Hey everyone! I know! I know! I am four hours past monday. But I stayed up this long to write this for you! Here we are! The very last chapter of this story. It was very fun to write.
I really really liked writing this chapter.
The years have passed and my children have grown up perfectly in my eyes.
Kaleb is twenty two and following the footsteps of his father. He has just finished his Bachelors in Science at Seattle U. He has also been a counselor at Camp Pembina, which he has attended since he was seven.
Elizabeth is nineteen and is going into her second year at U of W for a degree in Architecture. Ever since she saw the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto Canada that we went to on a trip there six years ago, she has wanted to become an architect. Her Vaters has not stood in her way of anything. We have had almost no problems with it and she been able to lead a pretty normal life. She has managed to capture the heart of a man named Kevin much to Edward's dismay.
Nicholas is nineteen and is attending the University of Florida for a degree is Psychology. He spent a lot of time around Jasper when he was little and loved going to visit him at work. He is dating the daughter of Laura and Eric who attends the U of F with Nick named Anna.
Alex is our youngest son now. He is fourteen. He is your typical teenager; hangs out with friends, likes skateboarding, plays hockey like you wouldn't believe it. He plays for the AAA team here in Seattle. It hurts to go to one of his games, the way that they are thrown against the boards. Edward could handle that much better.
Alice and Jasper have had two more children. She now has Madelyn who is twenty, Breanna who is seventeen, and Eric who is fourteen. Eric also plays on the hockey tem with Alex and Rose and Emmett's son, Ryan.
Rose and Jasper now have Noah who is nineteen, Mackenzie who is sixteen, and Ryan who is fourteen.
Edward and I still live in the house on Peter Street. We never had any trouble with the fact we had four kids and only three bedrooms for them.
Nick and Kaleb shared Kaleb's bedroom once they became ten and eight. Elizabeth was still in her room until she was ten. At that point she opted for the basement bedroom. My guessing is because she did not want to share her bedroom with her four year old brother anymore. It didn't bother her to be on the floor below us. Alex had the bedroom that he once shared with Elizabeth. But as soon as Elizabeth left for university, Alex claimed her bedroom. When she came home for the first time for thanksgiving she was livid that her stuff had been moved, by Alex, back into their old room. Alex and Elizabeth argued that entire first day but soon but aside their differences and Elizabeth backed off.
Edward and I have been doing well. Edward is still working at the hospital and I am the editor in chief of New Moon Publishers.
"Mom I'm home!" Alex called coming into the house. He had been out in downtown at the new skate park they had there.
"Hi sweetie," I got up from the laptop. I was going over the latest chapter my biggest client, author Chelsea Hill, had sent me. I walked into the kitchen and found him already in the pantry looking for food. The boy was pure mussel with not an once of fat on him. He walked out of the pantry stuffing his face with Corn Pops.
"How was your day?" he asked me coming over to give me a hug.
"Excellent, well, until some child came into my house and started eating my food," I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Hey it's my food too," he said eating another handful of corn pops.
"What did you do today?" I asked him.
"Skateboarded, ate food, and more skateboarding," he smiled and set the cereal on the counter while he poured him self a drink.
"Have some water," I took the glass from him and swapped it for a water bottle.
"Water is disgusting."
"Water keeps you hydrated, and it is 32 degrees outside right now."
"It has no flavor."
"So you want to die of dehydration?"
"Then drink your water," I said. He sighed and took the water. After chugging it down in all of…ten seconds, he poured himself a glass of Root Beer.
"Go finish packing for camp, you leave for camp tomorrow," I shooed him off down the stairs.
I went back over to the computer and answered a few emails regarding book releases, book signings, and new chapters that were suppose to be either be sent to me or one of my colleagues and hadn't been yet.
The phone rang beside me on the table and I answered it.
"Hey mom," Nick's voice rang through the phone.
"Hi Nick, where are you guys?" I asked. Nick and Anna were on their way back from a friend's cottage down in California.
"Just entering Washington now."
"Okay. Do you guys know when you will be home?"
"Probably not till late. I'm going to drop Anna of at home first, and then I will be back."
"Okay. I'll see you later then, bye honey."
"Bye mom," Nick hung up and I went downstairs to make sure that Alex was packing.
"Alex what the hell are you doing!" I yelled once I reached his bedroom.
He hadn't heard me come down and I found him with his head set on playing Halo 3 on his Xbox 360.
"Talking to the guys about camp," he said nervously.
"Bull," I walked over to the TV and shut off the Xbox and TV screen.
"Aw come on mom!"
"No, you need to pack. Go do it before you don't see this game until next summer," I threatened. I really hated to be a mean mom but when my children don't listen they get to experience my temper. And I know for a fact that they did not like to come face to face with it.
"Yes mommy," he sighed and stood up from the floor. I gave him a hug and kissed the top of his head.
"Love you sweetie."
"Love you too mom."
After I was sure that he was actually packing I went upstairs and finished editing the last half of the new chapter. I was pulled out of my daze when I felt two big hands on my shoulders.
