(cut to House, Cuddy and Kutner in her office)
Cuddy: House did you miss the patient history course in medical school?
House: Probably skipped it.
Kutner: (puts his hand up) I didn't.
Cuddy: Did you even talk to the patient?
(Kutner slowly lowers his hand as he realizes he was ignored)
House: It's complicated.
Cuddy: What's so complicated about asking a few questions?
House: Patient's an alcoholic, may not be able to trust anything she says.
Kutner: 13 doesn't think that- (Interrupted by Cuddy)
Cuddy: That's your approach to every patient.
(Kutner stares at his shoes, feeling very awkward being caught in the middle of an argument)
Cuddy: (to Kutner) What else do you know about the patient?
House: Don't ask him, he knows what I know, nothing. We would have known more if you had allowed us to do the catherization.
(13 and Foreman knock on the door and come in)
Foreman: She's allergic to paracetomal right?
House: Cuddy, no just a social life.
13: The patient.
Kutner: Yeah, it's in her charts.
Cuddy: (a little sarcastic) it's good to know you at least read over their charts.
House: (to Cuddy) I don't, I get them to brief me on it. (to Foreman) Why are her allergies so important?
Foreman: She keeps paracetomal in the house.
13: If you're allergic why would you even have it, don't want to risk accidentily taking it.
Foreman: Unless the allergy only presented itself in the last couple of months.
(House immediately gets up from the chair and grabs one of Cuddy's notebooks)
Cuddy: What are you doing?
House: I'm doing what you told me to do, I'm going to go talk to the patient.
(cut to patient's room, Judy is on a respirator, House enters the room with notebook in hand he approaches the patient with a needle and grabs her IV medicine bag, Cuddy is seen walking very fast into the room followed by team minus Taub)
Cuddy: House, you can't talk to a patient who's on a respirator.
House: You told me to.
Cuddy: No, I asked if you had talked to her. It's a little late now for a chat.
House: I know, that's why I brought the notebook. Talking is so overrated. (shows her the notebook)
Cuddy: I mean you can't talk to them because they are under anesthesia.
House: Well that should be easy to solve. (House injects the medicine and Judy slowly wakes up)
13: (sees Judy struggling to talk) Don't try to talk, write it down. Do you know where you are?
(House gives Judy the notebook in which Judy writes 'No')
House: You were brought in because you had a heart attack. Since then you've also gone into respiratory distress, I'm starting to think you're a jinx.
Cuddy: (looks at House dissaprovingly) Ignore Dr. House, you're in good hands. (sees Judy's frightened face) Everyone out of the room, the last thing the patient needs right now is a bunch of doctors gawking at her. (shuffles everyone out of the room and House and Cuddy are the only ones left.)
House: (stares at Cuddy) Didn't you say everyone?
Cuddy: You're not suggesting I leave you alone with her, if she was scared before then you'll be her worst nightmare.
House: Its nice I still have that affect on people. (patient tugs House's shirt, the words 'what is wrong with me?' are scribbled on the page)
House: We don't know. (Judy looks away) When did your allergy to paracetomal start?
(Judy writes and the words 'about a month ago' was written)
Cuddy: Did you go to a doctor, to make sure? (Judy nodded)
House: I thought the point of this was for me to talk to the patient? (Cuddy narrows her eyes but doesn't say anything) Did the doctor prescribe anything?
(Judy nods)
House: Why did you think you were allergic, symptons I mean?
(Judy writes 'swollen ankles' House stares at her before starting to lift up her hospital gown)
Cuddy: House what are you- (sees House pointing at massive internal bleeding) Oh God.
House: Her liver is completely gone.
(Cut to Wilson's office, Taub knock and enters)
Wilson: (looks up) Oh God, you too?
Taub: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. (sits down)
Wilson: How much?
Taub: How much what?
Wilson: How much did House pay you to ask me how I am?
Taub: 100 bucks.
(Wilson shakes his head and continues to work)
Taub: So let's get to the point. How are you?
Wilson: House really thinks that I'm going to tell his team?
Taub: I'm just keeping to my side of the deal.
(Wilson looks annoyed)
(Cut to differential room)
Foreman: Her liver's shut down?
House: Completely. The paracetomal allergy wasn't an allergy at all, the doctor was mistaken. What he took as an allergy turned out to be the first steps of the liver deteriorating. Its like a bag with a leak. Once there's a hole in the bag, it can't do its job anymore and everything just leaks out. The liver couldn't process the paracetomal and so her body rejected it.
(Taub enters the room, House looks at him, Taub shakes his head)
Kutner: Could also explain the heart attack. She had said when the ER brought her in (looks at file) she'd been at a diner, maybe heavy carbohydrates led to hypophosphatemia of the liver which would lead to a heart attack.
Foreman: Its great that we figured out that the disease is affecting her liver, but it's a little late now. With the serosis of the liver from the alcoholism the damage is too much, she's going to need a new liver.
Taub: There's no way any board would grant her a liver, her alcoholism crushes any hope she has.
(13 looks down obviously upset)
House: What affects the lungs and the liver?
Foreman: House it doesn't matter,(pauses) she's dying.
(13 gets up from her chair)
13: Let me tell her.
(She leaves the room)