Forgotten 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing this is purely fan fiction of course, but anyone I make up.

Warnings: Yaoi of course, Mpreg past and Present, oh I will try to have some humor in this even if it is meant to be scary.

Summery: Time is a funny thing

Forgotten 4

Walking into his apartment with bags in his hands Itachi Uchiha took off his shoes and went further into his home, he went down the hall to the kitchen and pressed the blinking button of his answering machine, as he put the things away in the kitchen he listened to the messages and making note of some to call back as he worked.

He snorted at the sound of his boyfriend's voice on the machine shaking his head at the older man's antics but smiled anyway, moving out the kitchen with a banana in his hand he looked at his mail that he put on the counter. He rolled his eyes at the bills wondering why they send him the bill when it was a automatic payment so he tossed those to the side and smiled at a invitation he had in his hand going over to a calendar in his hall and made a note of the date the invitation had on it.

Putting the rest of the mail down he peeled open the banana and bit off it as he went into the living room, sitting on his comfy couch Itachi turned on the TV just as his cell phone rung, with a small sigh he took it from his pocket and looked at the number then opened the phone.

He talked to his boyfriend as he bit the banana and looked at the documentary on the screen in front of him, Itachi frowned when he got the news his boyfriend was not coming home anytime soon but will be home later which was fine with him some time alone would let him get some work done, after ending the call Itachi focused on the show when he felt a chill in the air. He looked around knowing he did not turn on the AC.

Standing he walked over to the AC box and blinked when he saw it was not up, shaking his head he wrote it off as him just being cold. Looking down at the banana peel in his hand Itachi swore he had more left but then thought he must have not notice since he was into the show before the phone rung then was eating when he was talking to his boyfriend, walking to the kitchen he threw it away then went to his bag next to the door taking out some papers and his glasses.

When he was settled on the couch he took out a pen and started to correct some of the things on the papers that he needed to change or look into more, an hour into it he felt cold again and this time it made his hair on the back of his neck stand up since he already had checked the AC and knew it was not broken since the air seemed to move around him and not just the room being cold.

Just as he stood up the lights in his apartment went out and his eyes started to adjust to the sudden darkness. Moving around Itachi went towards the fuse box near the front door but then felt like something was behind him, he froze in place and felt breathing near him closing his eyes he turned and nothing was there. He then heard the front door being opened with wide eyes he saw a hand when it was cracked a little.

Itachi backed up and then ran to the phone as the crack got wider and the whole arm was in his apartment, the phone was not even giving off a dial tone, putting it back on the hook he took out his cell and hurried to his room closing the door just as the door opened all the way, leaning on his door Itachi dialed his boyfriends number and heard walking in his house he looked around for a weapon as he heard the steps getting closer to his room the sound of bones moving were mixed into the steps making Itachi feel sick.

When he got his boyfriend on the line he could not even make a sound as he felt the doorknob being turned he leaned fully on it, biting his lip when he realize it was not his boyfriend but the messenger. Cursing he looked for a number as the door started to shake he did not look at the number he dialed he just heard the phone ringing.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end said softly making Itachi pale and throw the phone away when he looked at who number he called, making sure the door was locked he pushed the dresser near the door in front of it and ran to his bed looking at the door as well as the phone with the flashing number on it as the banging got louder.

A door opened and a teenage boy was brought through it, he looked at the people around him all looked scared and pale. He saw his father with them looking the same way; some of the men were wearing red robes as they stood around a circle making him nervous.

He was put into the circle and the men who brought him into the room took their places in the circle, the young man looked around as the people started to chant something he never heard he looked down at his clothing it was nothing more then a white yutka. Just as the chanting seem to get louder the door opened again and his uncle came into the room pulling him out the circle and pushing him behind him. The young man was still shaking from the looks he got from the people as well as how his father would not look at him.

"How dare you people use him, even after what happened with his mother you would use him!" He looked at his uncle hearing how enraged he was, the people all could not face him but one man who was in red stepped from the circle with the others behind him.

"She was being selfish this is for the village!, surly you understand that it must be done" The man said as the young man looked on his blue eyes stared at both adults not wanting to even be there but the mention of his mother made him wince feeling the pain from her death a week ago. He was being pushed back towards the door as his uncle glared at the men shaking his head.

"It is to late for trying to save this place, it was doomed already" The looks on the people faces as his uncle said that looked panicked as he was suddenly grabbed from behind, when he turned to see who had him the young man was surprised to see his father looking guilty.

"Brother, Minato could save us all. I know it is wrong but think about the children in the village who have yet to live!" The young man named Minato father said as he held his son tightly; the young man saw the frantic look in his father's eyes that looked like everyone else in the room.

"And what about your son's life, he being used for a village happiness that did not even thought to even give him kind words or actions" Minato looked down at his feet knowing what his uncle said was true he was never treated well in the village, the floor suddenly was shaking and people started to panic.

He heard someone cry out and lifted his head just in time to see his uncle fall with a surprised look on his face and a villager holding the end of a bloody blade looking guilty and panicked the man kept mumbling sorry as he stepped back into the group. Minato pulled from his father and ran to his uncle seeing the life fade from his eyes, tears ran down his face as the chanting started again and he saw the man in red who he knew was the leader nod to someone and a rope was around his neck, he saw the people not looking his way as the rope tightened and everything started to go black.

Sasuke looked at the mail as he sat at the table with everyone eating breakfast, opening a letter he smiled and looked at Naruto who was fixing their son's plate.

"Itachi said he is coming to visit us after he comes from England" The dark haired man said with a smile since it has been sometime since his older brother had time off and he knew Naruto was the one who convinced the stubborn man to take a vacation here for awhile.

"Oh good, he was looking haggard when I saw him last, and Kakashi is no help either the pervert" Naruto said with a laugh as Toshi started to eat his food and pretending to feed some to his plush fox. The little boy looked out into the hall and saw a figure go up the stairs and he swore he heard giggling, looking at his mother and his face the little boy knew he was not the only one who heard it.

"It is just the wind honey" Naruto said to his son, he did not even believe what he said and knew his son was not falling for it either, he turned to his husband and blinked when he was looking at the white cloth again.