Disclaimer: I don't own Cowboy Bebop
His death was coming. I knew it. How? I don't know, maybe something in those damn eyes of his. . . I hated it. Always . . . Julia . . . Yeah, she was beautiful; blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a strong woman too, but I just don't see why they fought over her.
Two men; one filled with hate, and the other filled with the bad love of a lost lover . . . And then they fought. Over the death of the blue eyed beauty. Killed, both of them. For a while, I went somewhere in my mind; Spike was there, vicious was there. But that was short lived.
I don't quite know when was it that I fell for the cold eyed demon, but I did. I'm still falling, now that I think of it. Was it the way he grabbed me, the way he talked so casually in the presence of a dead man? Who knows. . . And Spike. The broken space cowboy. Was it our constant fights? Maybe the way he never paid me the slightest bit of attention. God, who fucking knew.
I figured I should just bury it all, but how could I bury the dead when one of them were standing right in front of me. . .
It was Saturday and I was off. It had been a year since I left the Bebop and I was done with the gambling thing. I got a job and a new name. I'm now Sioux Love, ha ha. But anyways, I was enjoying myself, sitting at the window with a cup of tea.
It was raining in the sad little town. Water ran down the red bricks of the complex. It was kind of like home, mars, with its green grass and fresh air. Though the only grass I really saw was the kind you find in the cracks of the sidewalk, or the dead kind in the parks; not anything like the grass of my memory.
I was looking out the window when I saw him looking right up in my direction. I was so surprised I almost dropped my tea. . .almost. . . Shit, I paid money for that cup.
I stared at him, he stared at me. My heart hurt. Everything he wore was soaking wet, from the black over coat, to his long silver hair. His arms hung limply at his sides. It was like he was looking directly at me in my fourth story window.
I blinked, but he was still there. . . Just . . . Staring at me. It kind of gave me the creeps after a while. I got up and put my cup in the sink, and when I came back. . . He was gone.
I thought he was going to come up and kill me. . . But. . . There was that look in his eyes. He looked like he had words unsaid; stuff he wanted to get out, but didn't.
I couldn't deny my feelings for him though. I loved his cold demeanor. I kept remembering back to the time he had kidnapped me. It was really nothing, but when I was all tied up and scared, he had tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and told me I wouldn't be hurt if the plan went right. . . Hump, most likely a lie, but I liked the way he said it, nonetheless. At least he pretended to be polite.
I waited for hours for. . . Hm, I don't know. . . Him to come up and knock on my door? It finally happened at around 8:00pm.
I looked up, from the book I had been reading, at the sound. . . Three more wraps. . . I opened the door and there he stood, freshly shaved and dry. He wore a black suit with a black tie, and his hair hung loose at his shoulders. He didn't speak at once.
I touched the side of his face, "Well, it's about time"
His eyes drifted to my hand and he placed his over mine. His skin was so cold that it surprised me. His eyes were on me again, like ice crawling through me. I took my hand away.
"come in," I said
I heard the door click shut and then the heavy bolt shift. I sat at the window and looked out. I thought briefly of how this all came to be.
"I was trying to bury you," I said
When I didn't hear an answer I looked over at him. He was standing in the middle of the room. He had taken off his coat; it was draped over his arm. He had on a shiny black dress shirt, real nice.
"So what exactly are you doing here?"
"I don't know"
He had the voice of a ghost. It was airy and disconnected. Was he going to kill me? It Didn't really matter.
"Do you want to kill me?"
"I've had a million chances to kill you"
"But you never did"
"Why'd you kill Spike?"
I felt myself choking up. . . How pathetic.
"I didn't"
"Ha, yeah right"
"He shot me first. . . I almost died"
I shook my head, I already knew how it went down. After all those near death experiences, Spike had to die like that. . . But it was only natural. He died for Julia. . . Julia. . .
"What about Julia?"
"She. . . Has become one of the fallen"
"Why don't you cut the shit," I was getting mad
"I had her killed"
I had had enough. Enough of Julia, enough of Spike, enough of death. I knew the basics, but what I really wanted to know was why he was here, in my apartment, talking to me.
"What do you want with me?" I asked, "I'm not that important"
"I want you," he said
I laughed, "Did Spike shoot you in the head?"
A sly smile crept up his face. I've always wanted him. But him wanting me? That was rich.
"What? Do you want to fuck me?" everyone did
"Oh, I want to do more than that"
I smiled and walked to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pressing my body against his. He just looked down at me, and I felt it again. It was like he was pouring ice into me though his eyes.
I pushed him away, "You- I-"
He steadied himself, "Yes?"
"I just want to know why you came to me?"
"You were the only one who didn't fear me"
I went to the sink.
Something caught my eye. A spider; crawling across the counter. Its little legs moved fast over the counter top. I looked away.
"We are the same, you and I"
I turned to him, "Yeah? How's that?"
"We both loved people who betrayed us"
I looked back to the sink. The Shining surface. I had to keep asking myself why he was here. He didn't need anything from me. . . He obviously didn't want to kill me. . .
"So you did love her"
"I never loved Spike"
"You lie"
"How could I?" I said, "He was. . . Such a. . . lunkhead"
Thoughtful sadness crept into me; remembering our fights.
"So he's dead too"
I couldn't talk about him anymore. I might've cried. I tuned and leaned against the sink, looking at him. He was so damn gorgeous with his hair hanging carelessly around his shoulders.
"Well, who cares why you're here anyway," I said, "You're here"
He put his coat on the couch and came to me. He caressed the side of my face.
"Yes, I'm here"