My Puppy Shiro

My Puppy Shiro

This story is for lazy flower

I've been wanting to do it for a while now but I've been to lazy

Toshirou opened his eyes. He was in some sort of cage. The last thing he remembered was going to talk to the 12th division captain about something or other. He glanced around himself. There wasn't much in the confined space. A small rug was placed on the ground, and there were a few rubber toys. He also noticed a few small dogs were huddled in the corner and were most likely sleeping. He walked a little closer for confirmation, and realized, he was walking on all fours. He looked down to see two little white paws supporting him up. 'I-I can't be… am I a-a DOG!? No, worse, I'm a PUPPY!' He tried to say bout it only came out in barks. Toshirou heard a bell ring and looked over to where the sound came from. He saw a fat lady who must have been rich for she was dressed in and dark purple dress that was showing a lot of cleavage, tiny purple pumps, a white faux fur jacket, and a tight necklace made of purls. Her lips were a disgusting red, and she wore way too much blue eye shadow. The woman walked over to the cage Toshirou was placed in. She took a good look at him and soon walked over to the counter where a man was working. She said a few words and pointed over to where he stood watching. The man nodded and walked over to his cage with a key in hand. He opened the stood between him and Toshirou, and took the puppy out. Toshirou did not like being held like he was. He was soon handed over to the lady and the two people walked back over to the counter. The woman pulled a check book out of her purse and wrote a whole bunch of crap with a purple pen. She handed the check to the man and walked out of the shop carrying Toshirou.

When him and the fat woman reached what he guessed was her home, he knew he was right, she was rich, she lived in a huge home, not quite a mansion, but still… it was big. The lady set him down and wondered off to do who knows what. Toshirou started walking in the opposite way, and found a bathroom. He jumped up onto the closed toilet, and then onto the counter. He stared at himself and couldn't believe his eyes. He was small. Very small, he still had the same eye color and the white hair he used to have had now turned to fur. He was very fluffy. 'How could this have happened?' He asked himself. 'Kurotsuchi-Taichou must have spilled something on me. But how the hell did I end up in the living world?' He wondered. "Oh Puppy!" Someone called. It must have been the fat lady who bought him. He didn't want to live here. 'I must do everything I can to get thrown onto the street.' He decided. For his new goal, He didn't go to the lady when she called him over and over; instead he jumped back onto the toilet and started biting at the toilet paper. Soon he had been able to unwind a few rolls of toilet paper and make the bathroom a mess. He stomped on tubes of toothpaste, and used his teeth to scribble things on the mirror with lipstick. He had completely trashed the bathroom. Speaking of trash, he had dumped the garbage on the floor as well. When he heard someone coming down the hall, he ran out of the bathroom in the opposite direction, making sure to have been seen leaving. When the fat lady took a look at what he had been doing in the bathroom, she screamed, quite loud.

Toshirou kept on running until he got to what he suspected to be her bedroom. He jumped from the stool and onto the bed. He ripped apart the pillows with his teeth and claws. He then tried to do the same with the blanket but only managed to mess it up. When he got off the bed, he went over to the closet and pounced on several dresses so they would fell down and he would chew them apart. He then went back into the room and clawed the carpet to death.(Too bad it was never living) He would have peed on the carpet too, but he didn't have to go and he had way too much pride for that. When again he heard someone coming he ran out. 'One more room and I'm done.' He told himself. He heard another scream but this one was way louder.

He eventually found the kitchen and started his destruction of it. He smashed mugs and other glass dishes to the floor, too bad for him he had stepped on a few pieces and had started bleeding. It wasn't all bad though, because no wherever he went there were bloody paw prints. He ran over to the fine china cabinet and smashed those too. He didn't get very far in destroying the kitchen because soon he felt hands around his stomach. He looked back to see the fat lady's face full of anger. Next thing he knew, he was in a box…on the street.