"Hello love," he bent down and kissed my cheek.
"Hi Edward," I stood up and gave him a kiss. The phone rang but Alex got it before we could.
"How was your day?" he rubbed his hands up and down my back.
"Very good thank you, how was yours?" I asked smiling.
"Not very busy, the worst was that one girl had managed to put the back of her figure skate into her knee."
"Ouch," I bit my lip.
"Well she said she couldn't even feel it."
"I'm glad you're home now," I smiled and kissed him.
"Mom, Libby- oh gross, eww, my eyes are burned, their making out sis," he said into the phone. Edward turned around and grabbed the phone while pulling his son in for a hug, holding him there he began to talk to her.
"Hi princess," he smiled as he talked to his daughter. Alex struggled against Edward's hold but he couldn't escape. I rolled my eyes at the word 'princess'. Libby had Edward wrapped around her finger. He gave her everything she ever wanted; he was very overprotective of her. In his eyes, no guy would ever be good enough for her. Kaleb and Nick were both overprotective of her also. Alex was just waiting for the day he could sit down with her boyfriend and show him embarrassing baby photos.
I knew that in Edward's eyes something was wrong. Alex had slipped from his grasp and Edward grabbed the top of the counter.
Walking over to them I took the phone from Edward and he wrapped an arm around me, relaxing instantly.
"Hi honey, what has your father looking like he wants to kill someone?"
"I told him that I had met a guy, his name is Josh, he wants to be an architect like I do, and we've been kind of seeing eachother for the past month."
"Oh Libby, that's wonderful!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks mom," I could hear the smile in her voice that I had approved of her relationship.
"So, when do I get to meet him?" Edward was pinching the bridge of his nose and I smacked the top of his head before walking into the living room.
"He's going to come back to our house after we all get back from Edmonton," she said. Libby, this boy named Josh, and a few other friends took a road trip up to Edmonton, Alberta for a shopping trip.
"We'll be waiting," I said.
"Okay. Well I gotta go now mom, were going to watch a movie at Silver City," she said quickly. Silver City is the movie theatre that has a whole floor to it self, there is a dragon that breath's fire every fifteen minutes. I remember when we took the kids there. Kaleb was twelve, the twins were nine, and Alex was four, the dragon sent Libby and Alex into tears. I had to bring them outside the main area every time it went on.
"Don't be afraid of the dragon," I laughed.
"Haha, very funny. Bye Mom. Love you."
"Love you too," I hung up and went back over to Edward.
"She has a boyfriend," he mumbled.
"Yes," I replied while running my hands through his hair.
"I don't like it."
"It's not your choice Edward, she is nineteen, let her live her life," I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"But she's so young," he tucked my head under his chin.
"You have to let go of her sometime," I rubbed his back.
"Not yet," he sighed.
"Edward, you don't have to let go of her completely. Just let her have a little more space," I pulled back and looked into his eyes.
"I'll try," he kissed me.
"That's all I'm asking," I kissed him.
The phone rang again and I sighed.
"Aren't we popular tonight?" Edward laughed.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey mom it's Kaleb!" he said with a big hint of happiness in his voice.
"Hi Kaleb," I smiled at his happiness, "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Why?" he asked.
"You seem very happy," I hedged.
"Well, I met this girl."
"Yeah, anyways, her name is Andrea; she is a counselor here at camp. Her parents are Catherine and James," he explained happily.
"Is that so?" I asked amused. "And why is this girl suddenly so significant?"
"Well, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. She's really cool mom. I really like her. A lot. She's got brown curly hair and green eyes."
"She sounds wonderful. I have met her before. You have also, you very young though, you both were only about a year at the time."
"Sweet," I could hear the excitement evident in his voice.
"Take her out along the path with pink markers, and then go onto the path with orange markers once the pink ends. This will lead you to a small meadow right by the ocean. It's beautiful there. That's where your father proposed to me."
"I will mom thanks," he smiled.
"Bye honey. I love you. We will be up tomorrow to bring Alex for teen camp. I would like to meet Andrea then."
"Will do mom. Love you too."
And with that we both hung up.
"What was that about?" Edward asked.
"It seems our son is following in our footsteps. Literally."
"That's the one relationship I'm good with then."
I just shook my head and laughed at him. It's just like that quote Esme had told me so many years ago.
Families are like fudge…mostly sweet…with a few nuts
There we are.
I want to say thank you to everyone who reviwed, favorited, story alerted, and read. It means so much to me that a story by me could get so many hits. I truly am thankful for all your support. The thing that kept me writing was all your reivews. I read each and every one of them. Thank you so much for reading my story.
Here are some stories to check out:
-Boycotts and Barflies (if you havent already :P)
-Ready Made Family
-The four part series by muggleinlove called: Camp Wilderness, Learning to Live, Lessons in Life and Building a Family
-My not so simple life
-Little Pink Envelope (I am addicted to this story. Everytime she updates I start smiling like a four year old with a Lollypop)
-When we were young
Go to my favorite stories list for those and a bunch more!
Thank you again for your support. I truly did not expect it.