Hi everyone, so I have been reading a few fanfictions at and I've noticed a really cool way of writing fanfictions. You write them as the script, so I thought I would give it a try and try to write my own episode of House MD. I'm trying very hard with the medicine so bear with me it may not all be right! Well anyway, this is set after the season 4 finale, so I guess beggining of season 5. I'd love to hear what you guys think so far, I thinking I'll write about 5 or 6 chapters for this episode, hopefully trying to get it to be about a full episode.

(Setting is a run-down bar, seemingly in the middle of the highway. Lots of truckers about, its made to look like a pit-stop. Windows let light in showing its daytime. Judy enters the bar.)

Judy: (sits down on bar stool) A shot of whiskey.

Bar Tender: (looks at clock behind him, it says 8 o'clock) A bit early to be dipping into the hard liqour isn't it?

Judy: If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it, shot of whiskey.

(Bartender shrugs his shoulders and makes her a drink, trucker comes over and sits in the seat next to Judy, checking her out.)

Trucker: What's a fine young lady like you doing so far out here?

Judy: Great pick up line, only two problems with it. I'm not a fine young lady and I have no intention of putting out for you so buzz off.

Trucker: Just thought I could offer to pay for your next drink (he winks)

Judy: (turns to look at Trucker) If you were offering to buy me something a gentleman would offer food.

Trucker: Lucky I'm a gentleman. Bob a plate of french fries for the nice young lady. (bartender goes back to the kitchen to fetch fries)

Judy: You're expecting me to break my ban on carbs for you? (she says this as the fries arrive in front of her)

Trucker: Beggers can't be choosers.

Judy: Nice use of platitudes. (she starts eating fries, eats a lot of fries)

Trucker: Good huh?

(Judy nods and then suddenly her eyes widen and she grabs her chest, she falls out of her seat clutching her chest and goes limp)

Trucker: Holy crap! Somebody call 911!

(cut to opening credits)

(cut to hospital entrance can see House limping to the elevators. Cuddy is at the nurses' station sees House and chases after him)

Cuddy: You're still supposed to be off work, resting.

House: (arrives at elevator and presses button with cane) Got bored.

Cuddy: Bored? You're here because you were bored?

House: Would it be better if I was here because I had the sudden urge to see the funbags again?

Cuddy: (looks a little smug) You weren't bored.

(elevator opens and Cuddy walks back to nurse's station, House looks at elevator for a second before following Cuddy.)

House: Come on Freud, why am I here then? Oedipus syndrome for my dean of medicine?

Cuddy: You got lonely.

House: Yeah I was dying to have you and Wilson chew me out for switching your medications.

Cuddy: /9signing file given to her by one of the nurses) Well it can't hurt Wilson to be extra fertile.

House: (shifts in spot) How is he?

Cuddy: (hands file back and turns to face House) Better, but not much. Talk to him House.

House: Wouldn't do anything to cure the boredom, got a case?

Cuddy: Your team got one this morning. (puts hand on shoulder) He needs a friend, talk to him. (walks away)

House: (calls out after her) I wasn't lonely.

(cut to three fellows and Foreman looking over case file, Kutner is writing symptons on the board.)

13: (reading file) The BAC shows Judy was a heavy drinker, the alcohol levels in her blood were sky-high. It's a wonder her liver is still intact.

Taub: Well the heart attack is easily explained then. After abusing her body for years, Judy's heart just gave out. All we need is to do is wean her off of the alcohol and hopefully the medication we give her will help her heart problem dissapear along with the toxin.

Foreman: Great diagnosis except your missing the fact that the woman is running a dangerously high fever. (Kutner writes fever on the board)

Taub: Again can be explained by the alcohol, weakened immune system lets in an infection. Start her on wide-spectrum antibiotics.

Kutner: (picking up file) She's allergic to paracetamol.

Taub: (gives Kutner a strange look) Good thing that we never planned on giving it to her considering her alcoholism, it would totally fry her liver.

Kutner: Sorry just found it interesting.

(House limps into office, thorws off his coat into the other office and looks at Kutner)

House: What are you doing?

Kutner: (looks down at pen) I just thought, since you were gone, I- (interrupted by House)

House: You thought you were ready to hang with the big boys? Sit down. (House looks at the whiteboard which contains a childish scribble that is barely legible) Seriously who taught you to write, some hobbo that lived near the local supermarket?

Kutner: My parents- (interupted once again by House)

House: Rhetorical question, somebody tell me what this is actually supposed to say.

Kutner: You're feeling better?

House: I feel peachy, symptons.

Foreman: Cardiac Arrest, alcoholism, fever-(cut off by Taub)

Taub: Everything can be explained by the alcoholism. We put her on some antibiotics to get rid of the infection and we send her to rehab.

House: What if she says, No, no no?

Kutner: Why would you come in when you still have time off? (plays will House's ball that was located on the table)

House: (snatchs ball back) To stop you from moving all of my stuff, please tell me the porn is still in the second drawer?

13: I don't think everything is caused by the alcohol.

(everyone turns to look at her)

House: What do you think its caused by?

13: What if the alcoholism is a sympton?

Foreman: You're suggesting that the problem is neurological?

13: The heart and nervous system are linked, if its messing with her brain creating this addiction, which created the weakened immune system, the brain could have just as easily messed with the heart.

Kutner: So you're suggesting that the infection is just a coincidence?

House: Did you not listen to a word she said? She said it was a result of the addiction- (interupted by Foreman)

Foreman: I don't think we need an instant re-play.

Taub: Its more likely the alcoholism is doing this to her.

House: Whereas if its what 13 suggested is right, the little drunk will be spiking the angels' punch in a few days.

13: I want to do a cardiac catherization and take a look at the heart , after all its what got her here in the first place.

House: Go on then. (13 leaves, Taub looks at him like he's insane)

Taub: You really think its more likely that this woman has a rare, infectious disease that caused her to become an alcoholic?

House: Nah, I just like her better than you.

Taub: You'll just be running a bunch of pointless tests.

House: Either way we're still taking her off the alcohol, that's what you wanted right?

Taub: We need to get the woman on medications for her heart, to prevent further damage.

House: The drunk has a name its- (looks to Foreman)

Foreman: Judy, Judy Harlow. Just run the dam test. (House nods at Foreman who leaves after Taub, Kutner gets up to leave)

House: Where are you going?

Kutner: To help 13 with the catherization?

House: Oh no you're not, you're coming with me.

(cut to procedure room with 13 and Taub)

Taub: Why are you so certain this isn't just her alcoholism?

13: Why are you so certain that it is? I'm injecting the dye. (presses button)

Taub: What are you looking for anyway?

13: A hint as to why the heart acted up.

Taub: So really you have no idea what you are looking for?

(13 doesn't answer)

Taub: I understand your hatred of people being overlooked because of a image they have, but you're not being objective, alcoholism fits.

13: No I hate people assuming that all of somebody's problems result from one issue they have. You're not being objective because you have this prejudice against alcoholics.


Taub: Do you think that maybe you're relating a little too much to her?

13: What's that supposed to mean?

(beepers from the machine go off)

13: She's gone into respiratory distress.
