Minute Interviews, which is mainly the characters sharing spoilers from the show, but is not connected to it at all except I'm using the same original character as the interviewer. This is more drawn out, sharing the thought processes of both Kyoko and Sho as they're both interviewed at the same time and place. This fanfic has spoilers through volume 17.
The Megami Nakami Show – Part 1
Kyoko had been so excited. She'd been invited to be a guest on a prime time talk show. She'd even talked Moko into doing her makeup for her. Moko had even helped her pick out what to wear to the show. If only everything had continued to go so smoothly… Kyoko had been upset when she arrived at the studio earlier that morning and discovered that the main guest on the show was Sho Fuwa. That slime-ball. And here they are now, about to share the stage again.
"Welcome all to The Megami Nakami Show. We have with us today Sho Fuwa!" This announcement was followed by crazy screaming from the studio audience as Sho Fuwa entered the stage from the left and shook Megami's hand before taking a seat on the guest couch close to her. "Here to talk about his new single and his upcoming album. Also with us today is Kyoko who played one of the angels in Sho Fuwa's PV Prisoner and will be appearing this spring in Dark Moon, a show that's promising to be one of the best shows of the season."
Sho was surprised; he hadn't known that the other guest to help make the show longer was going to be Kyoko. She can't freak out; if she freaks out like she did when we were filming the video I might look bad. I have to remain calm, no matter what she does I can make myself look good, I know I can do this. Smile Sho, that smile that makes girls melt. Sho smiled and the screams in the audience hit new heights as a couple of girls actually fainted.
Kyoko entered the stage from the right to polite applause, shook Megami's hand and sat down on the guest couch next to Sho, but as far away from him as she could be without making herself look as uncomfortable as she felt in that moment. I need to hype Dark Moon as well as I can. I know I'm just the secondary guest. Sho is the main guest. I'm too new to the media to be anymore than just extra on this show. The people backstage made it clear that I'm here to help fill in any silence that might happen. It's not that different from the Bridge Rock Show, only I get to sit and talk... And I'm not wearing a bird suit. I just need to ignore Sho as much as I can without anyone noticing I'm avoiding him. I could never get away with what I did when he was on the Bridge Rock Show.
Megami got the ball rolling, so to speak, "Fuwa-san, you've been making successful music for over a year. You're hit songs include: With Love; Doki Doki; Release; Prisoner and Asatte. Your newest single Asatte was released later than expected, many fans were afraid something had happened to delay its release."
Sho Fuwa smile widened, the fans couldn't tell it was strained, although Kyoko could easily tell. It's not like I can tell anyone that Vie Ghoul stole my intended single and I had to come up with a new one that they'd never get away with stealing. "I was having trouble being inspired to make music. I had some seriously bad writers block. But I was able to overcome it to write Asatte. The feedback I've received from both critics and fans has been heartwarming. I've since finished writing and recording all the songs for my upcoming album." And I certainly can't say it was Kyoko getting so furious with me that inspired me. Besides Kyoko is mine, it's her job to help me.
Megami smiled as she hid the fact that Sho's smile had affected her, making her heart beat faster. "Kyoko-san! You got to appear in Fuwa-san's PV Prisoner. There are rumors that it might be nominated for the MTV Japan Music Award for best PV. How do you feel about that?"
I hadn't heard that! How do I respond!? Must remain calm, can't let the grudge-Kyoko's out. God he's smiling that stupid smile of his, I don't care if it is strained, if that means he's as uncomfortable sitting next to me in front of all these camera's as I am. I won't show how I'm feeling about right now. What do I say!? He can so tell I'm uncomfortable. Gotta say something soon or there will be a long pause and people might get uncomfortable, should throw something in about Dark Moon. Right, that's what I'll say. "I hadn't heard that it was being considered for being nominated for an award. That's an incredible honor. Prisoner was very hard for me as it was only the second time I had appeared in front of cameras. I had to ask my best friend Kanae Kotonami for advice on understanding the motivation of my character. It actually took me imagining her as the other angel for me to act exactly how they wanted. I'm so happy that I got to appear in the PV. It was actually thanks to it that I got cast in Dark Moon. Director Ogata got to see the video before it was released and admired my performance enough to cast me as Mio Hongo. I believed he said that I had an aura more evil than the devil, and darker than the night. Truthfully, it bothered me a bit, actually a lot, that that was what he liked about my acting. It's flattering though that he felt so strongly that I was the only one who could play her." Good… I managed to hype the show and not say any of the bad stuff I'm thinking about Sho.
"That was very lucky for you," Megami says. Kyoko nods while smiling softly, a tad embarrassed now that she had said so much about herself. "We'll be taking a short break and when we return Fuwa-san will perform Prisoner for us."
I'm totally making up the titles for his singles. I only know of the one called Prisoner because it's the one Kyoko was in the PV (Promotional Video) for. Doki Doki is the sound effect for a racing heart. Asatte means the day after tomorrow, it sounds much cooler in Japanese.