A Rated R Love Affair

A/N: Okay, sorry it took me so long. I was gonna update and then school started and what not. This chapter had been sitting here waiting for you guys, so here it is. I hope you enjoy it! ;) (P.S-it's still Tuesday, April 8th from last chapter.)


Chapter Four: More Guy Problems

-Alicia's P.OV-

"Looks can be deceiving."

I turned and walked from Adam before he could even say a word. I could feel his eyes on me and I couldn't help a smile and feel just a bit happy. Putting in contacts seemed to have taken a toll on him after all. A little harmless flirting didn't really make a difference, did it?

"Somebody's looking really happy…"

I turned to see Michelle McCool coming out of the women's locker room, smiling at me. Michelle was one of the few superstars I actually talked and got along with other than Mickie.

"What's gotten you in a good mood today?" she asked as she caught up with me.

"Oh…nothing," I lied hastily. "I'm just having a good day."

Michelle did not fall for my lie one bit. She looked behind me, raising her eyebrows considerably before turning to me with a smirk. "Maybe a certain Rated R Superstar has something to do with this?"

Damn Edge, I'm not that good looking I thought as I avoided my eyes from Michelle, unintentionally confirming her suspicions. He must've still been standing there like an idiot, looking after me. Or was I too obvious on how I felt?

"Nice target," Michelle complimented me. "Now all you have to do is take aim and hit the bulls-eye, if you catch my drift."

"I can't do that" I spoke up quickly. "He's Vickie's boyfriend and-"

"Doesn't seem to pay a lot of attention to her lately," Michelle interrupted as our pace slowed down the hallway. "You should've seen the way he was looking at you, Alicia. And come on, from all those three way phone calls you, Mickie and I had, it's obvious he likes you."

"I don't think so," I told her. "I think I'm just the one with a super big crush. He'd never like someone like me…" I added hopelessly.

Michelle abruptly stopped walking to cross in front of me. She grabbed my shoulders and began shaking the living daylights out of me. "Earth to Alicia! You really need a boy-o-meter!"

"Boy-o-meter?" I repeated in confusion, holding my head as I felt slightly dizzy from the shaking.

Michelle nodded. "Even Khali could figure this one out," she told me firmly. "Since you don't believe me, I have a little plan that'll definitely tell you if he likes you."

And from the way she was smiling, I knew this plan was gonna be way outside my comfort zone.


Turned out the plan was worse than I expected.

"Michelle, I don't think I can do this…"

"Sure you can. I checked and he is the only one getting ready in the locker room right now. Just remember what I told you, play innocent. Guys always fall for that."


"Just go!"

With that being said, she shoved me straight into the men's locker room. I cringed, ready to see the sighed of half-naked men walking around, only to discover that Adam was patting his face dry in front of his locker. Just like Michelle said, nobody was in here. He didn't seem to notice anyone had come in, so I cleared my throat a little to get his attention. A soon as he locked eyes with me, my heart jumped straight into my throat.

"Alicia?" he was surprised. A small grin came to his face as he put his towel away. "What are you doing here? You're lucky it's just me."

Ignoring my nervousness as much as I could, I managed to give him a sweet little smile. "I know. I just wanted to wish you luck before you went out there." Not bad, Alicia…your voice was a little shaky, but not bad…

"Oh. Well, thanks." He sighed heavily as he sank on the bench, running a hand through his hair. It was then that I noticed that he was in his wrestling gear. My eyes couldn't help but drift from his handsome face and down to his prized abs, my mouth nearly drooling at his torso's chiseled features. Snap out of it, Alicia! Stick to the 'effin plan and not his abs! I snapped out of my fantasy just in time to see Edge look up at me. I tilted my head to the side, my hip going slightly the same way as I placed a hand on it. "You seem stressed."

"I am," he said, his eyes moving away from me to look at the wall behind me. "Title reigns are so damn hard, especially when you have all these people ready to take a shot at you. If feels like all the spotlight is on you, ya know? I swear I love it to death, but at the same time it's a burden."

