Me: Hello everyone. This is bluejay511.
Drew: Good way to state the obvious, genius.
Me: Can I introduce my story?
Drew: Technically it's not your story.
Me: I know. Jeez. Ok this story is dedicated to Tyler Perry's Movie. I really love it and all his movies. So I don't own the story. So please rent the movie, "Why did I get married?" it's great.
Drew: You'll change it a bit right.
Me: You'll have to wait and see.
A woman with long brown hair put back into a ponytail. She stands in front of a large group of college students. Books are put on stands and she talked. "'Why are we still married?' is a book based on the vacations me and my 3 best friends and our husbands take once a year. With some exercises with their premission of course keeps us together."
"Mrs. Larue, in this book called 'Why did I get married?' were those your real friends?"
"Yes. They were." Another student raised her hand.
"I was really worried about Dawn and Paul. Are they still married?"
"I don't like to talk about my friend's business but yes."
A blue-haired girl walks into her home. She puts down her bag and walks through her house and sees her husband sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. His purple hair was messy as usual.
"Hello, Paul." She tried to kiss his check but he didn't didn't let her.
"Hi." he said emontionless. She looked down sadly.
"Did you buy the plane tickets?"
"Yes Dawn," he said looking at the newspaper like his wife never entered. Suddenly, the door bell rang. Paul quickly stood and dropped the newspaper. "I got it."
He opened the door and there was a blonde girl. "I'm ready." she said.
"Okay good." Paul said and grabbed his stuff by the door.
"Wait. Where are you, two, going?" Dawn asked.
"Going to the plane. I brought 2 tickets. You said you brought your ticket."
"You know I told you to buy our tickets."
"You can have mine. I doesn't feel right." The blond said.
"No don't." Paul said to her. He pulled out his wallet. He gave her a few hundred dollars. "Take a bus. No better yet, drive." Paul walked out carrying to blonde girl's bags. Dawn watched them walk away. She slowly closed the door. This year will be... something.
"Mrs. Larue, What about Ash and Misty? Are they okay since what happend in your book?"
The woman answered, "As I said before I don't like saying my friend's business but Ash and Misty are fine."
He was driving a white escalade and in the front seat with him was a red head girl with short hair that was put up into a ponytail.
"Yes, Melissa... Tell them and then call me back... Yes anytime."
"Misty, Can you please hang up the phone?" Misty was still talking to Melissa but shhed him and paid no atttention to his request. "Misty...Please."
"Fine," Misty then said to Melissa, "Just call me back. Okay. Bye."
"Why don't you tell them you're on vacation?"
"Ash, I'm trying to defend a boy who killed a his brother."
"Can't you tell Melissa to handle it?"
Then there was a ring again. "It's Melissa." Misty looked at her phone commenting.
"It's always Melissa."
"Hey. Mel. What happened?"
"Mist. Can you hang up the phone? You've been on the phone the whole 5 hour ride. Can't we at least talk?"
"Fine." She hung up the phone. "What do you want to talk about? How about the way we left Rachael when she was sick."
"She'll be fine."
"Yes, Mr. Pediatrician. Like you said it was ok for her to play soccer on the coldest day of winter."
"Is that all you want to do, Argue?" Misty was busy on her phone. When Ash noticed this se got even angried but his voice didn't escalate.
"Did you hear me?"
"I heard you."
"No are you really listening to me." Misty dropped her phone.
"Happy?" Misty rolled her eyes. Ash just huffed in frustration. As they drove up the mountain in silence.
Another student raised her hand. "I read in your book about Sara Lynn and Michael. Are they okay?"
"Yes they are fine. Every relation whether you are married or not has the hills to cross and bumps along the way. But they work out."
A train passed by through the womans as a mad woman was complaining to her husband.
"Why'd we have to leave Terra and Jason with, Tess, Mike?"
"What do you mean? I thought Jason deserved to see his mother."
"Yes but I don't like her. Trying to look young. Everyone knows she's old as hell!" she screamed.
"No don't Sara me. It always Sara this... Sara that. No-"
"Sara. You're embarassing me... us."
"See that's your problem. Your selfish and every time we go over there you forget I'm there too-"
"Can you shut up? Golly. Women... Always gotta fuss over something." the man behind her said. Mike slide down his chair hopping not to be seen.
"Oh no he didn't." she said. She looked back at him. "Can't you see I'm trying to have a conversation here with my husband!! That's what's wrong with men they don't know how to shut their mouth." She looked straight back at her husband. "Shot. He don't know me. All he know I could have a bomb. You know I'm bipolar."
Another student a boy asked the question. "How about you and your husband's relationship," he asked. Just then the doors in the back opened. A man with green hair walked in. "... after the acciddent?"
"Why don't you ask him?" All the students looked in the back of the room. He was surprised by this action.
"Umm... May, we'll miss the plane."
She nodded. "Does that answer your question? Well, students. I'm going to miss my plane. Thank you for your time." May grabbed her purse. When she walked off the stage, Drew grabbed her purse and they walked out.
