
The quiet fills the air, the touch speaking louder than words ever could.


She would never know when or where it had happened, only that she had went on the longest and most difficult road trip, with her heart arriving at it's destination belonging to another.


He tugged the top button of his shirt open, exposing his neck to her hungry eyes, leaving the desire inside her desperate to press her lips to the quick pulse of his throat.


He was physically fit, but it was the strength inside him she admired, knowing he had seen and suffered unspeakable horrors, yet he still found a way to be free with his humour and his heart.


She kept a poker face on to the world, never letting them see behind her professional exterior, yet he alone could easily peel back the layers to reveal the well of love and compassion hidden inside a hurting woman.


Coldness radiated from him, and her fingers slip from his still heart to his icy cheek, knowing that this is the last time her embrace will ever warm him again.


She considered herself a careful woman, guarded in perhaps too many aspects, but she knew it was too late to save herself from the fall that left her under his enchanting spell.


Through the glass, he watched her as she kissed another, only hoping she hadn't forgotten how much of himself he had given to her and how much he had hoped for back.


They circled each other, always drawing close enough, to feel their breath kiss in the space between them, yet never close enough to let anything more than their imaginations do the talking.


His body may have changed with time, but the soft glimmer of love remained youthful in his chocolate eyes as he looked down on his wife.