I felt guilty when he told me this, and I decided to do help him out. "Well, I just so happen to give great shoulder massages. If it'll help, I'll give you one."

"I definitely need one of those." If I wasn't mistaken, he looked a little too eager at the idea. Was Michelle right? The thought of her being correct made me nervous, and I tried not to let it show as I walked behind the Rated R Superstar and laid my tiny hands on his massive shoulders. I could feel him relax a bit as I began my work. Of course this wasn't part of the plan, but I figured since he had what he just told me on his mind, a massage would help him out.

From me towering over him, I could see that his eye were closed, and that he was enjoying my massage, letting out a low grunt or moan here and there. It was almost amazing how many knots and kinks he had around his shoulders, almost as if he was a naturally stressful person. "You need to relax more."

"Yeah," he replied. As my hands drifted toward the middle of his back, he released a moan that made my mind drift to other things. "God this feels good," he muttered."

"Does it?" I asked, playing the role of the "innocent" girl. "I guess that means I'm doing my job then."

"Mmm hmm." Seeing him soften like this was actually kind of fun to me at this point. Compared to when I first walked in, I no longer found myself nervous or shy, but actually eager to finish the master plan. I leaned over until my ips were right next to his ear, and in a soft voice I said, "How's this?"

The look he had on his face was priceless. "Perfect," he said almost breathlessly. "Go to the right some more. Now up a little bit…yeah right there…shit…" he groaned. "Alicia…"

Stifling a laugh at his less than innocent sounds, I stopped my massaging after a couple more minutes, circling around to face his front again. "Did that help?"

Adam nodded, looking genuinely pleased. "Where'd you learn to massage like that?"

"My mom," I admitted. "She's a massage therapist so she taught me a few things."

Adam looked impressed. "She taught you well then." He rolled his shoulders and head a couple times. "Thanks."

I shrugged. "No problem. If you need any more, then I'll be glad to help you out again. Your match is about to start soon so you should get going."

"I am," Adam said, and he suddenly looked uncomfortable. "Erm…I just need a moment or two by myself."

It was then that I notice the towel that had been sitting a few inches away from him during the massage was now in his lap. I nodded, pretending not to notice as I walked out of the locker room, a smile hitting my face as soon as I aw Michelle a few feet away. She swarmed me like a pack of bees, demanding to know what happened. I told her every detail, from his wandering mouth during the massage to the little small talk I had with him.

"…and then, I looked down and the towel was in his lap," I finished.

Michelle's mouth dropped open. "Wow. You actually turned him on." She grinned at me. "Now do you believe me?"

"Michelle, I think any girl could do that to Edge," I told her evasively, trying to avoid the truth I already realized.

Michelle groaned, rolling her eyes. "Give it up, girl. He has the hots for you, and you know it."

"Who has the hots for who?"

I turned to see a tall, light skinned man with cornrows approaching us. His eyes were particularly on me as he came closer.

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Nothing that concerns you, Porter."

"Well geez Michelle, what got your panties in a bunch?" MVP's eyes drifted over to me. "And who is this chocolate queen of beauty?"

"That's Alicia," Michelle introduced. "She works backstage, making sure are butts are wiped, basically. Alicia, this is the most annoying guy on the planet."

I giggled as I shook MVP's outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you, erm…"

"Montel," he told me, giving me a rather cute smile. "I'm gonna go prep for my match, but I'll be seeing you later, okay?"

I nodded, hardly able to speak a MVP finally let go of my hand, and after staring at me for a few more seconds, he turned and went his way.

Was it just me, or were more guys flirting with me by the second?


A/N: First Adam, then Randy, now MVP. Someone said in a review that Shelton should come in, and I considered that until I thought of MVP, who thinks he's literally the shit and seems more like that ladies man kind of guy. But anyway, if you loved it, then please review and tell me what you think! ;)