A white escalade came into the driveway of a cottage covered in snow. The car stopped and Ash got out and opened the door on the other side. Misty walked out. The first thing they seen was a police officer.
"Here you must be the ones staying here?"
"Yes. I'm Ash and this is my wife, Misty."
"I'm Kenny. Nice meeting you both."
"You too." Misty said.
"So, you're the officer of these parts." Ash asked.
"Yeah. Here is your key. I'll be down at the bottom of the mountain if you need me. I thought there was more of you."
"Yeah," Misty said. "There is more. They haven't come yet."
"Oh. Good. Just a heads up There's going ot be a storm coming in tonight."
"Don't worry it's should be over by morning."
"Oh great."
"So I'll see you around." Kenny said.
"Bye," Misty and Ash said.
"He seems nice." Misty said.
"Yeah, sure."
Ash was downstairs. He set at the living room table 2 candles and 2 wine glasses and a bottle of shampane. "Misty Can you come down here?" He walked upstairs into there room. There was Misty... asleep. Her work was scaddered all around the bed. Ash sighed. He sat down next to her and kissed her forehead. He held her tightly. Then her cell phone rang. It was Melissa.
"Hey Melissa... No. She's sleeping. Please don't call back. We're on vacation... Just don't call back... Bye." he hung up the phone.
Just then the door bell rung...
Ash went downstairs and opened the door.
"Hey Grasshead." Ash said like he was 4 years old and pointed.
"Ha very funny, Ash." Drew said and shook Drew's hand. (a/n: what ever you wanna call it.)
"Hey, May." then he hugged May.
"Hi, Ash. Where's Misty?"
"Sleeping and working."
"Oh that's no good." May walked up the stairs. "Misty... If you're not up by the time I get there I'm jumping on the bed." she screamed. May walked into the room. She cleared the stuff on the bed and jumped.
"Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bacey! Green Eggs and Ham! I like green eggs and ham! Elmo's world!! Da da da da... Da da da da Elmo's world!!" Misty groaned and put the pillow over her head. "Still not awake, huh... Wonder Pets Wonder Pets!! We're on our way... to help a baby bird and save the day!! We're not-"
"I'm awake. I'm awake. You're still as annoying as when we were roomates."
"That's me, May Larue at your service." May saluted.
"So who in your company is rebuilding Battle Frontier stadium."
"That would be yours truely."
"Awesome, man. All of us are living our dream since college." Ash said as they both sat down across from each other.
"Like you Mr. Petatrician. Last time when we were in college you said you'd have at least 2 kids right now."
"What about you? You said you'd have 4... Oh, sorry."
"That's ok. Don't worry about it we're on vacation. That's a thing of the past now."
Then the doorbell rang again. They both went to answer then door and just then the ladies came downstairs.
"Sara. Mike." They greeted each other once again. All the girls went upstairs knowing that the last person wouldn't be there for a while.
"So, Mike, how's your barber's shop?"
"Everything thing's gotten better since I got there. You know what I'm sayin'." They all laughed. "Yeah we know what you're sayin'."
"So what's up girl?" Misty said to Sara. "Long time no see."
"Nothing. The same old babymoma drama." she said.
"Did you talk to Mike about it?"
"I did. The part is she's talking about me to Terra."
"Did you tell Mike to talk to her?"
"Yeah he didn't do it."
"How do you know?" May asked.
"Everytime he lies he says 'know what I'm sayin'."
Downstairs Outside...
Since there was a storm coming in they thought they's get extra wood together just in case. Mike and Ash were chping wood while Drew was cuting down trees. (a/n: how else would they get the wood?)
"So what's really up with you?" Ash said as he chopped the wood.
He looked around Ash looked at him like he was crazy.
"Don't worry the ladies are upstairs talking about 'who knows what.'"
"Good. I think Tess is having a baby."
"That's what I said. But the baby is not mine but then she got the test and said it was."
"When did you sleep with her?"
"A long time ago. I don't know." Ash lifted up and another piece of wood.
"You know what I should throw this wood right in your face." Just then a cab came in. Just then a purpled haired guy came out with a blonde girl. Then rew came out of nowhere with more logs and wood.
"Is that Dawn?" Ash asked. Then the doors opened. It was the women. They came outside knowing it wasn't Dawn.
"Hi." they all said at the same time. Nothing was said.
"Hello," he said, "Oh this is Liz. She thought since there was another room she could stay here. Liz this is Ash, Mike, Drew and May, Misty and Sara."
"OK," Sara spoke up with an attitudewithout saying hi or nice to meet you. "Who the hell is this and she's gonna need to pay some of this too. Plus where the hell is Dawn, your wife?"
"This is one of Dawn's friends."
"Speaking of Dawn..." May said calmly. "WHERE IS SHE?" she screamed.
"She drove."
Do you like it so far? I hope you do. I'm starting the next chapter immediately. Please review. Please. Please. Please.