
Ok everyone. I worked very hard on this. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me. I rather enjoyed writing it (probably why it ended up being so long), and I really hope you enjoy reading it. Just a few things I'd like to get out of the way first before you get started.

I'm not British, but since the characters are, and I also just happen to be slightly obsessed with British culture, euphanisms, and colloquialisms, I tried to make it seem as 'authentic' as possible. I hope I was successful, because it was a great deal of fun for me.

I also tried to take very few liberties with the original Death Note story, but there were a few moments where I had to alter things slightly.

I didn't read too many other fanfics while writing this one. If my story seems similar to anyone else's, it's purely coincidental. My only source of inspiration was the fantastic stories from Druscillos Kayne, and the brilliant DND Poisoned game.

And naturally, I don't own death note or the characters that belong to Tsugumi Ohba, and Takeshi Obata. I'm just borrowing them for a little while, although they might not be the same when I give them back.

Please enjoy.

Holding onto Forever.

Chapter 1:


It was a typical June day at Wammy's House, the orphanage that I called home for so many years. I could barely remember life before it. Bits and pieces of course but I hardly knew who I was beforehand. This was all I knew. Goals, performance, work. We were destined to be great. One of us is destined to be the greatest. His name is L, or at least this is what everyone knew him as. L is the very reason this place exists, and one of us is to fill his shoes should his untimely death occur. L's role in the world is far too important. While 99 of the population doesn't even know he exists, nearly every person in an industrialized society benefits from his work. We are his insurance policy, to ensure that his great work carries on.

In regards to academics, I'm considered #1. I'm not boasting. That's not really my concern. It's a position I hold dearly, but I don't make it an obsession. I just focus, do what is asked of me, and see the result. I'm all too often loathed as a result by many here. Needless to say I don't have many friends. None, actually now that I think about it. I rarely socialize unless it's for a group project or if someone asks for my help, which I'm always glad to do. I'm not hellbent on staying #1. It just works out that way. #2 however, seems to think otherwise.

His name is Mello, and he believes with every fiber of his being that it's my mission operandi to best him at everything possible. He is obsessed on beating me. His humongous ego fuels him to defeat me. I simply wont concede just to make him happy. I just carry on about my business and try to ignore him, which isn't all that easy. It's not easy for anyone to ignore him. He's feared by most here. Not that he's a bully, it's just that one is better off on his good side than his bad side. He has many friends but is close to no one. And on this June day, as I sat there in the common room floor, assembling a blank puzzle, one of my favorite mind exercises, I overheard a typical scenario unfold for me.

"I have better things to do than play games with you. You spend too much time on them anyway." Mello said sharply.

"C'mon man it'll only take a few minutes. I'm certain you can figure it out. You're the best." Matt, who could be loosely considered one of his closest friends, pleaded.

"No I'm not and you know that."

Mello replied coldly, quickly glaring in my direction and walked away without allowing Matt another word. That was the third fight I've witnessed between them in a week.

An sigh escaped from the boy with auburn hair. He wore an exasperated look. I knew this because I was watching. I shouldn't have been, I know that, but he's seen me watching before. Our eyes locked.

"Near. Are you busy right now?" He asked.

"Not particularly, Matt."

"I was wondering if you could help me out with something. I'm playing this new role playing game on the notebooks L got us earlier this year. I'm stuck, and I mean really stuck on this one part. There's lots of strategy involved and I cant get past no matter what angle I try. I've been at this one part for 7 days now. I'm losing my mind!".

"You know I don't play video games Matt."

"This isn't a typical video game. You'd be good at this. I know it. I'm certain Mello could do it too but he wont help me as I'm sure you heard. If he can do it than I'm sure..." he softened his voice to a whisper, "#1 could do it better."

"I suppose I can take a look Matt..."

"OH THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Come to my room around 8pm if you can. Just... don't tell anyone, especially Mello." He shouted, and then quickly lowered his voice as not to draw any unneeded attention.

"Matt, you know I don't talk to anyone." I said.

"Of course, of course... I know you wont tell anyone. Thank...Thank you again Near. I'll see you later." He said as he danced out of the room excitedly.

I generally don't play video games, but this one sounded productive. Anything that exercises your mind to that degree must have some merit. Make no mistake, Matt is not stupid. He holds position #3 in our group, and that is something to be proud of, even if it's not the best. I honestly believe he could surpass both Mello and I in many areas if he focused more on his work. However that is not his way or the way his mind works. I believed his gifts will be realized in forms other than grades some day.

Later on that evening I went to his room as promised. It took me roughly 5 minutes to figure out what had him stuck for so long. I felt bad. I truly did. I didn't want to seem like a showoff, but Matt didn't interpret it that way to my surprise. He was in awe more than anything. I showed him what he was doing wrong, hoping that this would be a lesson he can use in the future. Strategy requires a certain mindset. I was fortunate in that regard.

Our conversation drifted a bit and I found Matt to be a rather pleasant person. I've never really talked to him much, as is the case with most people here, but he seemed easy to get along with. He seemed awfully curious about me though.

"You keep to yourself a lot Near. Sometimes it's difficult to know what you're thinking. Why is that?" He asked boldly.

I suppose that's the way most way most would describe me. I tend to not show emotion. Seems purposeless as it just gets in the way and clouds your judgment.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed Matt, I'm not very well liked around here. Some think I'm cold, but I don't mean it personally. It's just the way I am."

"I guess so but you never seem to have any fun. I see you playing with toys a lot, but you don't seem to actually enjoy doing it. It's as if you're programmed." He said.

"The toys help me physically manifest different scenarios that I think of. I guess you can say that's why I have a knack for strategy.".

"Bugger me! You need to have more fun, Near! There's more to life than work."


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to criticize you. You did help me after all." He apologized

"It's ok, Matt. I know most people cant figure me out. Really it's ok."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly taken back, but I didn't let him know that since it wasn't intentional.

"Well I was thinking, maybe we could hang out more. I could show you what I do for fun and see if you catch on. If you're bored you let me know." He offered.

He just isn't going to give up is he. It isn't very often someone takes interest in me, so I'm not going to refuse, even if I think it's futile.

"Find me after class tomorrow and we'll see what you have in store." I replied, punctuated with a dry smirk.

"I will. Thanks again Near. Really." He said genuinely.

"You're welcome." and with that I left to go back to my room. Part of me was actually looking forward to it. I suppose you could call it anxiousness? It was an odd feeling to me. I stuffed it back down inside of me, not wanting to get my hopes up.