So why don't you have a master?" She inquired. His face then became morose as he looked away from her. She could sense that it was a sensitive topic.

"I'm sorry if it is too personal a question, I shouldn't have asked." She said sincerely.

"No, it's alright. I'll tell you of what I am able to." She listened on.

"I left my current master if you could call him that. He was an abomination; a coward most of all, he was cruel, and a liar. He had participated in the last Holy Grail War and kept his servant from the past. He lied to me about him and abused his power as a master. He never did anything for himself. He was a disgrace." Lancer had so much angry emotion in his words when he spoke of Kotomine.

"So what happened?" She urged him to continue.

"Well, I was sent out to fight some of the other servants, but being the cruel man that Kirei Kotomine was, did not care if I came back alive or not. Of course I came back alive but wounded pretty badly. Then he brought out his other servant, telling me the truth. I left without hesitation. They probably think me dead now seeing as I couldn't make it very far with my wounds. I got as far as I could before I passed out. And that's about it. Then I woke up here." He finished.

"So are you going to continue? Are you going to keep fighting?" Callisto encouraged. He hesitated at the question.

"I don't have a master anymore, I can't just continue on my own. The only way I could continue is if I form a pact with another."

"Well then how about it? Do you wanna pair up with me?" Her smile grew even bigger after the words left her mouth. Lancer blushed a little at the proposition but eventually came to his senses.

"A-are you sure? You know you could die right? You know that you might have to kill others right?" He responded.

"I know, and that is something I will have to deal with myself when the time comes. The fact of the matter is, if people like your previous master gets a hold of power such as that grail then I won't get to live peacefully anymore. People will die in vain." She had a lot of confidence behind those words of hers, and Lancer was ready to put himself behind her as well.

"Alright then," He smiled childishly at her. "What is you first order Master?"