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Yuzu was on her way home from the grocery store when, in the corner of her eye she saw a cardboard box with a small white puppy inside. She gasped and walked over to the box. In black marker were the words if you are crazy enough to want this puppy, you can have him. Yuzu thought about this for a moment. She didn't want to just leave him there, but she was far to busy to take care of him. Then it hit her. Karin. Karin would be able to take care of him, she went on walks early in the morning, and late at night, she loved sports, so maybe she won't mind playing fetch, and she had all the time in the world to play with him. Yuzu smiled and picked Toshirou up from the box. Today was the best day this could have happened too! It was Karin and Yuzu's birthday, and Yuzu hadn't gotten Karin a present yet. This puppy would be perfect. She slid the grocery bags down to her elbows and carried Toshirou back to their home.

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"I'm home!" Yuzu called.

"Great, did you get the kiwi?" Karin asked as she walked into the room. "What is that?" She asked as she pointed to Toshirou.

"Happy Birthday Karin!" Yuzu sang as she held Toshirou out to her.

"You got me a puppy?" Karin asked.

"You don't want him?" Yuzu asked in her 'I'm about to cry' voice.

"No, it's not that, I was just surprised! I'll go name him now." Karin said as she grabbed Toshirou, set him on the floor and started walking to her room.

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Toshirou was surprised. What were the chances that someone he knew was going to be his owner? Because he recognized Karin as the girl he met 5 years ago, he decided that he wasn't going to tare this house apart. He might as well stay here until he finds out how to turn human again. He was so happy when Karin set him on the floor. Finally someone was going to let him walk on his own. He followed Karin to her room. When they got there, Karin closed the door behind him and sat on her bed. Toshirou wasn't able to get on without Karin's help because there wasn't a stool or a toilet for him to jump on first. Karin set Toshirou down on her bed so he was facing her. She stared at him for a while thinking of a name. "What the hell should I name you?" she asked herself. "Well, you kind of remind me of a guy I met 5 years ago. His name was Toshirou, so I'll call you Shiro." She said and ruffled the fur on the top of his head like she had done to him 5 years ago. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but my sister is having a stupid slumber party in my room, so you're going to have to endure several whinny girls trying to dress you up." Karin then stood up and put Toshirou on the floor. "I guess we should go but you some stuff, like dog food, toys, and doggy stairs so you can get on my bed by yourself. Karin walked to the door and they both exited her room. Karin told Yuzu she was leaving and she and Shiro walked down to the closest pet store.

When they entered, Karin found him a simple black and while collar with a matching leash. She chose the black and white set because Toshirou wore white and black when he was a shinigami, and she did name the puppy after him, so black and white just seemed to fit. She picked out a few chew toys that looked remarkably like hollows and a red rubber ball for fetch. They had the weirdest selections of food. There was shoe shaped pieces, puppy shaped pieces, watermelon shaped pieces, all sorts of stuff. She remembered Toshirou said something about watermelon being his favorite food, so that's the one she chose. Up until this point, Karin had been putting everything in a basket the store provided, but the doggy stairs surly wouldn't fit in the small basket. "Hey Kurosaki! What are you doing in here?" Someone asked from behind her. Karin turned around to see her friend Toujouin Heita.

"Hey Pinta. Yuzu got me a puppy for my birthday. What about you?" She asked.

"I'm out of fish food." He explained. He kneeled down to get a better look at Shiro. "What's his name?" Pinta asked her.

"Shiro." Karin told him. "Hey, do you think you could carry these doggy stairs home for me?" Karin asked as she pointed to where a bunch a doggy stairs stood.

"Sure." He said and picked one of them up. The two paid together and walked off to Karin's house.

Soo, what'd ja think?

Pinta isn't in there for any special reason, only to help Karin, so don't expect him to become important.

Alright, so Im gonna need some Japanese girls names

Im gonna use their friend from the manga, but a birthday party sleepover would suck with only one girl

So, if you could give me a few names that would be great

Thank you for reading