Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the last air bender… it would be nice though ha-ha.
Ohhkay.. So here's how I picture it. Zuko tried to hunt the avatar but failed. Katara is a southern water tribe princess that had gone with the avatar and had fought along against Zuko. But now Zuko has returned home giving up on the avatar, and his father died and he is the fire lord now who has to have an arranged marriage at the age of 18 with a princess. That's when the southern water tribe sends Katara to him as a peace treaty and a bride of the age of 16…
At the Water Nation
"No!" Katara scream echoed off the walls.
"Yes! You have to marry the new come Fire Lord." Her father shouted back at her.
"I won't do it." Katara crossed her arm's angrily.
"You have no choice. You are at the marrying age, and they accepted our offer in order to cause peace." Katara's father lowered his gaze at her. "I know you don't want to, but imagine the honor it will bring you."
"I don't want the honor." Katara turned away.
"Well, like I said before you have no choice. I know this is hard, but you have to do it to save all of us." Katara felt her fathers hand on her shoulder.
"When is it?"
"In a week."
Katara's eyes shot wide open. "A week!"
"I know. They just want it done as soon as possible. We will leave on a ship in four days and when we arrive there we will have dinner with the family, and then prepare for the wedding the next day."
"Will I live there?" Katara's voice was felt up with sadness.
Her father nodded hugging her.
At the Fire Nation
"You know you could act a little more excited about this." Uncle told Zuko while sipping on a hot cup of tea.
Zuko sighed. "I could, but I'm not."
"What's bothering you? You're about to be married to a gorgeous young lady and make peace between the nations." Uncle heated his tea up a bit more.
"Well.. I'm a bit nervous." Zuko stared up at a corner.
Uncle chucked. "That's perfectly normal Zuko."
"No.. I mean, the last time I saw her I betrayed her." Zuko flashed back to the memory of Katara about to heal his scar. She had started to trust him and he crushed that trust. Shortly after cave incident he was welcomed back to the fire nation. He was out of exile.
"Everybody makes mistakes." Uncle took a sip of his tea, "It just takes a man to own up and correct his mistakes."
"Yeah… but I don't want this marriage. You're just forcing two people who can't stand each other together." Flames appeared in Zuko's hand and he through one at the air. "It's just not fair."
"Now now, calm down." Uncle reached for a flower, "Take the national fire Lilly, it starts off as something terrible and withered, but eventually with time, blossoms into something beautiful and full of life."
Zuko grabbed the flower and lit it on fire. "Yeah, whatever." He mumbled.
On The Ship Carrying The Awaiting Bride.
Katara stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had her hair pinned up in a high bun with a cascade of curls that draped from it. Her dress was simple yet beautiful. She was wearing a blue dress that the straps hung on her arms. It came to a low V cut. Her blue necklace was around her neck as usual.
In a matter of moments she would meet with Zuko and his family. Her stomach churned thinking about it. Would Zuko treat her kindly? Or would he stab her in the back like he did before.
A knock sounded on the door. Katara swiftly stood up, adjusting her dress and checking in the mirror one last time.
Her brother Sokka came in, "Wow! Katara you look beautiful."
Katara blushed looking down at the ground. "Thank you. You look handsome too."
"Well, you know me. The handsome, strong, warrior I am." Sokka smiled at him self.
Katara rolled her eyes.
"Is it time?" She asked.
"Yeah. If you ask me.. I'm ready for this dinner. I'm starved." Sokka rubbed his stomach.
"Tell me something new!" Katara laughed.
Sokka took his sister's arm and escorted her to the deck of the ship. They were know docked on the land. They walked to meet an elderly guy.
He bowed. "My name is Iroh, but Katara you can soon call me Uncle." He smiled at her.
Katara bowed towards him also. "Pleased to meet you."
Iroh took Katara's arm, "I will be leading you to Zuko, and your brother and father will be later lead to meet up with the family at dinner."
Katara looked back at her brother and forced a smile on her face. She couldn't believe this was really happening.
"You look beautiful Princess Katara. Zuko will die when he lays his eyes on you." Iroh smiled warmly at her.
I wish. Katara thought in her mind. It almost made her giggle thinking about the thought of Zuko just falling over when he saw her.
"Thank you." Katara smiled.
Iroh lead her into a huge room. It was draped with red and gold material on the walls. Katara placed her eyes on a guy dressed in traditional fire nation clothes. He turned and looked Katara up and down.
Bowing Zuko began, "It's a pleasure to see you again Katara."
Katara looked at Zuko. He had kept his shaggy hair like he had last time she saw him. She was sort of glad about that. It did look pleasing on him.
Katara bowed too. "Yeah tell me-- I mean pleasures mine."
"Well, it sure is nice to see you two getting along." Iroh stated smiling. "I'm going to go check on the other guest, and let you guys catch up."
Once Iroh walked away the room was silent.
"Soo…" Zuko said trying to fill up the silence.
"So don't talk to me." Katara snapped at him.
"Why are you angry?" Zuko asked hastily.
"Oh. Would you like me to refresh your memory or did you forget?" Katara crossed her arms shifting her weight to one leg.
Zuko looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry. You have to understand the situation I was in."
"No. I perfectly understand." Katara glared at him, "You just wanted to help yourself. I get it."
Zuko put his hand on Katara's arm, "No, it wasn't like that."
"How about you save it. Because I don't care anymore." Katara stared at him.
Zuko took another step towards her. "I told you, I'm sorry."
At that moment Uncle walked in, taking in the sight smiling. "I'm sorry to interrupt but we are ready for dinner."
Zuko nodded.
"Thank you." Katara smiled at Uncle.
Zuko took Katara's arm and lead her to the dinning area. A small growl came from her being annoyed.
Please Review the story for me… : I'm new at this whole thing haha. Thanks. Second Chapter coming soon!