George Weasley watched as his wife went to make herself a cup of tea. He crouched just out of her sight and chuckled slightly as he thought of what would soon happen.
He considered it his greatest achievement that his daughter had learned her first Muggle trick before she even turned five. Of course his wife had no idea of what he and his twin had been teaching little Maya-Rose Weasley but, if all went to plan, she was about to find out!

Hermione Weasley hummed to herself as she made her tea, she hadn't seen her husband or daughter for a while and thought that it was a little ominous for them both to be missing at the same time, but she didn't spare it much thought, at least her daughter hadn't been taught any tricks or pranks by her father yet!
As Hermione put the sugar into her tea she thought about her little family and how much she loved them. She knew that her daughter had probably inherited George's mischievous streak, but she wasn't to worried, Maya-Rose was far too young to learn pranks at the moment!

Maya-Rose Weasley giggled as she sat on her Uncle Fred's knee, just out of sight of her mother and watched her take the first sip of her tea. She watched as her mother's face turned from peaceful relaxation to an expression of disgust.

George was laughing so hard he was surprised Hermione hadn't found him by now! The prank had been perfectly executed!

Hermione was shocked! Salt in the sugar bowl? That was much too immature to be one of Fred or George's pranks, it was more the prank of a child… Oh no. She groaned as the truth set in. Her daughter, innocent little Maya-Rose Weasley, was responsible! Damn, Fred and George must have been teaching her those Muggle pranks!

Fred was sitting with his niece on his lap laughing at the dumbstruck expression on his sister-in law's face. He and George had done a very good job training little Miss Weasley, even if he did say so himself!

Hermione pulled herself together, she had to face the facts sometime, better sooner than later. 'Alright you lot, I know you're there, come out now!'

She almost smiled as the mirth filled faces of her husband, daughter and brother-in -law appeared from various places around the kitchen. Then she put on her serious face 'I know that you two have been teaching Muggle pranks to my little girl and you are very lucky that I am not hexing you halfway to Hogwarts for that! I will let you off this time, but if you ever try to prank me again you will all be in big trouble, do you understand?'
They all looked at her meekly and muttered 'Yes' before she turned away to find her book and read quietly for a while. They began whispering the moment she turned her back.

She smiled to herself, she knew they were already planning new ways to prank her and, honestly? She couldn't care less. She loved them all far too much to carry out any of her threats and, unfortunately for her, they all knew that far too well!!