Disclaimer: If I owned Avatar, I wouldn't need to write this, because Zutara would have happened.


It's a strange feeling, being the girlfriend of the avatar. Aang isn't around as much as I'd like, but I suppose it's only natural. He is the avatar, and it hasn't even been a full year since the war ended. He has important duties to take care of, but for some reason, I feel abandoned. I know he loves me, and I love him, but I'm starting to wonder if us being together was really a good idea. When he's with me I'm happy. He acts so cute an innocent. He's just adorable. And loyal, and fun, and always happy. When I'm with him I feel like a princess. Yeah, Princess Katara, that's me. But, those times are becoming fewer and fewer. My loneliness is becoming greater and greater. Three weeks ago Aang went to the Fire Nation, where he and Zuko are creating a new school system with dance classes. Well, Zuko is working on the school; Aang is working on the dance classes. He writes to me often, saying that he misses me, and saying he'll try to visit me soon. I know he's doing his best, and I'm proud of him, but sometimes I feel like things just weren't meant to be.

I don't get to see my friends very often either. Toph went to Omashu to help rebuild the city. I'm told the reconstruction is going much faster with a Metal bender. Her parents arrived about a month ago. They still don't see eye-to-eye, figuratively speaking, but they are all happy to be together again. Sokka and Suki are planning on returning to Kyoshi Island, but for now, they are wondering around the charred parts of the earth kingdom, rebuilding it, and looking for Sokka's sword and boomerang. And finally Zuko. He comes to visit Iroh and I here in Ba Sin Se whenever he gets the chance, about one week every month. He and Aang should be able to visit us again soon. I'm looking forward to that. I've set up a hospital in Ba Sin Se to heal wounded solders from any nation and to act as a representative of the Southern Water tribes.

Iroh and I have become quite close in these past few months. So close that he's become somewhat of an uncle to me as well. His teashop, the Jasmine Dragon, has become world famous. I make a point to stop in every day and help out. He and his assistant Jin always have their hands full. That's basically how I've been spending my days. Healing soldiers, waiting for letters from my friends, missing Aang, and making tea.