My first chapter of a Fic i started like 2 years ago and only just found, re-wrote and finnished. tell me thoughts please, I know it's a bit stupid but it's my way of Brigeing the musical and the Book together with my own stuff as well as the script for the musical.

I will say this although it pains me, I do not own Wicked or any of the characters or the story line, i only own my imagination and thats not very much.

Unwritten Destiny: First steps

Elphaba Thropp sat quietly reading within the dark, musky walls of Shiz University Library, she wondered sadly, how it was that she had been the one person in all Oz to be cast out and unusual, all around her people were pretty and pink, or in some cases dark skinned, but not one person in all of Oz held the same Unique qualities as her.

Turning the page of her latest book, Elphaba caught glimpse of the thing that held her away from most of the students in Shiz, for Elphaba Thropp, the daughter of a governor and highly placed Unionist priest, held the most unusual of traits, Her flesh was not Pink like it ought to have been, but in fact a rather fetching shade of Emerald Green.

Not many people spoke kindly of her for this trait of Nature that no one could explain.

'Artichoke' they called her. 'Wicked green Artichoke' anything that they could think that was green, you name it, she was called it at least twice a day.

Look at me, she thought; flipping her page again not paying any attention to the book at all, I'm hideous. No wonder hardly anyone spoke to her about nice things.

Looking up to the ceiling, she sighed deeply.

The Library was the one place she felt as home. With high green walls and shelves stacked clearly to the top of the roof with books, Wonderful books of people who were different, Like her. Books of Science, Art, Politics; Anything one could imagine.

Not many people paid visits to the Library, the Students of Shiz were not known for their book smarts, well most of them anyway, But rather for their family status in Oz.

Elphaba loved the Library it was quiet and almost like her hide out, not many people would think to come in looking for her and she was glad for it. Although it did grow tedious with time, and often she found herself craving some Human or Animal company that was not Ms. Gnadela, the Librarian with some rather bad hygiene issues.

She heard another book moved from shelf to shelf and the familiar tutting of Ms. Gnadela's tongue.

Quickly she glanced back to her book, in attempts to actually read it, even if it bored her to tears.

"What are you doing Miss Elphie?" a familiar male voice spoke out of seeming no where, making Elphaba jump in fright, and shiver with a naughty pleasure that no one but herself knew of at the same time.

"Fiyero! Oz, you scared the hell outta me. I didn't even hear you come in" She Blushed and babbled to him in one long sentence before she realized he'd called her 'Miss Elphie', to which she snapped "And Don't call me 'Miss Elphie' it makes me sound like perky little… well it's just too perky"

Fiyero seemed not to even care that she spoke to him, he sat down across from her, placing his feet neatly on the table in a well rehearsed movement that anyone without any thought may have found 'cool'.

Elphaba, who held a brain, no matter how much it seemed to fuzz into mush when ever Fiyero entered a room, narrowed her eyes.

"You're not supposed to do that." She said snobbishly.

"Oh sorry Miss Elphi—I mean Elphaba." Fiyero removed his legs, although some annoyance was prominent in his facial expression, he smiled none the less. He smiled that beautiful smile that made every girls heart flutter and melt into a big gooey mess and every guy cower away for fear of being seen as unattractive compared to this god, with GREAT hair.

With Luscious brown locks that curled ever so slightly, Bluish green pools for eyes that one could easily get lost in, and Pure White teeth, that gave him a picture perfect smile every time. Not to mention that he was tall and toned. Fiyero was easily the best looking man in Shiz maybe even Oz. Not only that, but he was kind with a good heart. This was what made Galinda the luckiest girl in Oz, for she was the one who held his heart.

"So… what you reading?" Fiyero didn't wait for her to answer as he rudely snatched the book from her hand and read the title out loud.

"Wicked natures. Cool. What's it about?" he asked. Elphaba held no idea as to why he was plaguing her with such questions. Perhaps he was bored, or Galinda had proven too annoying for his liking and he wanted to speak to some one of substance, not of Popularity. As much as Elphaba loved her best Friend she did grow rather annoying with her constant squeeling.

"It's about an outcast and how he has to fight off a corrupt government to be left to his peace, and to gain forgiveness of his dead lover's family for his evil deeds. Now if you don't mind I was reading."

"Nice" Fiyero said handing the book back to her, with a smile she couldn't quite read.

Elphaba sighed; she knew he was going to keep talking as long as she sat there with him.

"to tell you the truth I'm getting a bit bored of it." She admitted, causing Fiyero's face to light up with confusion and that whimsical 'Dancing through life' malarkey he seemed to ooze.

"Then why read it? Why read anything?" Fiyero pursed his lips a moment, then "Books are stupid"

Elphaba felt a flush of anger.

"I read Master Fiyero because reading keeps the mind charged and I for one do not want to be a brainless vegetable like most of Shiz!" Elphaba heard her voice snap harshly in the tone she dreaded to use but seemed to come so naturally, Immediately she wished she'd kept her mouth shut , as Fiyero looked down actually hurt, perhaps taking it that she had just called him mindless. For what ever Fiyero portrayed of his brains, how ever little he pretended to have, Elphaba knew that of all the people in Shiz, he was one of the more intellectual; he just chose not to be a brain box like her.

"I'm sorry... That didn't come out like I meant it." Elphaba placed her hand on Fiyero's as it rested on the table, a gesture not usually shown from her. Fiyero's head shot up and for a second Shock filled his eyes. Only for a second though as a small smile showed in the corner of his mouth, his beautiful mouth… Elphaba knew she should have pulled back, knew that every part of her screamed to pull back. Not being one to touch, it shocked her that she had; even with such a tiny thing as a hand, it was still a big deal.

But her body refused to listen to her brain.

Elphaba looked into his eyes, eyes that didn't shift away, but rather looked back into her own.

For a moment she thought she may kiss him. He shifted a little closer.

Galinda always chose her moments so perfectly. Rushing over to them, she broke what ever spell they both held.

"Fiyeroooo! Dearest there you are!" Galinda bounced as she spoke. Quickly Elphaba pulled her hand back.

"Galinda, hey.." she began but Galinda always cut her off.

"Elphie, honestly in these books again! It's soooo degradefiying. They'll be the death of you." Galinda hugged her closely as Elphaba made the mistake of standing up.

Galinda was far from being the biggest or tallest girl in Shiz but she held strength that Elphaba could never understand as she hugged her so tight she could hardly breathe.

Releasing her from her Death grip disguised in a hug. Galinda turned to face Fiyero, blocking Elphaba out of their conversation.

"Dearest you know I've been looking for you all over the place, why'd you run off?" she pouted, to which Elphaba who knew her movements from behind rolled her eyes, causing Fiyero to chuckle quietly.

Galinda narrowed her eyes and glared at him harshly, like a child who wasn't getting her way. Quickly he bit his lip.

Turning back to Elphaba, Galinda smiled again, her Curls bouncing as she did.

"Now Elphie, sweetie, I need to take Fiyero off your hands, which I'm sure you're grateful of. We have a meeting with Madame Morrible, Fiyero and I are organising another school dance! How fun!" Galinda squealed loudly, Gaining a glare of annoyance from Ms. Gnadela, and a loud 'Shhhh'

Galinda barely seemed to care, as she took Fiyero's hand and pulled him along after her.

Fiyero cast one last glance her way and mouthed the words 'Help Me' before being pulled out the door. Elphaba felt a sad frown take her.

I'm not that Girl.